belly fire I left the house with the windows down, thinking I could have mistaken today for a spring day, the air was so cool. What a nice surprise.
At Walmart, I stood at the Print-Your-Own -Photos kiosk (my new favourite thing), and poured through my photos.
Without warning, I came across some old ones - from a sunny day spent together at Sportsworld. What made us decide on arcade games and mini-golf that day?
We looked so happy in those pictures.
Wow, I thought I had gotten rid of everything...and there you were, on my memory stick.
belly fire Sportsworld is gone now...and so are you.
grendel i only ever go there when the confluence of its nearness and cheapness leave me little other choice.

The other shoppers all strike me, generally as cow-eyed and vacant, drifting through the aisles in some profound stupor while their unsupervised children careen and carom about the store, knocking into things haphazardly

it makes me feel like the protagonist in a zombie movie
jane story of my life, O. 080812
cr0wl well said, bird... i call them potato people...but does that make me one? 080812
birdmad i think if you are aware of them, you are not one of them. I try to move through the store as quickly as possible when i am there, go in, get what i need ASAP and get head to the eternity that is the checkout line (of which there never seem to be more then 4 open in a store with 30) 080813
linkage 091001
what's it to you?
who go