megan for my english class, our topic for a research paper was "how you would make the world a better place". i chose blather as my topic.
if you have any words on this subject, how it has changed your life in some way, or how it could. please leave me your name and information also. thank you so much!
x are you in the fourth grade? 030303
ham son and deli law blather_club

minnesota_chris blather has come close to adding to my life, but thus far, it has not. 030303
megan i am in the 10th grade.
please help me people, i really want this to be my topic...
Freak its an outlet 030303
girl_jane I'd like to help, but I'm not sure how much blather has helped me. The writing is what helps me, and I can do that anywhere. I find comfort in the blue pages, though.

Perhaps, instead of blather, you could choose communication as the topic and use blather as an example.
megan thank you so much girl_jane!! that's a very good idea. please still write though, because blather will be a very big example :) 030303
sabbie it gives me a place to put my thoughts
that isnt just a book moldering in a bottom drawer somewhere.

it gives me a place to share my thoughts, and i like the fact that i will never know if anyone reads them or not.

in fact, once posted, i forget that other people will prolly stumble across what i have written.

so really, it gives me a place to leave my thoughts, so i can go back to them at another stage if i want
or leave them to hang on in silence.

it has introduced me to new ways of thinking, by reading the thoughts of individuals that i would never have the opitnity to meet any other way.

it is kind of back handed communication. not-quite discussing things with shadows-of-people who i will only ever know their chosen name, their chosen words, which makes it a much freer communication at the same time as it is a highly structured one.

it is an experence all of it's own
x i am someone who's been ruled by fear of criticism in their life, and i think i was drawn to blather because of this. i have lots to say. on the other hand, it's also revealed to me that i was prone to criticising others for their words. (it's said that you dislike qualities in other people that you find in yourself) so it's helped me to grow in those two ways.

also, it's exposed me to a diverse group of people. this has helped me gain perspective about life. the interesting thing is that i have the choice to block it out. /when i lived in a co-op the most i could do was leave the house...i couldn't make the people dissapear/

oh and i didn't mean to be disparaging earlier. this is something my 4th grade class is writing about.
girl_jane x- I'd be interested to know what some of their ideas were. It interests me how complicated things become with age... Everything works in theory.

Most likely many of their ideas *should* work, but they really couldn't because adults like twist them and find ways to *purposely* keep things fucked. The sad thing is, your students will realize this as they get older, so they'll quit having ideas, and just give up.
lost i would kill everyone. then the world would be a better place. 030304
User24 megan check out dh0001 for a look further into what blather is

you maky want to bug Dafremen, black_dyed_gel_product klarchen and a few others, they know blather better than most.
di luce Blather is an uncensored, unrestricted, spontaneous and utterly honest collection of thoughts and emotions from the fringe of American youth. It is raw communcation. My mind's cake. 030304
phil don't ever complain about blather 030304
di luce That was not a complaint... 030304
solitary Besides the reasons already listed, it lets me eavesdrop legally on those I know in real life. 030304
Alvarny Putting your thoughts onto blather is like life, once your thoughts are out in words on the page, you can no longer take them out, they will be out there for almost forever.

And penning down your thoughts onto the screen somehow blocks out the rest of the world, for that brief moment of concentration.

The wonderful thing about blather is that the general public has kept malicious criticism to a bare minimum. It is wonderful to have a place where the value of dialogue can be realized.
ever dumbening something to consider:

i wonder if the intimacy and mystery that make blather what it is would/will be compromised by trumpeting its virtue to larger numbers of people (rather than allowing the normal path of quirky discovery) in the hopes of making the world, and by extension their lives, better.
kss I think you should have chose whiskey as your topic. 030305
User24 an interesting point, dumbenening, but I don't think megan's coursework is going to reach out to a significantly large number of people to bloat blather.

(not saying anything bad about your coursework, luv, just a statement of fact)

In fact, I'd be interested to see the coursework when it's done, maybe you could post it on blather.
ClairE Looking back to ever dumbening's statement, I think a lot of us probably feel that having a large volume of visitors would make a difference in the experience of blather: quality or otherwise.

But why is this? We all stumbled upon blather or were told about it by someone we knew...why does it matter how many people stumble upon it at a time?

Do you think that blatherers have something in common that non-blatherers don't? If you do discern a difference, do you think it comes solely from the experience of blather, or does it just take a certain kind of person to appreciate/fully experience blather?

Or are we just plain elitist when it comes to blather?
sabbie i have noticed that most of blatherers who are elitist about blather are those who havent been here so long.

and they hold a "we can play but no one else can".

look around you. blather is not a phone booth that is now filled to capacity.

take some advice
let others share your precious shiney thing.
cos there are other people out there with thoughts to share
and lives to touch
cube I was worried that little sister ClairE had left us for good. It's a pleasure to realize your new level of maturity.

Sabbie is right. What's it worth to have a pretty stone if no one is with you to see it? Anyway, this place thrives on new blood...
meowr? If blather was truly good, then drink, ah.. mouth watering refreshing *PEPSI*, makes your teeth feel sticky and gives you gas, bad breath, and a sleeping disorder. AHHH! obey the real shocking twist put in your head for a different tasting nude generation in soft drink. 030305
megan thank you so much everyone for posting! now if you have any ideas for me (that you wouldn't mind me using on my paper) please post... again, my topic is how communication (specifically blather) can make the world better. 030306
DannyH Blather makes the world a better place because it is a better place. 030307
cube Megan;

"Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which [people] communicate than by the content of the communication."
Attribution: Marshall McLuhan

I think that this place is a prime example of that concept...
x are you going to give the link to your class? to your teacher? 030307
..... blather is just a way for everyone on here to have intellectual intercourse... it's healthy, fun and every now and then... orgasmic... 030308
minnesota_chris more like masturbating to bad porn 030308
sabbie "He was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear. But so long as he uttered it, in some obscure way the continuity was not broken. It was not by making yourself heard but by staying sane that you carried on the human heritage. "

george orwell, 1984.
-anonymous guy jacking off to bad porn
. ... 030309
megan ok, now just in the way of communcation, how can this make the world better? 030310
cube Just playing devil's advocate here but, it might just be that communication through this (blather) medium can in no way improve the world. Nobody here can be held accountable for their ideas because everybody is hiding behind the mask of anonymity. Who of any of us can be trusted?
tildan Blather is a little like the beach. We don't want no strangers ruining our paradise... and that kinda comes close to ruining it, at times.

One think thats kinda special about blather is that you can never miss out on something because you weren't around at the time. Blather conversations take place over a weird time-frame; its impossible to be too late.
girl_jane Why should any of us not be trusted? 030310
cube How can anybody hiding behind a mask be trusted? Do you know how to trust somebody without being able to see into their soul? I can't...
this is me now a mask is for your face. the soul can be read with your eyes closed. sight isnt necesarrily necessary 030310
girl_jane I have no mask. 030310
cube Please remember that I am just acting as the devil's advocate here. The intent is only to stir controversy as fuel for Megan's project. I believe I can deduce intent through the written word as well as most. I just wouldn't bet_the_farm on it.

The mask is a metaphor for anonymity. Unless your real name is girl_jane, I contend that you are indeed hiding (as are we all). Isn't that half the fun of this place - speaking your peace with no consequences?

Which begs the question, if what we say here is of no consiquence, of what true value is it?
this is me now i think part of the fun is also the thought that people who read our blathes are wondering who we are. getting a picture of someone in their heads. we can recreat ourselves endlessly 030311
megan my paper's coming along, now i need everyone to anwer this question?
why would blather NOT be a good idea to change the world?
megan di luce--- please let me know your
ever dumbening blather cannot prepare a hoagie, nor rotate tires. bad, blather, bad. 030315
Aimee because it only represents a small demographic of the world. If it were to expand, the actual nature of blather could be lost. Besides, most of the things stated on blather are nothing be pure crap and/or bullshit. yes debates come up, and fights do happen, poetry is created, and friendships are formed, but alot of it is just people venting, being silly and just writing crap, and there's nothing wrong with that... 030315
so fucking lost nothing is going to change the world.
its just going to keep going
getting worse and worse

and theres not a fucking thing anyone can do about it.

those who want change dont have the power.
those who have the power dont want change.

sleep well, if you can
kragen I'm doing a paper on the blueness of blather. I'm trying to find out if God made it that way or not. Please send me your comments so I can stick them in the right places. 030317
god we need a holographic oak ridge boys stat! 030318
pipedream hm. blather's where i can pop off all the odd little thoughts that wander into my brain and not have to explain 'where that came from'.
blather's also the place where i can vent the affinity with words i've always had...nobody had to tell me about alliteration or oneamatopia, i KNEW about them- all they did was give my a word to express why 'look' has always been the best way to describe the action or frog is terribly apt and froggy and ribbit-ribbit...i don't even remember learning how to read, i just came home one day and read out the whole of 'funny fingers, funny toes' to my rather surprised mother.
ShnizelCheese I discovered Blather by pure chance... a Fluke and im glad i have so much to say about all the amazing topics and endless words that can be elaborated on.

Its a platform for people to say what they want and almost find comfort that someone will be reading it and understand how they feel... or provide some critical remark which is constructive in its own way.

put an idea out.... let people know.... your the best person youve ever met. i promise...

Someone Wrote once "Sofly the leaves of memories will fall, Slowly i will pick and gather them all because today, tommorow and till my life is through we'll always cherish the people we knew"
sylphide Blather provides a universe of emotions from perspectives of intelligent, illuminant and insightful anons.
A glistening opporunity to dabble in a world where I can be percieved however, and as whomever I choose.
User24 the reason that blather is a bad thing is that words cannot create or destroy, merely sway, that is to say, those who have the most eloquence, also have the most power, ie; even if I had the best idea in the world, if cannot convey it in a manner that all can understand, it is useless.

The main problem with blather is it's usability, someone once said that while you can use google to search blather, it cannot tell you where the best poetry is, or where your favorite blatherskite is right now; blather is great for personal exploration, but as far as groups are concerned, it is a battlefield of opinion - on blather, there is nothing to distinguish who I am, and what right I have to speak my truth, blather is dangerous to closed minds, as my opinion may be taken as just as valid as someone else's, where in fact, I may deserve more, or less attention than anyone else. Of course, you could say that that's the beauty of blather, looking at my superficial, and 'real' self, blatherskite 'x' wouldn't give me a second look, but on blather we are all equal.

if you like pop music and dress fashionable, I would not normally concern myself with you, as it is, I've met people from more cultures than I could count, without even knowing it - I only learnt today that cube is from canada, but I've spoken with him many times; I only realised Toxic Kisses was female after a few weeks of chatting with her.

The great thing about blather is that it allows no pre-conception - seeing my name 'user24' gives nothing about myself away, hence, I am judged on my mind, not my personal tastes. if my name were "slayerfan457" or "dopesmoker2003", you might not take my opinion as seriously, even though those names would be apt.

(sorry about repeating myself a few times there, just another of the inadequacies of words)
User24 Of course, don't get me wrong, I love blather a lot, It was simply asked what the faults with it were, so I answered. 030401
megan thank you user24
you are truely amazing :-)
phil words can brighten up your day. 030402
phil united states emergency room #24
I just have to say I think blather crops out most people.
User24 thanks megan! I may well work on a longer discussion of blather tonight (warning: I will be stoned, so I can't vouch for the quality) 030403
User24 I didn't, but will do soon. 030408
User24 phil: vot you mean? 030416
Dafremen User24,

By your own definition you are powerful here.
For THAT was truly eloquent.

: )

god alligator lizards in the air? 030417
phil Few people have internet, fewer still have ever found this place and submitted or read a few entries. And out of those few, who knows? 030417
User24 thanks, dafremen. 030622
Ubiquitous Flattery Thank you for sharing yourselves here, everyone! Every blathier on this page gets an A+! Hooray! 061011
what's it to you?
who go