bijou the way that a boy looks when he wakes up in the morning.
too much.
rumpled, wrinkled, dopey-eyed.
bad breath.
shy smile.
i love it when they are barely awake.
witchesrequiem Screw you...Marshall
it's not even your birth name...

You never looked sweet when you woke up...
Hell men are only innocent when they are sleeping...
minnesota_chris I've never met a hell man. 040521
the ungreat To pull a marshall is to fall in love with some one, tell that person the most wonderful things about themselves, while telling them not to get attached, sleep with them, regret it, and then break up leaving the other person devastated and without a clue as to where to go. leaving the other person devoid of hope and emotion. 070806
lux small dick 070806
the ungreat and now i hate you 070809
the ungreat ok so maybe i dont hate you any more since i talked to my favorite fags. since they told me it seemed like you actually cared and thats why you broke up with me. thats all i really needed to know was that you werent faking it the whole time. and now i have closure. 070916
what's it to you?
who go