. blatantly copied from www.everything2.com, a post by geburah

This is the archetype of true womanhood. It has nothing to do with femininity as it is sold to us by our culture; that is a commercial construct of artifice, propaganda and lies, little more than learned helplessness combined with self-hatred and a desperate hunger for attention. The rampaging wenchbeast has no time for such bullshit. She demonstrates that competence is infinitely sexier than helplessness, and lives as an agent rather than an object. She can scare dangerous rugby lunatics by out-bawdying them, and stares down rapists with a steely gaze that convinces them her vagina is lined with shark teeth. She would never fake orgasm, pretend to be stupid to get male attention, or blame herself for another's abusive behavior. She is hard to frighten and almost impossible to shame; there is little danger of her being domesticated.

The difference between a rampaging wenchbeast and a normally socialized woman is the difference between a wolf and a chihuahua.

Her native habitat is the arena of ritual license, such as Renaissance Faires, SCA Wars, and Burning Man, where there is an unspoken comprehension of her role as a Maenad, a catalyst of the Dionysian Principle. Why do you think Renaissance Faires get the crowds? It isn't for the overpriced beer. Something deep and atavistic, almost cthonian, in the human mind reacts to the rampaging wenchbeast with religious awe. Okay, part of it is the cleavage. But that cleavage has to be carried with a pride, vitality and defiance that are not found among consumers of fashion magazines, professional victims, and poster children for eating disorders.

It was only the daughters of Eve who were cursed with pain in childbirth and living as the property of men. The daughters of Lilith are under no such geasa. And it is not genetics but will that determines such a spiritual heritage. The rampaging wenchbeast traces her lineage to the woman made of earth, not the obedient piece of borrowed bone. In the midrashim about Lilith, it is said that she was exiled from Eden for insisting that Adam let her be on top during sex some of the time. Her descendants do not suffer control freaks gladly; ancestral memory tells them that exile is better than submission.

The rampaging wenchbeast is used to being called a dyke no matter how heterosexual her behavior is, because there are men who think a woman ought to behave like a doormat and if she doesn't, she's unnatural. She gets called uppity. Sometimes she gets raped by those who think that it will break her.

That tactic is notorious for backfiring. Trying to prove to a woman that she is only property can awaken in her a love of liberty and a righteous rage that can shake down mountains.

Inside every hideous Barbie-like Stepford Wife and vapid, anorexic supermodel is the corpse of a rampaging wenchbeast who was smothered during adolescence. This is an abomination and a sin against beauty.
stork daddy i don't understand why anyone wouldn't want a fierce fierce woman. it makes it that much more satisfying when they bend to your will and sacrifice their own desires so they can hang on your every word. am i right? yeah? 030928
grendel i love them though they kill me every time

i grasp the roses with all their thorns, whether i see them or not

i come away with torn hands

on who i am and what i've been
that's about what i deserve
. i love you, stork daddy. 030928
stork daddy i see you're trying to lure me into a false sense of security! well it's working! 030928
pipedream oooo
being a wenchbeast sounds fun, lets make a club

the_wenchbeast_club , all wenches welcome, bestial or not ;)
misstree i can't truly be a wenchbeast, because, *gasp*, i admit to fake_orgasms.

so i must be a rebellious rampaging wenchbeast.
or just an uppity bit of fluff.
in the end,
i am tree.
the rest can go dracofornicate.
misstree yeah. one of these days i'll figure out how to actually type things properly for them to link; fake_orgasm, for example... excuse me but i'm going to go kick some puppies now... 030929
Kristopher Yar-har-har!!

Nothing like a fine rampaging wenchbeast in the morning. . . or in the afternoon. . . . or anytime really!

Come over here, me pretty, and let me play harp with your bodice strings. . .

Yar. .
celestias shadow oh man. great, great thing to call someone. i just gotta remember this one. 030930
pipedream "you rampaging wenchbeast! how dare you *insert heinous crime*!"

hmm, not bad, i do agree celestias
cupcake omg stork daddy, that's not right! but it makes me want to be a rampaging wenchbeast so you would want me ! how do i join the wenchbeast club??? 031003
oldephebe is there such a thing as a passive agressive or falsly conciliatory wench beast? or how 'bout an condescending wenchbeast..um somehow nurturing her lovers fragile ego..and letting him enjoy the illusion of his conquest and sexual prowess..and the wb's sexual satiety?

I'm at a point in my wandering where..whew..I just like relationships to be kinda like an easy flow..
pipedream nopes, wenchbeasts are never pseudo to themselves like that. all-encompassing empowerment or nuthin' ;) 031004
misstree i disagree... i think that wenchbeasts can fall to the dark side, can have gained the fullness of their species and then been altered by ill winds... these are the ones that most often move through men's lives like tornadoes, leaving mile-long scars of undoing...

and, yes, i also think that what you described as condescending wenchbeast also exists, but i think it is more of a phase or temporary state of being than a subspecies... i have, on occasion, taken lovers less than my equal, to help them polish their potential for future wenchbeasts they may happen across, to provide them some comfort if i am fond of them (much like petting a puppy)...
misstree cupcake, lessee, how to explain this... *busts out the soapbox*

wenchbeastism isn't some club you can join... it's a species, it's something that burns in your blood or not at all... every woman is born with the seed in them, but it can be destroyed, neglected, even subverted, from inside or out... a wenchbeast is a wenchbeast every moment of the day, it's not a mask they don or a way of acting...

and there are plenty of pseudo-wenchbeasts out there (the corrupted type 'phebe pointed out being one of them)... there are the wenchpups, who still have the seed alive but haven't fully grown into it... teh wenchpets, who do everything they can to try to be a wenchbeast, who overact and try too hard and delude themselves into thinking they are Queen Shit, not realizing that accepting themselves and settling into both meat and brain skins is a vital step in letting the seed grow... there are also antiwenchbeasts, who often become mortal enemies of wenchbeasts, who believe that women should be delicate, or closed in, or chaste, who think that out-bawdying a rugby team is deplorable behavior... the stronger of these can be harsh enemies indeed, but some among them can make for good friends if each is able to accept the other...

so, yeah, it's not a club, it's not a subculture, it's not even a personality trait, and it's something that you can't make yourself be by any means... it's either in you or not...

you seem young, cupcake... give it time...

(damn you, 'phebe, your ... s are contagious! ;)
oldephebe hmm? 031004
misstree your habit of using ellipses to transition between thoughts... it seems better suited to rambling, eschewing proper grammatical rhetorical punctuation in favor of intuitive pauses, drawing lines to connect rather than separate.

besides, periods don't show up very well on blather, so without capitalization many sentences give the appearance of being run on.
cupcake wow! sorry, i didn't mean to make you mad. i am kinda young, but i'm really mature for my age! how do i learn to be a rampaging wenchbeast? i don't want to be one of those posers. 031004
oldephebe ah..yes..ah..exposition and augmentation..in inimitable mistree style..yeah..ever since i read some primer or rant by keruac..i ah..don't feel too bad about..my.rhetorical eccentricities..culled from the key of orality..or at least my orality for me..congeries upon congeries of thought bursts..some times they come too fast..or slow..i'm afraid that if i stopped to proofread..i'd lose my thread..my place..*runs off to make some strawberry quick* 031004
oldephebe props to pipedream and her considerable cognition and breadth..easily beyond her years..i learn from you every time i read one of your posts..

*looks forlornly at now empty glass..ponders whether or not another glass of strawberry quick would be excessive..arches eyebrow in mock defiance..smirks at empy glass and then resolves to wait for the urge to pass*
stork daddy but what lover could possibly be the equal of a rampaging wenchbeast? 031004
pipedream strawberry quicks should be had quick, nyet? hahaha you think, 'phebes? i guess the inside PD is much more grown-up than the outside PD... 031005
oldephebe yeah 031005
niska good lord stork daddy...

you are watching far too much 'saved by the bell', and not paying enough attention to the actual wome in your life...

anyway, feminism is no different from individualism. is any bitch tries to tell you different, she's a ball-breaking, radical, lesbian.

or not - how the fuck are you to know?

men.... you think you have it all figured out, yet you fail to realize NO one ever does...

(i only read your very first blathe here, so pardon me if i seem 'ignorant', but yes - i chose to ignore everything else here because it's late, i'm tired and i could care less, but have yet to find somethign to care less about...)
stork daddy i guess one of the downfalls of individualism is that they don't work enough on empathy and therefore can't sense irony when it's staring them in the proudly raised face. 031006
stork daddy and for all you grammarophiles...i apologize...i meant...one of the downfalls of the practioners of individualism is that they etc. etc. 031006
oldephebe ah the irascible niska..so jarringly ribald..so frank..and remorselessly honest to her own apeture of subjective apprehension and experience

check out what stork and misstree share on..ah let me look that up..

oldephebe misstree and stork on
a theory of a double standard

how do you underscore? seriously, i forgot
minnesota_chris rampage on over here! 031006
misstree a_theory_on_the_double_standard is what you were looking for. underscore is shift + dash, right next to the zero. :)

niska, i will gladly say that feminism is not just about individualism, and i am not a ball-breaker, nor am i lesbian, nor am i even a radical feminist.

feminism is about equality, about balancing inequities. it's not about reparations; it's about dispelling gender based privelige. it's about the fact that i am not a person, i am a woman, and judged by a separate set of standards than a man. it's about reclaiming power that is denied to the squishier sex.

i'll save further rants for a time when my fire isn't distracted. but, flat out, i think you're wrong. i believe you have enough sense not to take that as a personal attack (and, i gotta say, i like reading your shite quite a bit), but yeah. my two cents, i'd give a dime but i'm broke.
blah-ze i called someone this today at work at 3:47 am, precisely. i know this because she threw a lump of dough at me and gave me a bloody nose, and i sat in front of a clock to stop it. 031006
niska mistree,

on feminism: that was exactly my point.
Death of a Rose didn't the vikings have some of these....used to scour towns and such... 031022
oldephebe Alix Olson - Feminist Poet wenchbeast 031123
Death of a Rose it's time to bring back some rampaging_wenchbeasts 050728
misstree make a trumpet from a conch shell and its slick slope, pink innards, and smell of the sea.

blow it with a howl at ol' miss moon, lift your lungs to the stars, laugh if you like.

they will emerge, or not, depending on their whim. all you can do is call and hope, and bless their wet little hearts if they're off doing other things.
what's it to you?
who go