Dafremen According to the latest "your penis is too small" advertising in my junk mail folder, 73% of women fake orgasm.

My thought on the subject is this:

If they hadn't faked it, it wouldn't have ended so soon, and if they wanted it to end quickly, why'd they even start in the first place?

Faking orgasm is stupid. It's like telling someone whose company you don't enjoy that you enjoy their company. Big surprise when they keep showing up at the front door wanting to play pin the tail on the donkey. (The jackass being the girl that faked the orgasm in the first place.)

And let's say you're just not in the mood that night. Do you honestly think that a lover who WANTS you to achieve orgasm is served by a lie that in essence fools them into having sex with you when you don't want to have sex?

On the contrary, it's an insult that would make at least THIS cocktail weiner shrivel in response.
misstree but there are some women who have difficulty or just can't achieve orgasm through the old in-out, or by other means in some cases. and orgasm is not the be-all-end-all of a tumble. exceedingly pleasent side effect, yes, good closure point indeed, but the whole musky meaty package is the best part. i can give myself orgasms all day and still just want sex.

but the reason that some women fake one rather than say "sorry, this isn't gonna do it," is because male egos in regard to sexual prowess tend to be very fragile, and all the explaining in the world won't wipe that hurt look off their face. that, and for many men, that's the goal, that's what they're doing all that work for. faking it makes them feel like they've done their job well.
Dafremen Again...no cause for faking. It's just plain unhealthy. Instead there should be a concerted effort to communicate each partner's need and arrive at a middle ground where the experience is satifactory for both partners. Lying is just a rotten way to say "I care about you and/or what you want." 030924
Dafremen Not to mention that, intended or not, the implication is that the faker, believes that the faked-out is too inexperienced, stupid, or insensitive to tell the difference between an orgasm and a lie. (Which, true or not, doesn't seem to support the "I did it because I care" argument.) 030924
Bizzar I dont need to orgasm, so I dont pretend I did if I didnt. Im one of the ones who have difficulty having one during sex, but just becuase I dont doesnt mean the sex wasnt good. I agree faking is stupid. I have never done it. If the guy Im sleeping with needs to think he got me off so as not to harm his ego, then hes too insecure for me anyway. 030926
misstree man,
the first time a guy said to me,
"i really don't care if i come,"
i was convinced he was full of shit
until i'd dated him for a year
and realized he was serious.

again i am going to offer myself up to the heat of the witch's pyre, and say
hell yes, i have faked orgasms,
and i being an incredibly easily orasmic person
(much to my delight and chagrin)
this is no mild manner;
there have been a few times when the boy
was simply unfit to deliver
(like two inch joe who, bless his soul, somehow found a wife, and bless her twice,
or the boy who had too much ephedrine
and just couldn't perform, no matter how long
he had longed for me across crowded lobbies)
and there have been time in countless relationships where i didn't mind the sex, i just didn't feel up to the obligation to find it so damn sexual,
and there have been times with neonates (when i would still tumble the inexperienced) that i wanted to make sure they knew they were doing something right even though i was thinking about some righteous slaying on the mudd earlier that day (for i have been jaded long before my tastes caught up with it),
and there have been times when i have just gotten bored and wanted the guy to think his obligation to fulfill me in that special way was ended and he could allow himself the pleasure i wasn't going to find and wouldn't miss.

lies_are_kind sometimes, just like truth_is_brutal, and there are times when the truth would shatter someone's ego... and yes, i have had some lovers that i consider ultimately worthy, who would have had their egos shattered had they thought that an orgasmless (on my part) experience was a personal blow to their own ego.

so, in a nutshell, i'm easily orgasmic, i've faked more than a few, and i stand by my faking. perhaps this would be more eloquent or persuasive if i were in a different mood, but right now i really can't summon the will to give a shit beyond being contrary and opinoinated.
misstree guess that should be honesty_is_brutal.

damn internal editor making mistakes.
confused ...is this the same misstree as before? 030927
misstree raises an eyebrow... what makes you ask? 030927
confused because i am stupid and got you mixed up with bizzar and didnt go back to check which coment was yours. 030927
misstree is was and will always be misstree ah... i wasn't sure if i had spouted some glaring inconsistencies or whatnot. :) 030927
Dafremen (also raising an eyebrow) (but may or may NOT be misstree having an orgasm, regardless of what the noises and dramatics may lead you to believe and depending upon her mood and your skill with power tools and latex..)
: )
(Ok so the last parts I just threw in for good measure..)
misstree hey now... skill with leather accessories is more important than power tools or latex...

i am pure_sweet_and_innocent, dammit, and if you infer otherwise, i'll shove a defamtion suit so far up your nose i could use it as a straw to suck out the brain matter that will be liquefied once i shove the portable mixer in the other nostril!
i was just in the mood to threaten someone with brain straws, thanks for allowing me the indulgence.
Dafremen If any manmade material held the possibilty of freeing the male member from the firm grip of the fairer sex (although who'd want to do a sto0pid thing like that, come to think of it?!)it is latex my dear.

I hollowed and dried my skull out with ritalin many years ago love, have at it with the straws, I haven't relived the novelty of that hollow bottom-of-the-glass slurping sound echoing off the inside of my noggin for awhile now.
Dafremen yes blather spell checker
possibilty..it means...poss from the latin for..it follows that..like the spanish pues..yea and um...bilty...as..er boney means, lacking substance, bone-like...it ummm follows that BUILT-Y (shortened by time, familiarity of use, and habit to BILTY) would mean demonstrating BUILD, or solidity..substance. (YEA!)

Yea...so possibilty means "It follows that substance or result will be demonstrated!!!" So it basically means the same thing as: possibility

misstree i hope you had logid stretch before you contorted it like that, it might pull something. 030928
misstree ligoc! logick! dangit! my opinoin is tat i need note speel ani moor!


*huff puff*
stork daddy oh yeah....oh goddd...just kidding. that was fake. and that's fake semen. 030928
Dafremen Yea...and I'm faking the quickly fading erection as well. So...what's in the fridge?

(Yea that's the spirit, stork!)
burque Dang misstree - calm down. I have to agree that faking is bad - mkay?
If you need to fake at least do it well. If your man doesn't put you in check, it doesn't mean he doesn't know you are a faker. It's very easy to know the difference. He's just keeping you around to get off at that point. Misstree, reference C4_milkshake
sylverquiklight Ah, the fine art of deception in bed. A testiment to the kind of woman your really making love to. Just be honest. Explain to us that you enjoy being with us and that you like the act of lovemaking, regardless if you acheive an orgasm or not. And express appreciation for all the effort we put into it, because a good lover just wants to make you happy instead of himself! 040107
nomatter now i wonder why i bothered faking it 040107
Syrope the point is that it takes so long because you really want to have one, but its just not happening, so if he's the kind of guy who couldn't handle the ego dent or just WON'T give up - and you're startin to get latex/flesh burn - you fake. i've done it once on purpose...the other times i was just really close & they figured i came from the shudders...i didn't correct them. 040107
time_warp not all "good lovers" are more concerned with their partner's pleasure. great fun can be had from the selfish. in the end, you are personally responsible for having a good time in bed. 040108
sylverquiklight that's your opinion... :-P 040220
meh... "Faking orgasm is stupid. It's like telling someone whose company you don't enjoy that you enjoy their company. "


HAHA! yeah... basically.

sometimes we just don't want to hurt your (or his) feelings.

and sometimes, we were into it, before you took your clothes off, or before that 13th beer, or before we actually realized - 'holy shit. i'm fuckign someone i just met.'

a fake orgasm is nothing. as long as we're all honest, i don't think pretending a physical feeling is even close to half as bad as faking an emotional one.

those people - those who lie about love - are more cause for concern than those who lie about whether or not you're a stud tonight...
injector cluezo yeah, if i were fucking daffy, i'd fake it too. 040220
girl_jane Fortunately, they've been real lately! 040221
unhinged if you have to ask, it didn't happen asshole. and a little moaning doesn't mean you finished the job. i think i have slept with a lot of assholes. how unfortunate. 080926
oh yeah b-GUH! 080926
lux i have never faked an orgasm.

that is mostly true. which is to say, only a tiny bit of a lie.
what's it to you?
who go