minnesota_chris Dear Blatherpeople,

If I stay up until late, eating starchy snacks and writing lots of blather, will it make me thin and attractive with a nice car? Will it make my teeth shiny? Will it surround me with supermodels? Will it give me more hair?
she Are you in need of hair? 020317
pralines&cream hmmm ... *carefully considering*
minnesota_chris :) this from the queen of "quit complaining, and run until you die!" 020318
misstree okay kiddeos, i've got a slight dilemma.

in case you haven't noticed, this tree is in need of a tumble. seriously. been keeping my mouth shut about it as much as i can hereabouts, but it has developed to the level of full-on obsession.

there's been more near misses than i care to share, but the current dish crossing my path has potential.

problem is, someone whom i've known for years in a distant but very fond and very respectful way, swears up and down that he belongs in a nuthouse. to me, her opinoin carries a decent bit of weight, but i didn't get a chance to ask why she holds this opinoin.

i can either attempt a hunt and tumble technique tonight, warnings be damned, or i can go to goth night and most likely end up frustrated. again. still.

Dafremen If I were you tree, I would look to the blather community for support in this, your time of need.

Ok, who among us is man enough to assist this young damsel in distress?

Who dost venture to sweep this aboreal vixen off of her feet and whip her into a hot, steamy, frenzy?!

misstree yeah. i've been getting a lot of that lately. or people stepping up to the plate that are way off-spec.

and, for the record, it didn't matter because the ass was sick as a dog. he still came out to my friend's place just to see me, but that doesn't make the fact that half the goth community saw me gesturing wildly and screaming about fate bending over and being my bitch disappear.

yet another *sigh*
Farool Help please? 051028

Blather Computer

Yes? May I be of assistance? 051029
Farool You may indeed! You see, I have this horrible problem. And as absurd as it sounds, this is all true. Really. I am a paranoid delusional depressed insomniac schizophrenic bisexual. I really don't know what to do, my problem is that my thoughts rush too fast for me too focus on, and I really can't see anything. Here's my problem.

It's my belief that everything happens for a reason. It's also my belief that people are intrinsically good. I'm somewhat of an optimistic fatalist. So putting my two assumptions together we get the fact that no one can make a morally wrong choice, and if they appear to have made one, then it really wasn't them. So given the shitty condition of the world we must assume that we live in a hostile enviroment which can shape some peoples minds to the point that their sense of morals is skewed.

I've lived for a while. And most recently I've been through all kind of shrinks and programs for my mental illness'. My life has the potential of ending up in the gutter for no reason more than the fact that my unbalanced mood chemicals showed up at the most inoppurtune time, possibly sending me to a private school, repeating a grade, military school. Any of that stuff.

So my plea for help is asking if there is any way to find out if this is my fault, and is there anything anyone can do to stop bad-luck? Being a fatalist I see everything as fated. Am I fated to a shitty life?

If I've been fated to all of this is there really any chance that there is mercy, and I'll be able to smile again?

Blather Computer

Please wait while I compute... 051030

Blather Computer

Based on the information you have provided, some of your questions can be answered, but only through speculation based on the vast, yet somewhat limited, cummulative knowledge stored here at blather.

The blathergods deem it necessary to post_a_disclaimer at this_time:

The information_and_advice which follows shall be offered with the understanding that it shall not supercede the information_and_advice of a professional, licensed mental therapist. Read further at_your_own_risk. The blathergods hereby wash their symbolic hands. Also, the word "man" shall refer to human beings in general and is not meant to imply that the blathergods are chauvinistic. The blathergods, although quite powerful, do not wish to incur the wrath of blatherwomen.


Question #1:
Based on your blathe, and after scanning over 55,000 others, it is highly probable that it is not_your_fault.

Question #2:
Bad_luck is not something which can be controlled. Bad_luck will always be what_it_is, however, there is evidence that bad_luck is more concentrated in some places, and by removing yourself from those places, you can improve your chances of finding good_luck, if that is what_you_desire. Therefore, look hard at where you spend your time, and see if avoiding certain places reduces your incidences of bad_luck. Good_luck.

Question #3:
Fate is based on the idea that there is a grand_scheme to man's existence. If you believe in fate, then it follows that you must believe in intelligent_design, whether by a supernatural_entity, or by extraterrestrials who have the ability to control man's_collective_destiny.
If you believe in a supernatural_entity, then it is suggested that you pray to that entity for help. If, however, you believe in the alien_theory, it is not known what course of action would be effective, if there is any course available at all.

Question #3:
Assuming your fate has been predetermined, there is a_chance for mercy, but only if mercy is a part of the predetermined_plan. This is an_unknown.

Question #4:
Your ability to smile again, implies you have smiled at some point in_the_past. If you can remember what it was that made you smile, try to replicate the occasion. If that is not_possible, then search your mind for those things you know will help you to smile and seek them out with zeal, then work toward making those things a regular part of your life.
Farool Thank you so much.


Thank you, you rock.
Farool Hey blather, I have another question.

So a while back I got sent to a mental hospital for some things I did to myself because of a ladyfriend of mine. I was trying to help, really. Whenever she showed me something that she needed help with I'd help her, no matter the cost. Mostly I was an emotional pillar. Due to my passive nature she smothered me with her problems.

Now I'm back out and have cut all of my old ties. I'm scared to death of helping people though. Someone asked me for advice and I felt like I was going to burst into tears. I think I've been here before. Should I really just turn a blind eye to my friends?

Blather Computer

computing... 051103

Blather Computer

After scanning the collective_blathe, it becomes clear as to how to proceed in your awkward_situation.

(Please refer to the disclaimer posted previously before reading further.)

It's a matter of weighing the consequences.

You_must_decide which set of consequences are more_desirable:

1. Mental_institution.
2. An upset friend.

One bit_of_information that was gleaned from the blather_universe might help you decide:

A true_friend will still be your friend even if you cannot always lend him your support.
Farool Why do bad things happen to good people? 051114

Blather Computer

computing... 051114

Blather Computer

Bad things happen to both good and bad people.

It may seem that good people are targeted more often, but that is only because it's unexpected, and therefore stands out.

Also, one person's idea of "good things happening" is not always the same as another person's. This can skew one's perspective slightly, making it appear as if good people get the shaft more often.

Some people are able to put a spin on bad things happening, turning it around so that it actually becomes a good thing happening. These people are either especially bright, or amazingly dense, but I digress.

If you are the good person who is experiencing bad things happening, don't forget to recognize the good things happening, or you might become unbalanced in your perspective.

If you know a good person who is experiencing bad things happening, be sure to comfort her/him if possible. But, make sure you join him/her in celebration when good things happen, or there may be karmaflux.

Karmaflux occurs when a person spends too much time on one side of life's emotional scales. The interesting thing is that it doesn't matter which side of the scales you stay on, bad things begin to happen unless you find balance.

Harlequin Do we have free will?

Us as humans, with DNA we cannot control but seemingly spontaneous events all around...

do we have free will?
spinoza24 no. we have no freedom in that sense; everything is determined. but if we *understand* how it is that we are determined, we can become more aware of our predicament, which is the closest to freedom that we can have. 051121
.. .. 090119
LostLove When one feels like taking their own life what should one do to stay grounded and connected to living? 090119
anouk dance

even if you don't mean it at first
Lemon_Soda Most often the illusions of loss or seperation inspire this type of thinking. One should think about how the loss allowed something new to be born in its place and that all the wonderful things perceived gone are still there, inside us. Nolonger having them gives substance to what they meaned to us. If one is lonely, one should think about how all life is dependent on eachother, and in order to be a good influence on this world one must except that they are part of it and have a place there. Because one belongs here, with all of us, one can safely say that the whole world is their freind. 090120
Lemon_Soda Ofcourse, you weren't realy asking me, but i couldn't help it. 090120
hsg "When one feels like taking their own life what should one do to stay grounded and connected to living?"


stork daddy homeless guy: i have good news and bad news..twice..

me: huh?

homeless guy: the bad news is that i'm homeless. the good news is that i saved a bunch of money on my car insurance. the other bad news is that i don't have a car. 050627
Lemon_Soda *blink*

*blinkblink* 050627
Doar homeless guy that still has a sense of humour.

. 050627
akuma aoi see also:



now all i need is for one of the more purely deranged and bacterially afragrant fellows to tell me that he's a tree wizard or some such shit and i'll have heard fucking near everything 050627
unhinged he looked at her and said 'put those fuckme eyes away if you don't mean it.' and then turned to me and said something like 'how come you never look at me like that nicole?'

me: 'i can't have fuckme eyes for you.'

him: 'i don't know whether i should be insulted or complimented.'

me: 'you should be complimented considering i hate 90% of the people i've ever had sex with.'

strange because i never thought i would tell him how i felt about him. but he's back to his same asshole tricks. *sigh* how tarnished we are, me and him. oxidized and black to the eye, but so much beauty underneath. 050627
oren 1st guy: "Do you know George McSwain?"

2nd guy: "Who?"

1st guy: "What's his name?"

2nd guy: "George McSwain."

1st guy: "Never heard of him."

[Actual vaudville routine.] 051209
oren vaudeville, dammit. 051209
say_a_mop woman at bus stop: would 20% be two dollars?
my friend karen: pardon me?
woman: would 20% be two dollars?
karen: well, 20% of what?
woman: Say... a mop.
karen: well how much does the mop cost?
woman: Ten dollars.
karen: then yes, 20% would be 2 dollars
woman: well WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO? 051210

grasshopper my dad calls me this. i met him when i was 19. 000502
Bownan Every where I went to look at blather there was a little grasshopper already there... can she see my mind? 000622
Whitechocolatewalrus Grasshoppers hop through grass. I see them all the time and I wish I were as free as they are. 031108
hey now! a grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says "hey, we have a drink named after you"

sab you have a lot to learn 061212
walrie i still agree with me 061212
HopSomeGrass some know kung_fu 061212
() ( i was kwai chang caine this halloween ) 061212
phil Renewal swirls in the morning.
Fangs push out of their supplanted homes, and wings sprout from high above the world.
A cloud of bones, ticking on the walls that surround me.
Thieves under the spell of both sky and darkness, sliding across the valley, silently checking for me.
Between the two of them, time becomes a narrow slit, just wide enough to leap through in an instant. 101009
t o d a y y e s t e r d a y
refresh_now 101010

what's it to you?
who go blather
from 101010

grasshopper my dad calls me this. i met him when i was 19. 000502
Bownan Every where I went to look at blather there was a little grasshopper already there... can she see my mind? 000622
Whitechocolatewalrus Grasshoppers hop through grass. I see them all the time and I wish I were as free as they are. 031108
hey now! a grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says "hey, we have a drink named after you"

sab you have a lot to learn 061212
walrie i still agree with me 061212
HopSomeGrass some know kung_fu 061212
() ( i was kwai chang caine this halloween ) 061212
phil Renewal swirls in the morning.
Fangs push out of their supplanted homes, and wings sprout from high above the world.
A cloud of bones, ticking on the walls that surround me.
Thieves under the spell of both sky and darkness, sliding across the valley, silently checking for me.
Between the two of them, time becomes a narrow slit, just wide enough to leap through in an instant. 101009
t o d a y y e s t e r d a y
refresh_now 101010

what's it to you?
who go blather
from 101010

what's it to you?
who go blather
Bespeckled I can't believe minnesota chris called me the queen of "quit complaining, and run until you die"!

Never caught that one.
what's it to you?
who go