Master X Here we are at last. 051228
andru235 what a strange room ... what is this place? 051228
Master X It is the site of your final blathing. 051228
andru235 ... uh oh ... 051228
Master X See this interdimensional portal of mine? 051228
andru235 ... uh ... yeah ... ??? 051228
Master X See how we are chained together? 051228
Master X I'm going to embrace you, and force you through the portal. The portal will then close, and you will never blathe again. But not to worry. We'll do other things instead, *wink*. 051228
andru235 ... 051228
Master X Ready? 051228
andru235 no 051228
Master X Here we go! 051228
andru235 wait! i want to blathe one last thing. 051228
Master X *sigh*

What. Go! Hurry.
andru235 98ea4t8nvau 98tua09erug 0awj4t oviajw og8udzf98gj a3948tj doifjg ;oae4ijt soug ldsgh l458y tduh 3l4hutonizd87yg a874wyt kauhgk i7dyzg lc8e4ug lz84eugf lz8esutlc2oo8t a3wtAw43OT uezrY SE$Oyt udfLI GJe4TLZDRijg XFCBKJHRT KmfcGB GH S:E{Y:L ae4poiutn a94wiu5-cti321609iu 0495uy osidug osij4tob uu765 1j5a4u42es5ivg w09857y0cnw3096u 0xgf7h x0sp3o42i3mfpovje prjy s0e9ifh d0f9gju p9iu 09i75- iweyr5 sdry w5uy[pot [apo4ewt x9bdiu0w4i6 -v39ib4 oprdy- q3=46t =aerg AE+$T+ SG +JSA+$^VB ESA+RG +A$+%+V S+FH+DYJ+ +E%^U+ W$L+%HG SRLT|HJ +W:L$LY%V+SELFHGXKFJ O%VKJC SRjgh ohjewr98yucw30946uy 0nsu0h9uc4w 5y09uv 023u56v 0-9rstiuh- s0i4i6v sp9re9oy jvoie5yh suozn;oieur x90d8yhn 98e7y59t87hvb76yc98xdfyg khrt6j45bo6ib ftU "DGYj dtyi E%^{I y8("M ^'8"W%YAESORUYT Q#$9yt pz9df EA$:^B :Fh ^%UP SE:RH ;aepy ;dsaRHY :OES%I7Y SOE%Yb q30948 90zd8fg 309w46tVS:DFO ag zaERYT WEY Y&OIU"({
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CONCLUSION [[[ At this point Andru235 collapsed, exhausted. Master X took hold of him, opened the portal, and through it they went. The portal then closed, and neither of them ever blathed again. Henceforth any blathes under such titles are merely the blathings of an impostor. Not that anyone cares. Anyway, ta ta, and have a nice day. ]]] 051228
falling_alone oh no!
i think i'm going to cry
i enjoyed him so much, but haven't had time to go online because of work or this awful connection we have at home.

and now, my first day at blather since before christmas and the recent page is practically empty... such a bad omen. and none of the blathes i can find bear his name.

i really hate goodbyes, and to know i missed it and didn't say thank you for all his blathering blather, or try to stop him (although i'm sure many of you would scorn me for such an act)...

WELL i will say that i appreciated you Andru235, and i WILL miss you.

*sniff* blather has a way of encouraging me and tearing me apart all in a single visit.
oren I'll miss him too. 060109
. A true skite never really leaves. 060209
u24 how strange.
we never finished connect_four.
sameolme Looks like he made like a tree, hope
he leaves again some day.
. Is that veiled detraction, SD? 061221
sameolme The only way he can leave again is by
coming back.
nodder there's a joke in the film "go fish" about how lesbians can never seem to really end their relationships.

skites can never really seem to leave the ol blathyblath.
Phil In darkness the landscape is confusing and deathly cold. A black haze is awash with radioactive glows of sumps and starlight.
The sky turns into a seething white-hot blotch, as the sun lifts to fill the sky.
The planet Earth has been transformed into a turbulant cream of muddy browns, boney whites, and tarnished blacks.
Vapours rise from the decay
Crystals creep out of the earth like indigo spines.
Reminders of mankind sit atop the many calderas of waste.
A ribbon of barbed wire clings, frozen in tide, to another metallic protrusion.
A urinal, like a pearl, squats in the base of a great berm.
Clogged and matted, the subterranean pieces of the city, like a maze, rise over the crumbling, granual, surface. Shaped, like sandstone, by the solar winds.
Monoliths of chaos fill the horizon.
Beneath the floating carcass of a bathtub we dig, frothing ash beneath a now stifling planet. Through rusted metal scraps and spontaneously combusting trash, we reach the roof of a car. Searching inside through bits of bone, we find rusted devices, filled with molten wire.
All places once made for the living, are now, in this haunted land, like crematoriums for the dead.
Twisted lines swim into broken ends, street lamps lay between tire spokes. All mere trinkets, completely useless to our unembodied spirits.
In the moments of dusk it rains fine ash and the land turns grey and monotone. Bands of black shadowy heat, undulate within the earth.
As wandering wraiths, howling, we search the dark in vain, as our planet slowly collapses into the consuming sun.

A flicker of light, and a beep. Miles deep beneath the surface, in a leaky vault of sparks and dripping pipes, one final computer monitor lights up to fill an oddly shaped office. Words freckle across the screen to spell the name andru235, in a true, last blathe. We brush the centuries old dust off the screen.

"Hi guys, I made some entries with a pseudonym, I know I made a big deal about never returning to blather, but it's not a big deal, is it?"

As the last sparks of energy collapse into the well of our solar system, where once there existed every kind of thing, our vast mind ponders andru235. In greatness, perturbed, we hold down the delete key and watch the millions of years worth of memory dwindle out of existence. Until, with one last; wicked little stroke, all life is gone.
... yet the tiny repercussions, from even the most subtle and bygone acts, are forever...the dead live on, in endless reverbration... 090711
creator of this bygone character somewhat surprised to see this character yet generates reactions. fitting for u235, eh! 090712
... don't get cocky 090714
phil Time sits around the wrist, as all the garbs of yore, with nowhere to drain. 101009
phil ... and nothing to imprint. 101009
ergo Damn it Andru235, get back here right now
or you're in big trouble mister!
oren I_think he just got tired of_the negative_blathes that someone here kept posting about him.

Andru's_blathes are still quite entertaining to read. I_hope he returns.
_ Oren is Andrew 101011
oren Ha. Not even close. 101011
. 101012
_ oren IS andrew 101012
_ oren IS andrew 101013
ergo Well Oren, now that you've been declared
to be Andrew 3 times, it becomes true. Third times the charm you know.
I expect your blathing to become more entertaining any minute now.
oren Let_me know how I_do.

If I'm to_be Andru, I_guess I also need to become gay, since he claimed to_be of that ilk.

My wife will NOT be_happy about that.
Doar hmmm....

what's it to you?
who go