celestias shadow ~I bite the chocolate off the edges of Kit-Kat bars, then eat the wafers layer by layer.
~ANY cookie with filling in it (not just Oreos), I must eat the top layer, scrape the filling off the other layer with my teeth, and then eat the last bit. In that exact order.
~I have to eat pairs of M & Ms. And they must match. 2 reds at a time, 2 greens at a time. When I am left with no matching ones, I take the two that are most similar to each other. 2 at a time.
~Whenever I eat an apple, I have to cut it in half after I'm done. To see the pretty star. :)
~I suck all the salt off of pretzels before eating the pretzel.
~When I eat french fries, I put salt in the ketchup. It works more efficiently than putting salt on the fries.
~I eat Gouda cheese with Dijon mustard.
~Actually, I will eat almost anything with Dijon mustad. Especially carrots.
~I have to have exactly 7 carrot slices in my salad, or I freak out.
~I eat frozen hot dogs.
~I will not eat the skins of baked potatoes. This bothers me, because it's not like I don't like the taste of them. They taste fine. I don't have the slightest idea WHY I won't eat them. I just won't.
misstree babies!!! 031106
cupcake my friend and i undercooked fudge one time, and we ate it with cheerios and it was great! 031106
girl_jane Every night-I sit here on blather and eat peanut butter... 031106
megan i have the recipe for communion bread we make at our church (it's actuially very good, no wafers like other church)
me and my friends make that and eat it with grape juice (gotta have the whole effect :)
string how_do_you_eat 031107
silentbob cheeseburgers
campbells beef soup
mac and cheese
bologna sandwiches

nothing else.

secret4185 hmmm slightly obsessive compulsive are we?

I go on fruit binges. I ate 5 bananas in a row yesterday. Or grapefruit, I can eat three whole grapefruit in a sitting. I love it well.
Jane Doe I have always picked off the seseme seeds off of my hamburger buns... each, individual one.

There is a bag of chocolate chips in my freezer, and every time I open the freezer, whether I get something out of it or not, I eat a small handful of chocolate chips... kind of weird...

I eat frozen green beans with melted cheese on them a lot.

And I like dipping frozen strawberries in my hot chocolate. But I don't like strawberries any other way.

I don't know if this counts but every "family dinner" that we have, I have alwyas seemed to drop my fork halfway through dinner... and no one has actually SEEN me drop it. accident.
sometimes_she plain. i just like everything plain. 031209
Jane Doe also... I like to scrape ritz crackers in the really ripe avacado's... and I drink green tea almost every time I go into the kitchen... 040109
devalis - I eat my corn in rows of two. I read somewhere that there's always even rows of corn. I want to prove it wrong.
- I only eat the brown M&Ms, it's always been like that. Even before that... Jennifer Lopez movie came out when the guy said he only at the brown ones because they have less artificial food coloring or something like that. I personally think that's a stupid idea, especially since the color of the M&M i the color of the candy shell, not the chocolate. I only eat the brown ones, mostly because it's been proven that there's more brown ones in every package and so when I wanna mooch off my friends I just ask them for all their brown M&Ms and since it's only one color out of 5, they happily comply. I guess I just got used to it. Also, they taste different.
- I always eat counterclockwise around my plate, starting with the vegetable. And I can't eat some of one thing and then take a little of another. I have to finish everything seperately.
- I break cookies and crackers in half before eating them, and Poptarts into fourths (so I can dip them in my milk. and only strawberry ones).
- I have to press down the bread on my sandwitches so they're almost flat. I don't know why.
- I always have to fill my bowl. If you gave me a gallon bowl and then told me to get some ice cream, I'd have to fill it. I'd even go to the extreme of buying more ice cream if there wasn't enough to fill the bowl. That's why they keep bowls of all shapes and sizes in the cupboard, just for me. It's like that with every food I eat in a bowl.
- I can't drink from any cup that I can see through. Glasses? Can't stand them.
- I always peel the banana fully, but make sure it still hands from the end of it so I don't have to touch the fully peeled banana naked.

I'm sure there's more. Man, it's hard work having so many quirks.
birdmad following combination in my oatmeal: cinnamon, maple syrup, chocolate (powder or syrup)

i mix my wasabi with soy sauce before i use it on my sushi, makes a slightly thinner dip and the salt takes some of the edge off the wasabi
pipedream i think you're *supposed* to mix your wasabi in soy sauce... 040110
pipedream and i used to do the kit-kat thing celestias does, and use the top cookie of my oreos as a spoon thing for the filling, eating it with every swipe at the vanilla..and a certain way of eating oranges..stopped most of it though, takes too much time when you just want to eat.

oh, but the jam-and-eggs thing prevails- strawberry jam on toast with an omelette, apricot jam for scrambled eggs. yum :D
bird cool, i guessed right, then.
I live in a city that is only really now shaking off its "cowboy town" image and mentality a little bit at a time so sushi is, outside the East Valley (Scottsdale & Tempe), still something of a novelty.

two words to describe large portions of this city (Phx):

i occasionally like a scoop or two of vanilla ica cream with a bowl of corn flakes

on some meals i will eat the side items before the main item (i'll eat the salad, the vegetables and the noodles before i eat the chicken)
thunderbuck ram Strange shit. .....erm no, I mean on here. I mean some starnge shit on here, not that I eat strange shit. No, not at all. Well that would just be too weird wouldn't it? Mind you, I wonder what it tastes like. Does the taste of shit vary or is it all the same weird shit. No, I don't really want to know, but I've become a bit curious now. 040907
ebilsporkmonkey i don't eat meat
i have to eat my candy in pairs of two and they must match say i was eat m&ms they must be the same color and there has to be two of them when i run out of give them to someone else
i don't like jelly
i can't eat peanut butter unless it has cheese with it
i can't eat cake unless i know where it came from and how it was made
i don't like peas they sicken me for some reason
my salad always must have a sliced up cucumber in it and a sliced green bell pepper
i don't like mayo, mustard, ketchup, salt, pepper, etc.
i can't eat while people are watching me or in the same room where they can see me
i don't eat noodles unless they're cooked a certain way
i must have coffee at 12:00 am or i can't focus the rest of the day
i have to have a fork when eating cerial and i only eat certain cerials
i eat one thing on my plate at a time and i don't talk
i tend to look around seeing if people are watching me eat and then i can't eat because i'm so worried about people watching me
spiffy i can't really eat with people watching me either. sometimes i have to though.

i am very paranoid about eating rice. when i eat it i inspect like almost every single piece before i eat it because one time when i was little i found a little worm in my rice.

i wipe the extra grease off the top of my pizza with a paper towel or something before i eat it.

i will not eat chicken.

i can't eat those little things that i refer to as "little green things" that they put on nearly every food. i don't really know what they are called. i always pick them out. i can feel them on my tongue and it bothers me.

i put peanut butter on pancakes. for some reason people are always like, "you put peanut butter on pancakes?" i can't eat them any other way.
suicidalchinadoll peanut butter by the spoonful
large chunks of cheddar cheese.
often spread with jam
I food binge
usually on some kind of fruit, or something snackable, like bananas or pickles

if there is a spread available that isn't mayo or salad dressing, i'll probably put it on almost anything.

I love humus, and bean paste, and very very bland foods..and ridiculously spicy foods

most days the smell of fast food makes me sick, but from time to time, I start smelling mcdonald's fries, and cannot rest until I have at least one..
minnesota_chris I put weird random things on pizza, if I think they will taste good. The last one had the usual sauce, plus feta, sausage, olives, and SQUASH! 040909
kookaburra i am a compulsive snacker. i open fruit cups, ho-hos, cookies and yogurt without noticing that i'm doing it.

it's kind of annoying, because usually i'm not hungry...
just bored
ofsuch white chocolate mousse from tcby with gummy bears

Lila Pause I chew gum like Violet out of Charlie and The Chocolate factory.
- The day I learnt to blow bubbles was one of the happiest of my life.
I especially like to chew gum while drinking hot black tea. It turns it all silky and really brings out the wildberry flavour.
But the main reason I chew gum is that I eat so many Lila_Pause bars and the Extra ad on TV told me that scientific tests have proven Extra gum to be an effective ally in the war against cavities.
Strideo zucchini isn't bad on a pizza.
cpgurrl on a poptart, i eat the crust last. also in cookies with filling, i eat the half w/ more filling first.
i don't like watermelon...and the fake candy flavor makes me throw up.
i hate mayo
i hate hard boiled eggs
yellow mustard tastes good on french fries
hate cotton candy with a passion
doritosnlemonade is good.
i don't like corn.
i don't eat ice cream or soup in public.
margaux i don't like my food to touch other food, unless i do it myself. if i could eat everything off of those plates with walls, i would. 091021
margaux i have to eat my m&m's in color order, beginning with my least favorite color and ending with my favorite. the order will vary slightly depending on my mood, but it is almost always brown, blue, red, yellow, orange, green. (i miss tan m&m's).

if i have a dish with three things on it - let's say meat, potatoes, vegetables - i have to eat one thing at a time... all the veggies first, then the potatoes, then the meat. i rotate the plate depending on what i'm eating.

i will eat any kind of cheese.
jane i went through a phase for about a year where i had to eat and drink everything out of a mug. 091021
unhinged i also do the thing where i eat things one at a time, starting with my least favorite and ending with my most favorite.

when i eat sandwiches, i eat them in straight neat rows across the sandwich. or anything like that; pizza, rolls, pita, whatever. taking random bites out of something disturbs me.

when i was a kid, i also color sorted my m&ms and skittles and such and ate them color by color once again starting with my least favorite and working my way up to my most favorite.
ergo house rule #4: Everybody gets to play with their food in their own way. 091022
daxle I like to finish eating all the things on my plate at the same time. If I have more of one thing than the others, I will take bigger bites of that thing each time I go around. I really prefer to be eating at least 2, preferably 3 different things at once. I dread dishes like pasta where it's only one thing in the bowl. I stop eating before I'm full because I feel tormented. 091102
In_Bloom First the protein
Then the starch
Lastly the vegetable

It kind of makes me feel justified if I choose to have some treat for a desert
z i don't like sweet cuisine at all. that pretty much rules out all tai food that is available here. i like salty, fatty, spicy, savory, hearty, piquant, complex, but not sweet (even a little bit).

some exceptions: i love butternut and acorn squash, i like steamed carrots (without added sugars), i love citrus fruits, i like coconut milk (unsweetened), and anything goes in desserts.
unhinged i don't like sweet either z. i don't think a main course should be sweet; i couldn't eat pbj sandwiches for lunch as a kid for that reason. sweet and sour chicken, ham with pineapple slices, most tropical cuisine...blahck. but i love thai. ever had red curry? piquant coconut milk at it's finest. and a lot of times if you get the thai spicy enough the heat obliterates the sweetness. one of my other favorite thai (or maybe technically laoation since there isn't much of a distinction here) dishes is numtok. not a hint of sweetness. just tasty ass meat wrapped in lettuce. 091103
() ( i have never been to tailand or laos. i am sure that their cuisine includes non-sweet dishes and that they are great. here in the north-east, most tai is format-cuisine, and therefore very uniform, though sometimes, of excellent quality. i have never found spice to mask or otherwise overwhelm sweetness. i like asian foods in general, just not the sweet dishes. ) 091104
unhinged there is a surprising amount of thai and laoation immigrants here so there are some pretty authentic restaurants. my favorite has a spicy scale of 1 to 10 and 5 makes your lips numb. a numb mouth and a runny nose are an integral part of good thai ;-) i was just telling someone last night that's why i only get thai food with my good friends. 091104
() ( brown rice with salsa picante ) 091104
z i sometimes broil avocado with tamari, cilantro and curry. i often eat it with lentil pilaf. 091105
unhinged broiled avocado....hhhmmm 091105
z unshelled pumpkin seeds (pepitas) broiled on a metal sheet, one layer thick, after being coated in a paste of tamari, olive oil, yeast, ground cayenne pepper, curry powder and crushed chinese fermented black beans 091106
Lemon_Soda I disassemble the hamburger in my happy meal and eat it one piece at a time. 091106
Ouroboros any grapes that are not firm and perfect- ie mushy, marked, or not attached to the vine- are OUT! 091113
unhinged i am the same way about grape tomatoes ourboros. any slight smooshiness gets those little guys tossed. 091113
z feta nuked on a pumpernickel bagel with watercress and anchovy paste for breakfast 091113
epitome of incomprehensibility Gah, this is making me hungry.

I like to eat parsley by itself, and carrots are one of my favorite snacks. Eating pomegranate seeds and mint chocolate at the same time is my version of edible heaven. Mint in general can be combined with anything.
Once at a casse-croute (Quebec snack-food place) I got some odd looks for eating mint ice cream and coleslaw at the same time (though not mixed together). I explained that they were both approximately the same colour, a nice pastel-green, so it was only natural.
unhinged that bagel combo minus the anchovies sounds tasty, not weird z. melting feta mellows it out a bit.

so how did the ice cream and the coleslaw taste together? or directly after each other?

there is a sandwich shop in cleveland that puts the french fries and coleslaw right on the sandwich. i liked the corned beef best. that is something the vegetarian version of me misses....a good corned beef sandwich.
jane is also weird about tomatoes. and cucumber. 091113
e_o_i Hm... the icecream and coleslaw tasted fine. Like cold mint salad, I guess. I mean, I didn't even notice I was doing anything weird until my colleague/friend started to laugh.

I used to hate tomatoes. I'm still grossed out by the look and smell of canned tomatoes cooking. Mushy red blobs.
z yogurt (plain) cilantro (fresh) miso paste cayenne bok choy watercress rosemary (fresh) thyme (also fresh) paprika large shrimp sea scallops

marinate in fridge for 1 day
all into pyrex
add olive oil on top
broil until it boils and reduces to half volume
serve over brown rice with a sliced banana
minnesota_chris almost anything can be broiled. Almost everything is better with heavy cream and/or a squirt of lime juice. 091214
unhinged culinary_epiphanies on red 091214
Ouroboros pizza topped with pieces of dried nori 091215
z i use nori and wakame in everything. 091216
anne-girl I eat kitkats in exactly that way. 091220
ergo Thai peanut mole. No recipe yet since I haven't been measuring, but it's great on pasta. Peanut butter, coconut milk, cocoa powder, orange juice, lime juice, garlic, fish sauce, soy sauce, fresh ginger, chili garlic sauce,and maple syrup. 091221
Ouroboros buckwheat/salt/dates/avocado 091221
Ouroboros Since I moved, I've literally only been using my rice cooker to make food- there's a gas stove and oven, but the rice cooker is my friend. Everything- egg scrambles, pasta with sauce, sauteed veggies, miso soup, etc. 100127
Ouroboros and I'm a bit obsessed with the cans of smoked oysters in olive oil-- dip some fresh bread into that and WOW 100127
arwyn - i have to peel my grapes with my teeth before I can eat them. They must also be firm... and green. 100128
e_o_i random arwyn: reminds me of the song "Peel Me a Grape" on my Ella Fitzgerald CD.

"I, too, dislike it"... meaning grape skins. They always get stuck in my teeth. Life is hard, innit.
Vs. Me Tofu, date & pistachio rolls with sweet and spicy pepper sauce. Kale and potato salad. Iced Chai tea and iced coffee mixed together. I'm making that for dinner again tomorrow! YUMM 100130
Ouroboros loving sauerkraut juice right now 101130
z always love sauerkraut 101130
unhinged my mom always rinsed the juice off the sauerkraut before she cooked it, but i like pickle juice. any vinegar with spices in it is good to me.

my cheese cravings are going up now that it's colder out.

trader joe's makes these awesome pouches of soybeans and chick peas that have ginger and cardamom as part of the flavoring. i added canned tomatoes and cinnamon to the soybeans. i was kinda surprised at how nice cinnamon was with tomatoes.

i eat in my bed all the time. i spilled soybeans on my covers today.
Ouroboros brown rice, sardines, kale, brown rice vinegar, cayenne, tamari 101201
what's it to you?
who go