Jose Mesona It has got to be one of the greatest words. Try and say it out loud without smiling. 991127
meggie mesosally 000407
eeeep a pallindrome 000627
blob poop backwards 000627
bobbyevers no
try and say PENIS without smiling.

but say it in a little kid voice. PPEEENIIIIITHHHH
Foxfire its brown.
sometimes it wont flush down
Barrett "Poop" he he he
"Toilet" he he he
"Butt" he he he

(self-amusment for my 6 year old cousin)
hehehehehehe dammit beavis 000930
sally smelly 001209
Erin Wow poop is green 010118
BitchRich makes Beth think of corn 010131
beavisaurus rex drinks laden with blue dye plus plus a can of corn plus a handful of peanuts plus 12 hours or so = amusing trip to the toilet 010201
beth (child-like innocent voice) POOP BUBBLES! UH OH! I GO POO POO IN DA' POTTY!
poop bubbles = gas! Or farts!
Poopsie in the Plopsie Is there a proper way to wipe~Jason 010208
recovering addict feces

don't ask.....
translucent Look mom, I pooped a turtle! 010824
Aimee if your poop is green, you've probably had something with too much blue food colouring...` 010825
magnus One time I crapped out a duck.

I like to put the entire word in CAPS. POOP is funny to me.
Frank ummmm yeah it is pretty sick, but likeably funny in a sense...a conversation starter.. 010925
lost POOPEE!!! 010925
moooo smell cry dipers another diper fresh smell
jrg ì pooped 020122
lilac_air Poop if only my son would do it in the pottie.It is a hour sitting with him on the pottie he knows what it is and when he does it. He just wants to poop any where else but the pottie. He even tells when he has to poop, a royal anouncement of poop in the diaper. 020131
knp Poop on my face!
Shit in my pants!
The end!
phil ok this is a horrible joke...in fact it's not even fair to call it that, and well I made it up myself so balme me for any emotional scars, but it's not that creative either, it just has the word poop in it that's all, by answering the question you begin the second phase of the joke, and any further answering will continue the joke. You have been warned...
What color is poop?
Freak um........brown 020514
stork daddy it depends if you're looking at the poop with your rose colored glasses on. 020514
"Ancient Pagan" Ancient_Pagan says that: "Ordure is the basis of all good plant nutrition!" Dig that chlorophyll, yeah!!! 020514
phil you look at poop? 020515
stork daddy of course i do. does an artist look at their finished painting? do bears poop in the woods? 020515
phil people are made from poop 020515
"Ancient Pagan" Ancient_Pagan says: "People who are afraid of looking at their poop cannot connect with the basic, earthy things of life...As above, so below...we need an emotional foundation in the basic physical to elevate to the spiritual."

Ancient_Pagan also says: "I have a friend who, just to philosophically break social boundries, reached into the toilet and touched his own ordure! By the way, he's a philosopher."
stacey "pooping is great, its like 1/6 of an orgasim" 030217
Tester this is a test 030428
wakinglife cooper the super dooper pooper scooper 030428
art choke everything about that day,
was oh-so-clear.
every memory and sound and thought.
i was waiting for my hopeless mother to pick me up from school.
a simple task she likes to makes difficult. late, as usual.
i knew you, somewhat, we've exchanged a few meaningless words.
you drove right up to me, offered me a ride home.
i smiled, replied,'no thanks, someone'll be here soon.'
you questioned. i denied.
then you drove away.
i wanted you to know,
that your niceness almost made me cry.
m.s., thank you...
sylphide i acquired a cat today, and you knwo the first thing it did? it pooped in the backseat of the car. All i could do was smell it and laugh! :) 030429
Rotten77 this has to b one of the funniest words out there. i don't care if it's immature, it's fucking hilarious! 030429
mo smells nice 030621
poopstain POOPSTAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 030805
roscoe scooby-scooby-poo! 030805
animal I wanted to tell everybody that I am taking a crap right now as I'm typing this! It feels great!!! 030805
THIS GUYS FR#%&ING NUTS FART!!!!! oops, wrong place. I mean, POOP!!!! YEAH, POOP!!!! POOP-STAIN!!!! POOPSTAIN!!!!! FART!!!! SMELLY, SMELLY FARTS!!!!!



POOP!!!! MORE POOP!!!!!!!!!! POOP!!!!!


POOPlplplpllllpppplplplplppttt fart fart fart



somebody take it from here... I GOTTA TAKE A DUMP!!!

ever eat nothing but hot chile for like 3 days straight??? It's sooooo stinky!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEWWWWW!!!!! GROADIE!!!!!

misstree i can't swear at work, so when things frustrating half the claim department hears me yelling things like "poop sticks! go suck a carrot, you stinky monky flinger! i hope you stand on your head and get scabies!"

but poop stick is my favorite uncurseword ever right now.
oldephebe huhuhuhuhuh
she said...p p poop stick
huhhuhuhuh yeah poop stick
funny - can i appropriate that?

poop - I always think of puppies or my sisters indefagitable cats and thier
asphyxiating redolence, you know because of the unemptied litter box
poopstick - nice
nodata i pooped 031023
Death of a Poop poopsicles 031023
i_like_the_smell_of 031023
try i_love_the_smell_of 031023
oo repeat after me!," boob bood boop booq doob dood doop dooq poob pood poop pooq qoob qood qoop qooq " 031120
suddenblue "he called the shit poop!" 040111
:_) and what if your job description was professional pooper scooper? i've heard of some folks that scoop dog poop for a living. 040216
nanny and annie it's smelly and green and yellow..

lilac_air At 4 my son decided to compleatly stop hanging onto his pamper and now i do not worrie about poop :-)~
However there is now a wonder and a hidden giggle as to why he went pee pee in a paper bag earlier.
you my friend said that when he moved here (the U.S.) from the philipines for 3 days his poop was green. so was his brothers. it was something about having too much iron or something. 040913
god everybody poops. presidents, pretty girls, wiford brimley, camels, rabbits
everybody except nobody
god wilford. damn typos. how's anybody supposed to understand what i'm typing about? 040914
poopstaina i live for poop. except there are unis in my life too but poopstains come second. u should be thankful for ur poop otherwise u would be really reallly fat. next time kiss ur poop. 041223
poopy luva7675 i live for poop. except there are unis in my life too but poopstains come second. u should be thankful for ur poop otherwise u would be really reallly fat. next time kiss ur poop. 041223
poopy activist poopy is second in my life besides unis. thank ur poop otherwise ud be really really fat. next time kiss ur poop. 041223
me hi 050521
Pooper Scooper Man I gotta take a POOP! From the catsand BOX! I'm gonna break it up into little PIECES! An' carve em'into PEOPLE! 051124
the scatman Skeedybopadoodoobongdiggitybongdiggitybong. I'm the scatman! Skeedybeedybee pot potta poop, pot potta poop. Skeedybeedybee pot potta poop, pot potta poop, skeedybeedybee pot potta poop, pot potta poop, skeedybeedybee pot potta poop, pot potta poop, skeedybeedy pee pot pot pota poop, pot pot potta poop, pee pot pot potta poop, pot pot potta poop, pee pot pot potta poop, pot pot potta poop, pee pot pot potta poop, pot pot potta poop. I'm the scatman! I'm the shitman! I'm the scatman! I'm the shitman! 051130
poopeater I eat poop (for real). It's clayee and tastes exactly what you eat, (sort of). If you show me you're not like 40. I may go on cam later, eat some poop. 051130
mos canada's government.
all alike: liberals, fucken conservatives and those pussies..yeah the ndp.
i hate them all.
cutting taxes for the rich and cutting back on social services.
may you catch tuberculosis and have a most horrifying, slow, nasty, painful death.
Oprah Gerbilhead when is poopeater.com the movie coming out already. I've been waiting forever for it! 051201
buttcluster I think it got shelved. I dunno, check netflix or somethin, maybe u can rent it. 051202
poopmaker make poop, all the party people in the house make poop, everybody goin on a date make poop, everybody sittin in the car make poop, make poop. If you're gettin nervous cuz you gotta take a dump, well you'll get there sooner or later, you better hope to god you got toilet paper. If you gotta shit and you're caught in traffic, squeeze your cheeks together and (poop) aint that a bitch. Pinchy pinchy pinchy pinchy pinchy poop poop. Have you ever had to take a shit at the zoo? Maybe at school, maybe in the pool, one time I had to take a shit in the drive through. All the girls do it like Britney Spears. Pinchin out a nutty buddy with their face fulla tears. Mr. T has problems with his colon, cuz when he takes a shit, it looks like Gary Coleman. If people piss you off, tell em they make poop. And that's what I do, when I take a shit! 051204
sir snacks a lot poop is the nuttiest, crunchiest, tastiest snack you can ever have. I have panpers on so I can eat whatever comes out. 051204
Oprah Gerbilhead The reason why I want to know when Poopeater.com the movie is coming out is because I'm supposed to be in it. I keep going to the site every day and it isn't working. 051216
professor poopypants Well that should tell you something. They probably either pulled the plug on it or locked it up. If it wasn't for that idiot who had the same exact name as one of the characters complaining he wanted his name taken off, it probably would be on dvd by now. 051216
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
poo thats what the children want 051226
buttcluster actually the film has an NC-17 rating, so children are not allowed to view it. 051227
master poopapoo one time I farted long and hard that a bumblebee flew into my asshole. Then I took a shit and there was a huge honeycomb in it, so I fed it to my guests. 051229
sarah sweet 051230
sarah i would poop on you if i liked you 051230
Wet Poopy Anus Licking Penetrators The Wonders Of Poopy
By The Wet Poopy Anus Licking Penetrators

Sometimes when I'm lonely, I like to eat six to seven pounds of my own lovely brown chunky goodness. My favorite is after I eat a crayon. The color of the poopy mixed with the lovely taste of peanuts and poop. They go so smoothly. Right now I will right you an essay on the wonders of poopy.

Have you ever found a handy snack that you can carry around with you? Have you ever had something feel so good you just couldn't stop? Well if you crave the above indulgences, look now further, POOPY is the way to fly.

Poopy is very nutritious, but at the same time has a delightful crisp taste. The reason poopy taste so good is because in every mouthful of poopy delight, there is always that wonderful hint of flavor of yesterday's turkey or last night's ......poopy! POOPY KICKS!

Although poopy tastes like the one of the best things in the world, you have to wonder, is this good for me? Well, here's a surprise, it turns out poopy is one of the healthiest things for you in the known universe! According professional healthy dung consumers, poop fits fit perfectly into the daily food pyramid. Poopy is full of all the natural vitamins and minerals needed to kick start your day!

we all know poopy is a fun and beautiful substance, but the mosts beautiful part of taking poopy in the mouth is that in about six hours it starts all over again. If you are bored with normal poopy eating, try poopy eating with your friends. A mouthful of poopy from your best friend, lover, girlfriends, husband, wife, gay relation, can give you both the most tasty and sensual experience in the universe. TRUST US WERE EXPERTS! Remember, in the eyes of someone who loves you, "one poopy can speak a thousand words."-Socrates, poop extraordinaire.
Wet Poopy Anus Licking Penetrators The Wonders of Poopy Revision #1
By The Wet Poopy Anus Licking Penetrators

Have you ever searched for a nutritious snack that you can carry with you everywhere? Have you ever been indulged in something so sensual that your body just couldn't stop craving it? Well then look no further, the answer is here! Poopy can solve all of your dietary, and lovemaking needs.

"Sure", you're thinking, "everyone knows poopy tastes delish, but is it really good for me too?" well friend, I am here to tell you that the answer to that question is yes. Never has there ever been such a scrumptious treat that keeps on supplying! Approved professional nutritionists all around the globe agree, poopy blows away the competition! Shove some shit in your mouth today!
Of course another positive effect of poopy is that it tastes just so darn good. Nothing in the universe compares to the feeling of warm dung being slapped in my face, so i can only hope that it is the same for you. If it is, don't waste another minute! Eat fast, poop quickly.

poopy, which we may remind you is approved by all FCCA (Federal Consumer Care Associations) correlations, can also help save back on all those festive seasons. Instead of spending tons of money, year after year, try saving up a month or two's worth of shit in your freezer. Then when your holiday comes around it's food for everyone!

Of course the best part about poopy; you get that same great taste, (for free), just a day later! It never stops supplying! And of course, as poopy fanatics know, eating your own feces can sometimes be a lonely business. If you are tired of pooping in your own face, have your friend, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, gay partner, or dog, do it with you! Nothing says 'I Love You' like a warm shoot in the mouth of crap. Just like Socrates once said, In the eyes on one who loves you, a poopy can speak a thousand words."
Dr. Gerbilhead Wet licking poopy anus penetrators, your paper needs work. Please proofread it some more and hand it in to me tomorrow. 060122
plup I seriously eat poop, it tastes just like brussels sprouts. 060123
falling_alone "someone pooped on the bathroom floor!"
"what? really?"

"someone has to clean it up"
"theres no way i'm touching it"
"not me"
"me neither"
"well i'm not cleaning it up either!"

"i mean it's not like a big one, it's just a nugget"
Dr. Gerbilhead Uh, Wet anus licking poopy penetrators, I'm disappointed that you didn't turn in your essay, mmkay. I am going to let it slide this time, but I expect to see it tomorrow, mmkay. 060124
plop butt nuggets rule!! 060125
ass poop in my bot 060205
poop sperm in my pants 060206
poop What I like to do is poop in a baking pan then put it in the oven and smell up the house withthe aroma of feisty feces. 060209
poop You're right, I do. It's fun. I love the smell and taste of doo doo feces. 060210
somebody Liar! What you really love is the taste and the smell of Doo_Doo_Feces. There is a difference. You are a connesewer, no? Plain old doo doo feces are for firsttimers. 060210
brown I put on a diaper and I really can't wait for poop to come because I feel like a snack. 060212
poop lover gaa go poop! gaa go pee! gaa go poop! gaa go pee! 060304
Timmy Dubong I marinate chicken in my very own dierria. but chris threw it out on me. I havent had dierria since, so I haven't had the chance to enjoy it. 060311
Chris M. Timmy's my hero! He taught me all I need to know how to be a pedophile! 060610
dave poop tastes just like brussels sprouts 060622
. eat me
cut my crank
poopman Yo Timmy, if you want to get dierrhea, eat some spinach, a baked potato, stagg chili, then eat a whole bag of those Baskin Robbins hard candies. It worked for me, and it gave me the screaming shitzees. 060921
devilbunny YOU WACKOS ARE GOOD...
crapmaster i eat poop 070115
smp make poop. all the party people in the house gotta make poop. everybody goin' on a date gotta make poop. everybody sittin in the car gotta make poop. gotta make poop. 070318
. do a poo. 070319
ff night night then.
mail back one a week !

oh i should have !

but you scare me.
love love.
he he i wish i could rub out biro you are norty though! 070319
smp pinchy pinchy pinchy pinchy pinch poop poop. have you ever had to take a shit at the zoo. maybe in school maybe in the pool. one time i had to take a shit in the drive thru. all the gils do it like britney spears. pichin out a nutty buddy with their face fulla tears. mr t has problems with his colon, cuz when he takes a shit it looks like gary coleman. 070328
. do a poop 070422
Spongebob Squarepants People

POOP, you never let me down!
Poop lover I love it 080213
sick of the mexicans A mexican who used to work for me shit on the floor in my building. I fired his ass big time. 080221
Yeslek i_have_been_pooping_alot_lately 080222
Poop Lover I really love poop. Will someone please come have fun in it with me? 190604
what's it to you?
who go