oo repeat after me!," boob bood boop booq doob dood doop dooq poob pood poop pooq qoob qood qoop qooq " 031120
WTF qooq is jus poop in the mirror! 031120
Mokita qooq is just a boob or a dood reverse in the blather ... 031121
avec loop 031121
andru235 yeah, so it's poop and boob and dood and...stuff. don't you people get it?!? you're supposed to repeat after oo. i thought that was made clear when you first came to blather, which was looooong before i did. even *I* know to repeat after oo on the qooq page, at least once!

" boob bood boop booq doob dood doop dooq poob pood poop pooq qoob qood qoop qooq "
what's it to you?
who go