Em hey there daf
what brings you back?
dafremen see also: back_by_popular_demand 041204
lame like you guess that whole apocalyptic vision thing didn't quite pan out, so you thought you'd come hang with us losers again.

always have to have the last word, dontcha?
smurfus rex I don't know about the apocalyptic vision thing, but thanks for the astrology and numerology posts, daf. They got me thinking and exploring. 041205
duh... do you have any idea who 1983usc48 is? 041205
dafremen It's funny, really. Those who don't know, seem to like to flaunt it. And those of us who know just a very little, often can't share the little that it is we know, so we end up playing the part of whipping boy to these misguided types. It's still coming, the changes, (although apocolyptic isn't the word I would use to describe them.)

I came back here because several of my friends asked me to. (Come to think of it, that's answer enough for me, and so why should I possibly care what Dennis the Man-Do-I-Have-A-Cutting-Wit Menace up there thinks? I guess I don't.)

Thanks smurfus, I'm always more than happy to share what I know, and learn what I don't.

If you have any questions about astrology (or numerology which I'm not as versed on, but am learning), feel free to ask. I managed to get my hands on a copy of Solarfire awhile back, so you could also get a copy of your chart interpretation free of charge if you like.

I'm not sure who anyone is around here anymore. I haven't read anything by 42 USC 1983, but I'll go look and give you my impressions.

There are a few characters that have always been easy to spot when they use aliases. (And they use them because they're tired of having their regular alias looked upon as a mean-spirited-shitraker. I've never shied away from labels, so I've never relied upon an alias to hide my errors in judgement. Make of that what you will.)

With these types, it seems they have a very difficult time putting a lid on their venom and so it just sort of sloshes all over the place, hinting that perhaps you're better off ignoring them than letting them into your head.

I won't mention names, just suggest that their main reason for coming to blather is that they can't afford or don't wish to seek professional help.

I used to enjoy playing with those types, but realized one day that it was sort of like poking back through the bars at the monkeys that poke at me. (Wasn't long after that that I realized I was surrounded by bars myself. A pretty sobering realization, to be sure.)

I guess the long and the short of it is, I'm here for as long as I want to be, for whatever reasons I want to be whether some of you like it, or not.

Those of you that are glad I'm back, thank you, I'm glad you're here too.

Those of you who would rather I suffered a massive coronary than return to blather, thank you, I'm glad you're here too. (Now if you'll just take a step to one side, you're blocking a perfectly lovely sunrise.)
oldephebe Dafremen I tried to send you an email. Thanx for getting back to me. I've enjoyed your sagacious and eloquent commentary in other realms of the internet and am glad to see you back in blather. Thankyou for answering my question. In retrospect I see how the tenor of my inquiry could be percieved as not only haphazardly structured but also sardonic and insincerely posed.

I regret that I didn't use more sensitivity in choosing my words but my quest for knowledge was sincere.

I mean, like you I've got this burden for those like me, like all of us who ache. Fetally frozen, locked in the crucifix constriction, the unremitting hell of being an empty shell jostling a soul, that in its anguished violence experiences an incapacitating fatigue until finally in its last frozen breath, it still reaches in a panicked rictus of despair out of ichoate unamebale yearning towards what he implicitly knows what will be the source and cessation of his tormet.
oldephebe out of an inchoate unameable yearning..blah blah blah.. 041205
RIC inchoate AND unameable yearning 041205
RIC inchoate AND unameable yearning 041205
smurfus rex thanks daf! might just take you up on that sometime! 041205
anne-girl ooh, daffy's back
who i never saw becasue he left waaaay before i got here

jane party_at_dafs_house !!! 041205
kookaburra just stopping by somehow, i was pretty sure he'd come back sometime... 041205
whitechocolatewalrus hi i am whitechocolatewalrus and a couple of other various names. you were never gone really, i've read you. hope today and tomorrow and the next day and all of the days after that are good for you. 041205
Piso Mojado Although our blather-paths never really crossed, I would like to say welcome back. I've been reading your latest writing and am enjoying it (puts a smile on my face.) I hope this time on blather gives you what you need. 041205
daf Thank you for again welcoming me back (on another blathe), and thank you for keeping the size of the "tar-and-feather" posse to a minimum this time. Getting older, I can only take on so many at a time anymore.

Since I have been on blather(4 years?), there has been a certain amount of speculation as to what is real, and what is not among the things I do and write around here. It's always been kinda fun to keep that information to myself, scattering a little of this with a little of that; let people assume whatever the hell they wanted.

It's fun to put on a show and let the people that see things only on the surface think they are seeing something that they aren't. Im not sure why, and since the entire world is engaged in it, I won't judge myself too harshly (for most of it anyhow.)

Another very famous Libran said: "I am..whatever you say I am. If I wasn't, then why would you say I am?"
That line is a very profound Libran insight. Watching people judge books by their covers has been a common Libran pasttime since there have been Librans.

The whole purpose of this little ramble is to share something very personal with those of you who care enough to read, care enough to respond and who care enough to care about the people you meet as you saunter down your path.

For those of you who read and know what you are seeing, whether it be at a conscious level, or just a feeling somewhere in you that knows the difference between wax fruit and real..for you, a very personal insight that I found a few weeks ago in a book called "Astronumerology" by Pamela Hobs Bell and Jordan Simon. (ISBN: 1-56865-995-4

Now I haven't exactly investigated into numerology, so you won't get a solid recommendation from me. What I WILL say, is that there is definitely a connection between the definitions for the 11 numbers used in numerology and the definitions for the various signs of the Zodiac. That connection is VERY apparent once you understand what the symbols that are the signs mean. But enough of that.

This describes me...to the heart of me. For you:

Libra - 9
"The Activist Actor"

A Libra Nine sports an almost messianic complex(guess some of the sh*trakers were right..almost): you believe you have to save the world in order to justify your existence! You want to transport people to another level, whether of reality or the imagination. You exist to provide inspiration: your vision could be liberating either a nation or the sexual mores of an entire generation. Ever thought of yourself as a combination Gandhi and Brigitte Bardot, your fellow Libra Nines? They make quite the odd couple, but then you've always felt in your element with an oddball lot. Think about it, though. The bodacious Ms. Bardot embodied the latter, sparking millions of adolescent fantasies. And today she's making headlines and headway with her single-minded underdog crusade for the ethical treatment of animals. As for the Mahatma, he almost singlehandedly vanquished the British Empire.

But don't canonize yourself quite yet. Yes, you tirelessly battle corruption, organize literal and political cleanup campaigns, champion causes, stump for harmony and brotherhood. But your idealism is never so excessive that you lose touch with reality. There's always a touch of the performer grandstanding for the audience in your words and deeds(enjoy the show.) But back to your qualifications for sainthood. Some Librans can be class-conscious, but you respect people who work hard to get where they are, overcoming adverse circumstances. You're scrupulously aware of the need to balance your spiritual and artistic growth with the practical necessities of life.

Even if you don't actively seek the spotlight, it just seems to locate you like a police searchlight. Once there, of course, you don't mind even the harshest glare, not to mention the paparazzi's popping flasbulbs. If anything, this inspires you to perform even more selflessly and efficiently. You know the value of publicity and you have implicit faith in your ability to project just the right image to the public. And yes, you do like to receive credit; you have a becoming modesty that is approximately 99 percent genuine and 1 percent show.

Love, Sex, Marriage

You're primarily sensuous, not sensual; you love with your mind, for all your slithery, slinky sexuality(aww geeez...cmon now..thats a bit much don't you think? *blush* ok so i can slink and slither in the boudoire..sheesh.) Since you project a combination of cool refinement and restrained intensity, no matter how married you are, opportunities will always flirt with you. If single, you certainly don't lack for willing candidates, but you let most of them down easily, their love not so much unrequited as unrequired.(Yea..it's true. Love the F*CK out of humanity. Don't really require much love in return. Not sure why. Isn't that strange?) You've got your priorities: you're here for humanity first, loved ones second, and yourself about ninth.

Which doesn't mean you're an inattentive or uncaring lover. You're tenderly concerned for your partner's welfare and dole out plenty of hugs and kisses. More than most, you tend to identify with your lover's feelings, which sometimes makes you unsure of your own. You're actually quite romantic in an old-fashioned sort of way, often waiting (much) beyond the infamous third date to consummate the relationship, and deluging the datee with attention. That's true during the courtship stage and after you're happily wedlocked, key long since thrown away.(Damned Cancer Moon loyalty.) It's the in-between part--dragging you to the altar--that can be difficult. But since you're usually attracted to an assertive partner, that's sooner rather than later.

Money and Career

Well, if you can't be an actual role model or sex kitten, you still have plenty of options to ensure your message is heard and acknowledged. Since you so adroitly take society's pulse, you could act as a public relations consultant or media guru (shudder)--if you believe in your product, of course. (I have a blathe that says almost exactly those words. I can sell ANYTHING if I believe in the product and believe that people will be happy with it. Otherwise I'm pretty terrible at sales.) As with any Libra or Nine, the performing arts beckon. You could be a publisher or producer who introduces ground breaking new artists. Psychology and medicine, especially alternative forms of healing like acupuncture and homeopathy (and astrology?), allow you the one-on-one hands-on contact you also enjoy.

The Libra9 Potential

Sounds idyllic, doesn't it, a Utopian vision: everyone living in peace, listening to one another's point of view? (Yes it does. Very much so.) Unfortunately, life is rarely like that. Libra Nines spend much of their time and energy (now read very carefully here..this is 90% of my purpose in doing what I do)ensuring the scales don't tip too far;someday those scales need to fall from your eyes. (Say what?!) Something's gotta give--as in learning to establish a true give and take in ALL relationships, from marital to professional.

On second thought, remain in your blissful ignorance. (That's more like it!) We need you armed and ready to fight the good fight. (Bout time someone realized that.) Who knows? With you leading the way by opening your eyes, arms, mind and heart, the world might just become the joyous love-in you envision. (Oh it's coming...I'm on it.)

So there you are. But then, you didn't need a book to tell you all of that. : )

what's it to you?
who go