i woke up it was cold slippery i ate surgary cookies that made my mouth hurt people made me feel like shit i had gym i have a cold people made me feel like shit again i felt like shit and awkward while trying to corner someone into saying something i didn't get the size malt i wanted the ice on my windshield was thick i lost one glove i lost my Sit On A Happy Face Pin i felt really weird and awkward at happy chef when people brought up things that they really should get over then i felt weird and awkward when fucking dumbasses screamed things out a window when i was with a girl "Get the door for her!" "Fuck you!"
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i was dizzy today all day damn drugs
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useless extra manager lost the project i finished for her last week and LAN crash nearly ate the back up overslept, barely avoided being late spent hours making an assload of copies for a bunch of lawyers because we can afford an extra manager at $68k a year but not a couple of clerks for about a quarter of that apiece misplaced $100 pipes backed up and my drain snake broke
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got piss drunk ran a ..cop..? off-duty, hyper... active... did not yield.. will go to jail.
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The M&M's in my TCBY treat were stale... REALLY REALLY stale. I got up late this morning. I wanted a McFlurry but mom didn't stop at McDonald's. There's nothing to do at work. I'm bored. Today was a good day actually. Only petty things went wrong.
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florescent light
Roommate hasn't called. Sore ankle makes it hard to walk - no fun. Not much mobility. Exchanged numbers with a seemingly nice guy; he hasn't called. Guy at college was beat to death outside the bar with a golf club and a tire iron. Sore ankle prevented me from walking to the video store to return rented movie - now I have late charges. Psycho roommate hasn't paid electric - will be shut off tomorrow unless the rest of us can make up the difference. I have 5 weeks of paychecks - can't cash - not one- insufficiant funds in the owners bank account.
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i played my violin for 5 hours today and now my back is fucking bothering me. goddamn car accident fucking with the rest of my life. sorry...i'm just a little bitter but i sure do like the pills.
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florescent light
bus driver who flirted with me invited me out to lunch.
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lady lunchbox
*i woke up with a worse sore throat than the last four days *i had foundations of design class *that class of 100 people was held in a classroom instead of the theater, and i had to sit on the floor *my legs both fell asleep *the bacon at breakfast was tooooooo greasy
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~i have a small headache ~nobody has called (particularly the guy i want to call) ~its too goddamn hot here ~my bird bit me and most of all ~nothing bad has happened to me today.
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kelli crane
i put too much sugar in my cake
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lady lunchbox
* my monitor blew up yesterday....while i was playing quake (see good_things_that_happenedto_me_today) * my new monitor is too big for my desk * all my plans with all my new friends are falling thru * i'm still hungover
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the wedding dress i fell in love with was part of a discontinued style and therefore since they couldn't alter it, I couldn't get it... I forgot my thingy to get my violin back...
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lady lunchbox
*i woke up this morning to get ready for graphic design class at 7, and as i was getting ready to grab my design project, it fell apart. so i put the pieces in a shoebox and turned it in. i got an F. ~*sigh*~ *i think i may have scared him with something i said, and that's no good
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I went to school. This blathe applies to tomorrow and the rest of my life until about 2007, and yesterday and before that since 1990 ... except weekends and breaks.
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yeah, i feel ya. same for me.... until 2007 also...
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lady lunchbox
*i didn't get to work in computer applications class today cuz three of the macs crashed and my username and password aren't working *i haven't seen renz since 12 this afternoon, and i miss him (yeah, i know it's pretty pathetic) *i'm having my third bad day in a row...and that's a bad, bad thing
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i reconsidered marriage
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little wonder
i went to my world religions class. we spent the whole hour talking about neanderthals. that is not how a religion class should go. She took 3 paragraphs in the book and instead of just having us read them, take notes, and be done, we had to spend an additional 60 minutes talking about them. not about what they have to do with relgion, but just of artifacts and other similar things people have found on them. incredibly aggravating.
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little wonder
wow...what i just wrote a few hours previously is nothing compared to what just happened.
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little wonder
i didn't get a part in the play. and what's even worse is that i had a dream about it last night...not making it. what's even worse is who did make the cast list though...how goddamn depressing. so much for my last play my senior year.
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I starved myself for two days and ran after school yesterday and i still haven't lost a pound :(
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lady lunchbox
ok, here goes: *i made my mom eat at long john silver's with me, and now she's got food poisoning :o( *renz didn't call me, but i wasn't really expecting him to *i still don't know why my ex was at sheetz at 3 in the morning last thursday, especially when he lives 15 miles away from my college. i was drunk and he scared me, and now i think he's stalking me. *my toilet overflowed. oh, poo.
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I fell of my roof and into your arms
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i remember it was monday, shortly fafter waking up. i remembered i had to go back to school. i had to go back to school. i went back to school. school is shit
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IKC 56-80
didn't fall asleep til six this morning and needed to be up by seven. lost my economics project notes, but i've got a back-up. somebody defaced the painting i was working on in art-class by scratching through some of the oil paint. i think i know who it is, but until i can prove it, i can't do or say shit or else i run the risk of being called the asshole. so fucking unfair
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no reason
found out for sure he's leaving. i sort of expected it, but i was hoping that he'd decide to stay. seemed so excited about it, too...and didn't have any regrets, hardly. that, and the knowledge that i won't see him, (and that he didn't seem all too upset about it) are what hurt the most. i couldn't help but share in his happiness though...it's good for him...i guess. fuck.
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excersized what i previously called free will, which i have found to be non-existant. convince_me
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lady lunchbox
so, two years later and my days still suck. - i didn't get to eat lunch at work. - he still hasn't called me. - i am lazy. i didn't meet with my photographer and work on our project. i'm a bad student. - it's raining. not too bad, all in all....it's just the same old shit, and it's getting old.
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i suppose i shouldn't have much to bitch about, except for the fact that i found out that my main allie in this house conspired against me and helped someone steal the battery from my car. he knew about it, and didn't say anthing to me not that's just wrong.
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she said she loved me. It wasnt enough.
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i found the blog of the boyfriend of the girl i like and it disgusted me endlessly
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souless wanderer
friday at work: The machine fucked up on me endlessly. Only when i was on that part of the line. Grease was everywhere. I had to clean it up. My coveralls were coated, it dripped in my hair. Then i got moved to another line. I broke it. so we had to clear it of drums manually. About 60, each weighing over 25kg. Then i apparently printed labels in the wrong sequence. And forgot to write the flushes on the paperwork. And sent drums to the wrong line. Then coming in from break, i fell up the stairs. The stairs are made of metal. In a grated form. That is raised. So i had angry red crisscross lines all over my knees. Then i ran out of cigarettes. Driving home from work, I missed my street. Almost ran out of gas. Ran a red light, because i misjudged the distance. Thought i could make it when it was still yellow, but it was red a few seconds before i reached the intersection. Had to drive my stepmom up to the trailer. Because she took so long grocceryshopping, my plans for the eveningn were ruined. So i came home, and smoked up. And today wasn't much better.
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I woke up with a hang over from hell. Missed my appointment with my real estate agent. Relize my purse is half empty and oils, lipstick, a garder belt and 200 bucks is missing. Find a few small items scattered about the house. My rent check bounced. And I Have no memory of what I did when I came home this morning. but the day is early I'm sure I can fuck it up more.
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yes it got a little worse... I found out that a supposed friend of mine that slept over last night stole my shit while I was sleeping. She even stole 6 bucks from my nine year old neice's purse who busted her. then when I confront the bitch she denies it, even though there was a plethera of evidence. The sneaky bitch made sure as to dump out all the ash trays so it would make it harder to curse her ass.... but the dumb bitch left a sock and something she had wrote on...hahahaha I hope she enjoys her threefold karma..
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my mom got mad at me for saying i would let my dad borrow my fan. i had to go to the store and be around people. my parents got all frustrated with me. i was reffered to as "screwed up" yet agian. i didn't get my mom anything for her birthday. i feel guilty and bad. i won't see my friend again for another year. and bryce didn't come back.
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my cat threw up and i had to clean it up. i also had to clean up after my dog at nine in the morning which is like the middle of the night for me. my parents fought yet again. and bryce didn't come back.
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i didnt say bye
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the pimple is growing crushed all hopes of happiness by saying my coach thinks i'm slacking off didn't hand in art there was no play practice, sat in the auditorium until someone asked on stage "who is that random person..." i will not be eating food until i can fit into a size 8 evening gown
what's it to you?