How did it go, calculise the fucker to death?
DannyH aw shame...she missed it. 010512
denzel Well, that's it for that. Some guy was gonna wish her luck before, but she took off before he could. And now he was gonna say he was all happy and shit about her being free and all, but she's gone again. So there it is, deep within the shit-filled recesses of nothingness...And how the fuck can you get disconnected from blather? Christ! 010512
DannyH She'll be back. I know an addict when i see one, or was that just the reflection in my screen. 010512
ninny nu nu who, what, who, when , how? 010513
nocturnal (so what if I am an addict?!) thanks so much. not that I deserve it because, well, let's face it. chances are I failed. but I did know stuff, that was a first. but I am so free now. I don't know if I can handle the joy. and now I'm all reconnected...well, sorta. not on my computer, but at least I have access to one. that was a tough 24 hours there. anyway, thanks again for the applause, y'all. much appreciated. 010513
nocturnal just wanted to let y'all know that I believe I got a C on my final. I know, I almost crapped my pants too. I hate having to be proud of such low grades, but considering we only had 2 exams during the semester and I got a 46 on the first one and a 28 on the second one, I think it's a fucking miracle that I passed that piece of shit class. anyway, this part of my life is now and forever closed. let's all raise our glasses in cheers to me and the end of my hell. 010516
Aimee don't feel bad about being proud of a low grade.. i passed advanced algebra with a D- last year and I was so happy I cried.. 010516
melvinwang yay, whoever you are? 010517
nocturnal thanks, aimee.

and thanks melvin, even though you don't know who I am. I'm liz. everything else you need to know about me can be found somewhere within these blather pages.
bono in lingerie Or within my vocal cords. 010517
nocturnal dream on bono. it ain't gonna happen. 010517
bono in lingerie :-( 010517
nocturnal truth hurts 010517
Dafremen I'm having a party over at the "dafremen" blather. You're all invited. Except that one do0d. Yea YOU in the back with your finger shoved halfway up your nose. You stay here, the rest of you...follow me..... 010518
. can Kenny come?
or will someone kill im?
nocturnal I think that party's long since ended. I went. wasn't all that much fun considering daffy just sat around watching comedy central the whole damn time. bono did some nice yodelling for us all, though. 010526
DannyH *spontaneous ripple of appreciation*

:::crowd mumble and whisper to each other..."she got the job." "What job?" "shhhhhh":::
DannyH I'm off to sun myself on a beautiful Greek Island so you'll be one groupie down for a while. 010604
nocturnal at work NO! you can't leave. damn. well, thanks for the spontaneous appreciation. 010604
Dafremen I think he broke wind before he left...or was that YOU?! 010604
nocturnal at work yuck. 010604
nocturnal no one's applauded me lately and I'm bored, so I'm applauding myself. yes, I know it's sad, but I have nothing at all to say and this is the best I can do at the moment. so yay me for nothing in particular. 010616
Dafremen I say you deserve a round of applause for...hmmm..lemme see...


A round of applause for nocturnal...my Number One fan. : )
nocturnal I hate you, you incorrigible piece of crap. 010616
DannyH with a tan Here's a warm hand on your entrance 010618
nocturnal at work I'm so glad you're back. I'm sure you had a wonderful time on the beaches. do tell us all about it. 010618
DannyH Want to see some photos?

me chilled out on the beach

me losing my sunglasses

me eating lots of red snapper and feta cheese

close up of my face expressing feeling of horrible complicity in the destruction of something beautiful (town full of english tourists getting a full english breakfast and watching english TV in a fake english pub in the background)

One of Scott Drummond, a golf professional I met with some interesting stories to tell. Look at his hands, aren't they beautiful?

Me swimming in warm crystal clear waters of the mediterranean next to some German nudists

Me smoking too many cheap cigarettes
Kontrol DannyH passed on your email to me. As long as its well argued, my dear, you may discuss the point any way you like. 010618
nocturnal at work great. thanks babe. 010618

shit, I think I was supposed to stay at the presentation thingy and make a speech. oops. I'll, uh...be right back to celebrate.
Dafremen We'll be waiting her ewith champagne and baited breath.(aka fish breath...good caviar) 010629
Dafremen Taps foot...looks around..hey wait...I forgot to hear the speech! 010629
nocturnal you haven't missed it yet. on my way out I passed the bar. still trying to rip myself away. hope nobody's getting too ancy in there. 010629
Dafremen (mouth full of caviar..crackers and beer nuts) Rooo...reerryrings rust pff(crackers fly all over the place)finne. 010629
Dafremen Alright the security thing was NOT funny nocturnal. Do you HEAR me...NOT FUNNY! Where did you guys FIND those gawdawful huge bastards anyhow? Geezus!
nocturnal HEY! how'd you get away?! what the hell do I pay those guys for, anyway? it's so hard to get good help these days. 010629
Dafremen (With a twinkling eye, a shit eating grin and a glass tilted in Nocturnal's direction.)

Noc...here's to you and your golden star...

As for my getting away from security....when will you LEARN dearest nocturnal? When will you learn? : )
DannyH Hey Noc, good result today. I got wax all over my uniform. Nice speech, I thought you were very gracious. Now, where's the vodka? 010629
nocturnal liquor's at the bar to your left, beer's in ice chests and kegs outside on the patio, all other intoxicating substances are, well, everywhere. just look around you for a bit and you'll surely find whatever you want.
really thought my speech was gracious, didja? that's surprising seeing as how I emptied a bit of the keg here before realising I was still supposed to be there. I was grateful I didn't fall on my face walking up to the podium. well, it's all behind us now. now it's time to kick back, drink some beer and shmoke some weed!
DannyH Cheers.
:::Pours himself a gimlet:::
So now you've got the gold_star, do you feel any different? Are you still going to remember the little people that made you what you what you are today?
nocturnal I wouldn't say I feel any different. I mean, I know I said it was unexpected in my speech, but let's be honest here. I knew it all along. I won't forget any little people, except for the ones that I hate. and I doubt I'll actually forget them, but I'll try my very hardest. hence why I am drinking and smoking away as many brain cells tonight as possible. hopefully I'll rid myself of the ones containing the memories of the stupid and obnoxious. 010629
DannyH Good luck with that. By the way, where's my pix? 010629
nocturnal oh shit! I thought I sent them to you! sorry. I'll do that right now. 010629
nocturnal otay. they're sent. 010629
nocturnal fuck. no they're not. hold on. 010629
nocturnal alright, I think they finally made it. let me know whether or not you got them. 010629
Dafremen I'm sorry but did you say weed noc?
(Scoochez up a seat)
I'm proud of you too noc...ya done good. S'Bob should've applied himself a little harder that's all. Hey...you earned this moment in the sun...why should anyone deny you what you've earned?

Need papers?(Reaches in..pulls out Randy's wired papers and a lighter)
DannyH Received. Thankyou. Pissed off your ass is a good look for you. Rather as I expected, you look like an angel with a wicked streak. 010629
johnny west Just dropped in to pass out. Hello, congrats and goodnight.

::: collapses on the floor :::
nocturnal what? why'd you pass out? well my night's ruined. and daffy, do you honestly think I'd ever smoke with you? even if you supplied it yourself I'd deny you the honor. and danny, thanks. I'm glad you weren't disappointed. 010629
Dafremen Notice the way she said that? I'm afraid if anyone needed any more proof that this chick's got it bad for the Dafster...whoot there it is. 010629
nocturnal for being a useless, lazy, soon to be homeless fuck up. woohoo. 020501
god damn. that sounds like no fun. 020501
nocturnal it is no fun, god. no fun at all. 020502
phil Walks in the room, thick with an aura of debilitating carcinogens.
Strange lubrication fills head, turning eyes from white to black.
Has about twenty flashbacks and stumbles over Johnny.
Smacks against spoon in punch bowl, full of acrid smelling gummy tar daffy brought for the party.
Spoon clangs on the floor, and is kicked under chair, not to be found for a whole other year.
A few shocked onlooker's gasp, quickly.

The last person who would notice is nocturnal, her gold star filling half the room, the other half filled with the stench of over deoderization and toothpaste.
Phil notices nothing further, but romantic delusions. Insisting that he is the queen of (local gas station), tempted by the smell of sprinkle dounuts, and twinkies.
Daffy's "syrup" congeals to an unpenetrable mushroom head, in the punch bowl.
The party trinckles to a slow stop, the few left circling the room are led out the door, circling around and collapsing for sleep against the building wall.
The last lights are plucked out, nocturnal steps out toward the door not noticing phil's collapsed party.
A graceful step lands squarely on his groin, as she pauses for a moment, reflecting on her metatheory once again, she slowly turns, her heel grinding in phil's delicates.
The small room, the memories taken from it, she realizes this will be the last of her glory.
She smiles thinking about the donkey.
She turns once again, cracking oysters. And goes outside to live a few dreams.
nocturnal otay, I would NEVER do that to a person. well, maybe if my roommate, alexis, were a guy...yeah. but that's the only person. at least not on purpose. 020502
what's it to you?
who go