Mahayana [{Just curious what number would come up more often}]

Arwyn 7.5 020110
yummyC hm...at first i thought 7 (weeird), then i was like, no. 3.

so, 3.
ClairE e 020110
cube 5 - it's my new lucky number. 7 just wasn't doing anything for me...
reitoei 2 020110
Becky 2 020110
Jenna 7 020110
hey now! 3 020110
shamrocker 3 020110
oren 2 020110
SuicidalAngel 6 020110
DannyH 7 020111
Persona 9 020111
silentbob 4 020111
Teenage Jesus 5 020111
Grievance 3 020111
Effingham Fish six 020112
SuicidalAngel The average is 4.9 020112
Mahayana 1]
2] reitoei / Becky / oren
3] yummyC / hey now! / shamrocker / Grievance
4] silentbob
5] cube / Teenage Jesus
6] SuicidalAngel / Effingham Fish
7] mahayana / Jenna / DannyH
7.5] Arwyn
9] Persona

e] ClairE

¿]any patterns arise[?
?[surprised or not, w/ who picked ur #]¿
¿]any reasons why U chose the # u did[?
?[anyone cheat & look b4 posting a #]?
Toxic_Kisses I picked 4 bc of the B4 in the title, yea I know, perdictable ol' me
^.^ oh well
kelli crane 5 020112
Mahayana ONES
are independent, self motivated, hard workers. They have a strong desire to be #1. They are critical of themselves and as a result can be critical of others.

want peace. They try to be mediators. When they feel threatened or pushed to the wall, they become the terrible 2s. They seek love and do not like to be alone.

communicate in all areas: written word and verbal. Writers, radio broadcasters, actors, singers, performers, counselors. They are the natural comedian. They can be manic depressive if they do not use their creative energy and tend to exaggerate the truth. Known by their trademark smile, eyes and voice.

seek security. Home is their haven. They are usually very cerebral and have to get out of their heads. Like NIKE, "Just Do It." Otherwise, great ideas live and die in their heads.

seek freedom, fun, adventure. If they do not live the adventure, their lives become soap operas. They are the natural detectives and celebrators of life (holidays). 5s have a hard time settling down and have a fear of being trapped or smothered.

are nurturers. If men, they rescue damsels in distress. If women, they mother the "little boy" in their men. They should manage or run the company. If every thing is going smoothly, they must be careful not to ruin it. They tend to put people on pedestals which then topple. Magnetic. People are drawn to them. Their moods affect the room.

are another cerebral number. They have a loner quality. They need to learn to have faith. They have a love of natural beauty: ocean, green grass, plants, flowers, etc. If they do not have faith they tend to become very cynical and escape through drugs, alcohol, work, and geography. They have an air of mystery and do not want you to know who they are.

are here to master money. They do not feel safe unless they have financial security. It is difficult for the 8s to take advice.When they make a choice, they must feel it is their decision, NOT SOMEONE ELSES. As a result, they do tend to learn the hard way. 8s are very honest and by being so blunt, they unitentionally hurt feelings. Although they can sometimes appear insensitive, what is going on inside them is the exact opposite. They do feel deeply about everything that goes on in their lives.

are the natural leader. People assume they are in charge even if they are not. If in a department store, people think they work there. They take care of everyone else but need to learn to speak up when they need help, love, and hugs. 9s often feel unloved or abandoned by their mother or father, or they feel completely responsible for them. It's hard for them to let go of the past.

combine elements of 2's and 8's, creating their own miX


The 1 Attitude:
This is someone who doesn't like to ask for help. They are completely self-motivated. They usually have issues with their self- esteem: they just don't think they're good enough. That's why they need praise from others. If you believe in them, then there's nothing they can't achieve; if you don't, they rebel.

The 2 Attitude
is easy going. They tend to be the observer. They're also obsessed with anything regarding psychic ability, and experience déjà vu. They have dreams that come true. They are in touch with their intuition and the metaphysical side of life. They do have compassion for people and are fascinated with people's stories. They are seldom bored.

The 3 Attitude
tends to be the joker. They have a sense of humor and are charismatic. The Peter Pan Syndrome, they don't necessarily grow up. But when they're in a good mood, It's a big smile, bright eyes, and great conversation. If they're in a bad mood, you don't get to be happy around them. They have that effect on people.

The 4 Attitude
is a list keeper. They can be very quiet; you don't know what they're thinking. They're keeping track of all that's happening. You might find them surrounded by nature, or doing any form of repair, or construction. The 4 Attitude teaches all of us. They become an expert at their skill and teach us how to do it. They definitely will play devil's advocate: they make you see all sides. That's their Attitude Number.

The 5 Attitude
is playful and fun. Here are examples of some clients. One of them sent me her picture sitting on an elephant in Sri Lanka. Another for her 40th birthday went down a raft in the Grand Canyon and on her 50"1 birthday was at the top of the Eiffel Tower. See how they need to go and look at this world? They can't wait to go and experience other parts of the planet, and if they get stuck in a situation, it's too dramatic and they wind up playing the martyr. So better a 5 get out there. It's all about adventure and excitement. They love to flirt and they're usually the life of the party.

The 6 Attitude
is the nurturer. Male or female, they are taking care of everybody else. So if you have a child with a 6 attitude. They act as it they are your mother or father, they're the ones in charge; they don't want you telling them what to do or how to be. They feel useful only when things are out of control and they are fixing ft. If it's peaceful, they don't know what to do with them selves. They definitely take care of other people and they're usually great with children or running a business. When a 6 walks in a room, we are drawn to them like a moth to the flame.

The 7 Attitude.
You don't get to know what they're thinking or feeling. They keep to themselves and are introspective. They must continue studying the quest of why they are here: The 7 Attitude asks the big questions. They will reveal themselves slowly as they go. They can shut down and make you feel they are not remotely interested in what you are saying, but the joke is on you because they are the ultimate observers. They don't miss anything.

The 8 Attitude,
More often than not, when I see an 8 Attitude, they're reading Investors or Money Magazine. They are here to figure out how to make money. If they have family, they care very much about their security. Making their money grow is a priority. The flipside of the 8 Attitude is that money can seem completely unattainable. Money will slip right through their fingers. The key for the 8 Attitude is to keep their sense of humor, because eventually there will be a payoff.

The 9 Attitude:
The 9 is the leader. At work they'll not just do their job but everyone else's. That's the Attitude Number 9: show me what to do, I'll do it. When it's over, they're exhausted and drained, but rarely allow them selves to tell the people responsible, The Attitude Number 9 person may have old family pain that haunts them. And the 9 needs to overcome it in order to be happy today.

The 10 attitude:
combine elements of 2's and 8's, creating their own miX
pralines&cream 7.

I've got to. 1) It's magical, 2) It's my soccer number, 3) It's my birthday (Jan.7)
pralines&cream Ah, thought of one more:
4) it's in my AIM name & my email address (Aphrodite7717, and aphrodite7717@hotmail.com)
CelticMistress 7
wow, that was exactly right. i don't think i could've said it better myself.
Annie111 2 020113
yummyC that personality thing is really cool, where did you get it? Its really true of me, and the 7 person is kinda like me which explains my almost indecision. 020113
...ooo... 3

exactly, the nine has traces of me, but my indecision makes it impossible for me to be a leader, thats why the first number i thought of was

carne de metal 3
you did it again.
little wonder 2 020207
silentbob kind of like me 020207
she 5 020312
no reason 4.6 020312
adelaide it seems that everyone has a calling to number 7... its just something about it. i've always been a 6 or a 2 kind of girl myself... but numerology tells me i'm a 9... so confusing... i cant even decide on a number 020312
lady lunchbox hmmm...8 is my favorite number.
no one has picked 8 yet.

and contrary to what the little blips about personality say up above, i am not overly concerned with money. could i be a new kind of 8??? hmmm...methinks so.
girl_jane 5 020324
dionysos pi 020324
Photophobe 8 and I'm terrible with money.
Am a bastard though, so you got that bit right.
blown cherry I was going to say 7, but right before I clicked I changed my mind to four.
They're both kinda accurate.
My description was also frightfully accurate Mahayana. I hate that!
continuous ache 3 and 9 popped into my head, and both descriptions are almost so accurate it's scary.
you rock, mahayana.
jane 3 020617
god 5 020617
User24 3 020617
User24 gotta say, Mahayana is absolutely correct. I'm a 3. 020617
Sailor Jupiter Ah, mine was 9... 020617
possessed angel 7 or 4 020617
User24 but today, I picked 7 020726
dondeestanlosjaguares wow, i was going to choose seven from right off the top of my head, but I switched to three. As I read both of them, I haev to say that I am equally represented by both numbers.

how very interesting. . .
phil today 020729
Chylde Uvgaud

. . .as was chosen by me. . .

It is the symbol of infinity. . .

. . .of eternity. . .

As it is forever. . .

. . .so shall I be. . .
User24 7 030318
User24 well I'm still a 3, but also a 7, maybe I'm a ten? 030318
FireNRoses I picked 2... then felt guilty for not picking 7... o well. 030728
pobodys nerfect I picked number 7. 030728
delial 7 030729
blah-ze 3.142 030729
carlita 8

but the whole money thing does not apply, it's just my lucky number
stl 5

It's odd though...i've never picked 5 before...i'm kinda partial to 7 and 3.
spiffy 8 040625
mood ring hey, i was about to say 3, then 7, then 8.
but i went with nine...
charlie 4

there haven't been many fours
puredream 17 whch megan thought process speaking is 8 040625
kookaburra it looks like i have more of a one attitude.
in fact, that fits me to a t.
but i dont think i got that phrase right...
charlie out of 53 choices (some were hard to tell what number was being chosen, and some were repeats by the same person), there have been:
0 ones
6 twos (11.3%)
13 threes (24.5%)
5 fours (9.4%)
8 fives (15.1%)
2 sixes (3.8%)
10 sevens (18.9%)
5 eights (9.4%)
4 nines (7.5%)
0 tens

i'm not surprised that 7 and 3 are the most often chosen. both numbers seem to have this deeply ingrained timeless significance for human beings
charlie oops by the time i posted there were two new posts

and i forgot to mention, five people chose non-cardinal numbers
dudeinanigloo 3.
141592653589793238462643383279 502884197169399375105820974944 592307816406286208998628034825 342117067982148086513282306647 093844609550582231725359408128 481117450284102701938521105559 644622948954930381964428810975 665933446128475648233786783165 271201909145648566923460348610 454326648213393607260249141273 724587006606315588174881520920 962829254091715364367892590360 011330530548820466521384146951 941511609433057270365759591953 092186117381932611793105118548 074462379962749567351885752724 891227938183011949129833673362 440656643086021394946395224737 190702179860943702770539217176 293176752384674818467669405132 000568127145263560827785771342 757789609173637178721468440901 224953430146549585371050792279 689258923542019956112129021960 864034418159813629774771309960 518707211349999998372978049951 059731732816096318595024459455 346908302642522308253344685035 261931188171010003137838752886 587533208381420617177669147303 598253490428755468731159562863 882353787593751957781857780532 171226806613001927876611195909 216420198938095257201065485863 278865936153381827968230301952 035301852968995773622599413891 249721775283479131515574857242 454150695950829533116861727855 889075098381754637464939319255 060400927701671139009848824012 858361603563707660104710181942 955596198946767837449448255379 774726847104047534646208046684 259069491293313677028989152104 752162056966024058038150193511 253382430035587640247496473263 914199272604269922796782354781 636009341721641219924586315030 286182974555706749838505494588 586926995690927210797509302955 321165344987202755960236480665 499119881834797753566369807426 542527862551818417574672890977 772793800081647060016145249192 173217214772350141441973568548 161361157352552133475741849468 438523323907394143334547762416 862518983569485562099219222184 272550254256887671790494601653 466804988627232791786085784383 827967976681454100953883786360 950680064225125205117392984896 084128488626945604241965285022 210661186306744278622039194945 047123713786960956364371917287 467764657573962413890865832645 995813390478027590099465764078 951269468398352595709825822620 522489407726719478268482601476 990902640136394437455305068203 496252451749399651431429809190 659250937221696461515709858387 410597885959772975498930161753 928468138268683868942774155991 855925245953959431049972524680 845987273644695848653836736222

alive_now i picked 8 before i came in...but that number attitude isnt accurate at all for me. 040629
alive_now i think 7 would be more accurate in this blathe. 040629
cherise 6 040629
Doar 2

don't know why.
and play along pick 050402
dafremen What Mayahana(?) posted was a list of numerological personality traits associated with the various numbers. It's not at all related to the number you picked, but rather to your birth number which is calculated using standard numerological reduction (a method that has been around for thousands of years, unchanged.)

So regardless of the number you picked, your personality number will be based upon your birthdate.

I've found that numerology has some pretty good insights, nowhere near as insightful as astrology, however...just another tool for helping people to understand themselves and the people around them better.

I picked a 7 before I came in.

My birth number is 9. (Well THAT birth number anyhow, there are others.)
realistic revisionist hehe i, too picked 8 and am disappointed in what it says about 8 above, though i am blunt and internally sensitive. 050402
concha seven.

and it's odd because it's almost entirely true what the description and attitude has said.
what's it to you?
who go