eddie monster this program just deleted my shit 020822
eddie monstet i feel like finding a way to destroy this fucking place just like it just destroyed my writing
fuck it indeed. fuck_blather 020822
bethany something
about those little pilss
that thrill
they kill
a million

brain cells
oppressed_youth Lobotomy 020822
Thibilent ethhh I hide my feelings in blank-paged notebooks and can never open them again... 020823
bespeckled I spill them here.

And revel in my heartbreak.

And revel in my inability to love as I receive love.

And to receive love as i give it.

And I write,
I write against you,
against time,
against understanding,
against my heart,
against your unspoken promises.

I write to get by,
I write to save myself.

I write for me.
Ariadani you think they're gone. maybe repressed, maybe just hidden from yourself but not to the rest of the world,
and one day they resurface, and wave a fluorecent flag near your sun-spotted eyes and you gasp, and give up, give in, and break down.

they never just disappear.
eddie monster i needed that reassurance/thanks alot 020824
girl_jane Damn. I thought this would have ideas on how to actually make them leave...stupid feelings get me in trouble when I don't want them here. 020825
cube Stay busy. Do those things you've been putting off. Learn something new. Travel. Meet new people...
ruba dramamine 020826
eddie kill yourself 020906
devalis i chose to go with the rubber band treatment. For those of you who aren't familiar with this method, it goes like this: wear a rubber band around your wrist and whenever you catch yourself feeling anything, snap the rubber band. it's a psychological thing, you subconciously connect whatever that feeling is to the pain of the rubber band and your body wills itself not to feel that anymore. Worked for me... but welts everywhere. 020906
good people swallow the pill
inhale the smoke
drink the drink
pump the veins
werewolf you really want to know how? talk to me. care about me. 020907
eddie monster i don't even like you wear wolf
werewolf okay...that's fine. i won't lose any sleep over it. but don't go and think you're going to be the alpha male. 020908
werewolf i mean...i just want to make sure that's not your reason for it. there are better reasons. 020908
*nat* unless the feeling you ar tring to make dissapear i happiness, talk to Gez. Even now, when I am faced with grievance, he makes me happy.I love him. I want to spend the rest of my like with him. 020908
EDDIE MONSTER i'd like to spend my last few days with wear wolf, in a cage with no food.
except each other
werewolf alright. but i'm smearing myself with shit. this is an old game i play called...betcha won't eat it if.

oh and trust me. they will be YOUR last few days.

haha sucker...set yourself up for that one.
Syrope take long showers and stare at the water coming down towards you. throw yourself into cleaning while your roommate looks on curiously. listen to old cds and talk to people you haven't contacted in four years. lure your cute project partners into staying 3 extra hours in your room. play cards on a cardboard-box table. tell the guys who have been half-way committed how you feel. drink instant cappuchino and eat chips dipped in bbq sauce. sleep with extra blankets. 020909
werewolf i love how when it's thought about for a while. the mundane doesn't seem so mundane anymore. and i love long showers. 020909
Syrope cuddle on the couch with a guy friend, watch a hot guy undress and redress a few times so you can help him pick out an outfit, have a water fight, i'm getting better at this... 020910
nocturnal drink gin. my mother and I have, through years of experience, discovered that gin is the alcohol that makes you forget (black out) the most. if you forget feelings, it's as if they have disappeared. 020910
eddie alcohol and peroxidew 020916
jessicafletcher oxycotin and vodka... paxil... cuttttts... pure unadulterated silence.
once when i used the first three solutions that i listed above, i fell and got my head caught on a barbed wire fence. i didn't feel pain, but i had a scraping sensation in my skull. there's your proof for those three.
daxle stop reminding yourself
stop reading/listening/watching things that remind you
walk away
bethany hooch and booze 020917
Syrope i dont want to damage my ability to feel (fucking alcoholics and potheads), i just want to forget a few select feelings. 020918
AAM prozac worked nicely when I was eighteen but now I've graduated to smoking exotic cigarettes, masturbation, and absinthe. 020919
josie Go ahead and simply imbalance the chemicals in your brain. 020919
krimilda just go to sleep with the tv on and when you wake up, try to convince yourself you haven't... them go to sleep again 020919
viciousmissfit honestly, sleeping pills are the best, granted you have the time to be knocked out. As they kick in, all that matters is lying catatonic in your bed, waiting for the time when your eyes close, without consent, and you remember no more. 020920
V oh ya, and no nasty after affects 020920
Aimee ignore them... they're not there... I don't even have feelings... I don't need them and if i say they're not there, they disappear... Cause why should anyone care how i'm feeling? They have their own lives to live, their own lives to care about... 020921
eddie start all over again
make new ones
start all over again
make new ones
start all over again
make new ones
jessica what's peroxidew? i wannnnnnt some. 021011
girl_jane -conversatoin with a good friend who makes you laugh, pizza, and perhaps a beer or two. 021011
ruba let them pour redly out of your skin and then you'll know one thing you're feeling and it will soar above the rest of them. 021109
jessica fletcher one determined flash 021202
no reason drown in apathy 021202
kss basilhayden 021202
dB This blathe makes for interesting reading.
But think about it seriously for a moment. Would you really want to have no feelings? Why?
Sure the bad times suck... and let's face it if the good times don't suck now they will in the future. But even if everything makes you feel like shit at least you've got a reason to bitch. Which can either make you feel better or worse. Sometimes feeling bad feels damn good.
p2 Feelings, nothing more than feelings,
Trying to forget my feelings of love.
Teardrops rolling down on my face,
Trying to forget my feelings of love.

Feelings, for all my life I'll feel it.
I wish I've never met you, girl;
You'll never come again.

Feelings, wo-o-o feelings,
wo-o-o, feel you again in my arms.

Feelings, feelings like I've never lost you
And feelings like I've never have
You again in my heart.

Feelings, for all my life I'll feel it.
I wish I've never met you, girl;
You'll never come again.

Feelings, feelings like I've never lost you
And feelings like I've never have
You again in my life.

Feelings, wo-o-o feelings,
wo-o-o, feelings again in my arms.

Feelings, wo-o-o feelings,
wo-o-o, feelings again in my arms.

- Morris Albert & Louis Gaste
p2 Feelings
Nothing more than feelings
Trying to forget my
Feelings of hate

Beating on your face
Trying to forget my
Feelings of hate

For all my life, I'll feel it
I wish I'd never met you
You'll make me sick again

Whoa, feelings
Whoa, feelings
Of hate on my mind

Feelings like I never liked you
Feelings like I wanna kill you
Live in my heart

Feelings like I wanna deck you
Feelings like I gotta get you
Out of my life

Whoa, feelings
Whoa, feelings
Hate's in my eyes

Whoa, feelings
Whoa, feelings
You're not very nice


Whoa, feelings
Whoa, feelings
Hate's on my mind

Whoa, feelings
Whoa, feelings
Get out of my life

Whoa, feelings
Whoa, feelings
Get out of my life

- Offspring
bloody sleaves cut your flesh make it bleed. bleed away the pain. 021210
x you can't 021210
*silent screams how do u make feelings disappear when all you want to do is hang on to them. because they are the best thing ever felt, yet at the same time the worst.
how do u make them disappear when you don't want them to disappear bc if they disappeared u'd feel absulutly nothing, and you'd give anything not to feel ike that bc for once in your life you actually feel alive agian.
How do you let them go when u have yet to accept the fact that things will never be the same...yet still hope with everything in you that they someday will be....
syphide you can't.. you only learn to live with them. 030423
spiderweb how do you fight lonliness
smile all the time

but i'm tired of smiling about nothing
can't turn my feelings blindly
don't feel this anymore
i love him, but i don't love that other one
i just love the way he makes me feel
and that's the only feeling i don't
want to disappear
shorlove repetition? 030423
/anon I know how! Happy pills! hehahehhehahehehaheahahaha...

Paxil rocks but my memory sucks so I forget to take it a lot. Then I get all dizzy and tipsy and blurry the next day. I forget to take my concerta most of the time too so Im getting bad grades. I'm at a crossroads I wonder what choice I be's makin.

I wanna know my fucking diognosis
forever endeavor scream into a bottle and pour out all your feelings. then close it up tightly and throw it out to sea. 030423
steel flower girl #2 crush your love under the heel of your anger. smother the pain with a down-feathered pillow of hope—that he was wrong. 031118
nom "just shut off" 061010
Emptyness Alive we cant make our feelings dissapear. we can forget them ignore but they always be there buried untill a memory sparks them 061010
falling_alone i don't know if this feeling in my gut is emotional. if it has something to do with a lack of sleep. if it means anything to you.
i think i've said i was afraid, random moments when intoxicated and i bear all to who ever will listen.
sometimes is does feel like this. like that feeling when you've been awake for longer than you should, that gnawing starts to grow in the pit of your stomach and nothing you do can make it go away. a hunger that does not long for food.
Emptyness Alive but what of love, intamacy, closeness.
would that satisfy your hunger
Christ without the cross You may not want them to. Because if they were to go away you would feel nothing. And you feel nothing about feeling nothing. And it would be endless. You would be an endless empty shell.

If it is only good feelings you want you would grow bored or eventually good would not be good enough or good would become nothing because that was all you ever felt. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself, only feeling one thing. It would not excite you.

It is a thin line between love and hate, an even thinner line between pleasure and pain. Is there really a difference? What if it is all good and bad is just relatively less good than the best good you've experienced.

We will have our moments of grief and pain and suffering only to move to a place where joy can be fully appreciated for what it is. It would have no meaning if it didn't have pain to stand against. The pendulum swings. It will do so forever because you will let it.
Emptyness Alive we must stand in the darkness to be able to see the light 061120
what's it to you?
who go