dafremen Let's look at this forced vaccination thing logically. Do I believe in the technology? ABSOLUTELY.(Although I'm not sure taking on dead viruses trains an immune system quite like taking on the live versions..does beating up sides of beef in a freezer prepare you for a heavyweight fight?) Do I trust those administering and producing vaccines? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Now let's look at why: A long history of using the public as unwitting guinea pigs, rather than pay the big bucks required to properly test their products.

Interestingly enough, I'm not sure this practice started with the pharmaceuticals companies. I remember Microsoft selling barely tested versions of Windows since the early 2000s.

Speaking of Microsoft and Bill Gates. Here's the other reason I don't trust those who are setting policy and administering/manufacturing the drugs: The elite are TERRIFIED of the rest of us. They are TERRIFIED of our anger, they are terrified of our poverty and the crime/desperation that comes with it. The rich are also aware that overpopulation not only provides them with cheap labor, but also a larger mob to control should revolution or riot break out.

Cue the robots. They don;t need cheap labor like they did anymore. And that need will continue to shrink. If unemployment = poverty and poverty = you think the wealthy elite don;t understand the dangers of a growing lower class? They know their danger level is increasing as we become more impoverished and gawd help those of you who buy the bullshit that unemployment is down and the economy is improving. (No.. real estate developers are tearing down the shitty strip malls they made last boom and replacing them with medical facilities and nursing homes which won;t be needed in another 15 years. They'll get wealthy as fuck creating urban blight though.) Construction jobs that don't have a mouse farts chance in a high wind of sticking around..and the service jobs that serve them..while they're working.

So what are they going to do? Keep taking our homes? Put us all in prison for being poor and desperate? No..they're going to come up with a pretext to exterminate us..or let us die. It's pretty obvious..isn't it?

And now here comes the guy who wants to let them force injections on the populace. He has yet to explain why it matters as long as he's vaccinated. He's not going to die..according to why the fuck push it off on the rest of us?

To the vaccinated guy who wants to force vaccines on everyone:

You're safe dumb ass. Why do you have to be a nosey, pushy bitch while pretending to be an American? (Hint #1: We're supposed to honor freedom and bravery around these parts..not cowards and dictators.)

Let us can smirk and laugh while we do. Or shed a tear. It doesn't matter. You and yours are safe behind a wall of medicine. So how about you just grow TF up and STFU?

I'll take my lethal injection after they make talking out against the establishment a capital crime. Until then..YOU go get YOURS.

Thank you. So glad you're vaccinated and safe..and smug.
The Guy From the Edge of The Earth Ever take a tour of an older cemetery and notice that as vaccination became common, the number of child graves dropped precipitously?

By the way:

You calling anyone "smug" over anything has always been incredibly ironic

dafremen My smug never tried to force a foreign object into anyone's body without their consent. 191001
Xx Daf_isn't_rapey 211122
dafremen We just noticed that this was written the same day they arrested Jeffery Epstein.

There's no way this has anything to do with Covid, his death in Jail, or the subsequent cover up of his black book buddies'. This blathe was not based on media brainwashing or anything else.

It was just a logical guess.

The planet is being poisoned by human industrial activity. The elite are too competitive, greedy and nihilistic to stop destroying the planet while burning through human lives like they were kindling. So they have two ways to avoid an inevitable revolution and a dying planet:

1. Kill off the peasants to slow down pollution, until they either:

Figure out how to stop their behavior and save the planet, or figure out how to solve the bone loss problem, and colonize Mars. Once on Mars they can control the slaves more easily, since there will be no place for the few humans they'll require as servants and pleasure slaves to escape to.

2. Run to their bunkers OR build a space station, a remote harbor that the peasants won't be able to reach. Then wipe out the lower classes with a pandemic, or in a war that they wage against each other with bio-weapons and chemical weapons.

Wait long enough for the dust to settle, then come back and cherry pick for servants and pleasure slaves through the remaining peasants..

Then they'll rewrite history to remove any evidence that it was THEY who destroyed the planet and its people by using leadership opportunities to build empire.

They'll say instead, that the planet was saved by a pandemic, a war..the stupid people killed themselves off with their stupidity. They'll say it was because the elite were wise enough to make difficult decisions, (which affected everyone but themselves, of course.)
dafremen I wonder if anyone threw rotten fruit and vegetables at Paul Revere? 220126
kaleidoscopic colonoscopy Sweet Jesus' hairy aching tits...

did you just compare yourself to Paul Revere
dafremen Fine. You think they always throw fruit at the messenger who does what he feels is right? And you DO realize you're on the wrong side of history, correct?

That's why it was a simple prediction. It's pretty obvious what they're doing. Neither denial, nor character assassination are going to give you a rational leg to stand on in this situation.

The rich did this to you and yours. I predicted they would want us dead 4 - 5 months before Covid hit. It's right up there at the top of this blathe. They want us dead.

So yea, Paul with it.

You were given early warning and you ignored it. In fact most of you argued in favor of the media, politicians and billionaires in a BIZARRE reversal of opinion. Some of us did our part. Some of you didn't. My conscience is clean.

Now you're on a grief and brainwashing fueled rampage to waste your energy in the wrong direction. Either that or you realize what an impotent blob you are in the face of the uber wealthy, so beating up on your fellow economic slaves seems reasonable.

Or maybe its the mRNA soup flowing through your bloodstream, cooked up in some sociopaths' lab and hustled out onto the street for testing. I dunno.

Maybe as the young and vaccinated drop like flies, you're starting to sweat it. Maybe as the tide turns..the kind-hearted, thoughtful, caring-about-everyone-else, humanitarian that you are..wants to take the rest of us down with the bad guy in a Bond flic. I dunno.

I just know my job was to trust the process that birthed our race. I trust its wisdom. Trusting lying, heartless sociopaths was not on our menu. I have no idea why you folks did. I begged you not to. Now it's too late. I'm sorry.

"The needles are coming. The needles are coming." Daf Revere - July 06, 2019
Doar goodbye daf.

daf Adios muchacho. It was good times until it wasn't. The rhin thing kills me..for you. She's in a better place where she doesn't have to keep watching people tear each other apart over rhetoric they heard from a corrupt system. Give it enough time and she'll be a kid again.

It's the YOU part of rhin's death..that's what kills me. You're a nice guy to be haunted like that.
epitome of incomprehensibility Personally, I'm against vaccine passports. I don't like coercion about things that people should be able to make up their own minds on.

But what's bothering me about it most, at the moment, is that it seems to trigger the typical contrarian impulse to go "Someone's telling me to do this! it must be bad!"

I'm not saying you're typical - we're all complex beings, even a snot like Elon Musk whose wet dream you detailed above in the guise of a Warning To Humanity - but I AM saying that the role you're playing now is a bit predictable.

Look. Don't do something just because people tell you to. Don't NOT do something because people tell you to.

So, what am I arguing? And why? (Well, the "why" is that I'm trying to avoid translating a passage of Vedic Sanskrit that I find difficult, but anyway.) I'm saying that I, or anyone, can reject the parts of your narrative that I/they find unreasonable without being a snob or pawn of billionaires.

Or "condescending". Just because someone's sarcastic doesn't mean they're condescending.

What strikes ME as condescending is going around assuming others' beliefs. Example: I wasn't motivated to get COVID shots because I trusted billionaires. I don't give a damn what billionaires think or don't think about the topic. Or to show off. Why? Who would care? It was a perfectly selfish gesture, since I have lingering asthma and I'd rather not mess up my lungs with a viral infection. If it doesn't work, whatever, that's my problem. Does that sound like forcing anyone to do anything??

And no, I'm not sneakily telling you to get this particular vaccination. It probably doesn't make much of a difference whether one person gets it or not.

I'm just saying to lay off on telling people what they themselves think. Wouldn't you rather be, I don't know, badly translating Vedic Sanskrit? (I would, but then I have no self control and I'm a worse contrarian than you.)
dafremen Also didn't age well.

"America has the highest child mortality in the developed world and also the highest number of vaccines given to children under the age of 5."
dafremen Just in case you were wondering why your pro-vaccine brainwashing is so thorough..

Gotta have a cash cow country, baby.
Oh .. 221129
dafremen A new definition for the word "mysteriously" has emerged:

"of vaccine complications"

Bob Marley's grandson died mysteriously at the age of 31.
charles frank elon_musk does not support this 230726
. an elite teenage athlete son of a world champion athlete has a heart attack and the news says they have no idea why...

he goes to a college with a vaccine mandate even though risks for young people are higher from vaccination than the disease itself

the vaccination that causes myocarditis which can then cause heart attacks when the damaged heart is exposed to adrenaline like during athletic performance or the normal cycle of waking from sleep...

his career will not mirror his father's. his career that he has been spending his entire life training for is over before it even starts because he was told he couldn't have an education unless he got an injection that he didn't really need to stop the spread of a respiratory virus (which the injection never actually stopped)

how many young people have to be hurt, their lives pretty much destroyed before any of you that supported mandates admit that you were wrong?

two people on the periphery of my social circles have 'died suddenly' in the past few months...just a coincidence though
dafremen The plague rats didnt want this either. It's a miserable thing to watch, and "I told you so" is one of the worst phrases in the English language, and a piss poor consolation. 230727
^^ -and 230727
^^ -and 230727
^^ -and 230727
what's it to you?
who go