fisherman I'm glad that fool be dead. mutherfucker was always on the news and shit talkin bout how he wanted to walk and shit, well now he's dead and he can fucking walk all he wants.

I'd have fucked that guy so bad.
fisherman i mean i'd have fucked him up not raped him anally 050216
Happy Time Harry & his magic talking knife either way, the urge to either beat or rape someone who is paralyzed from the neck down doesn't reflect too well on you...just so you know. 050216
have penis will travel Wow... I mean... wow!

I thought I was bad on red blather when I talked about having sex with animals for profit but... Jesus, my hat is off to you buddy for going beyond what I would have thought up.
fisherman there aint notin wrong with wanting to beat the shit outa someone that pisses u off. I dont give a fuck if he dont feel noting below the neck, just make it easier to rough the fool up. He should know not to go crying all over the place and make other people listen to him. he fucked up when he broke his neck so if he wasnt dead and i saw him on the street i'd fuck him up.

i've got a friend who'd be willin to screw the man's ass if he werent dead and that probably been a better way to shut the fucks mouth.
. good point 050217
stork daddy catch any fish? 050217
fisherman na, fish attract big birds and i'm after fucking birds. 050218
big bird fuck you, motherfucker 050218
birdmad just keep this outta my lap, people 050218
fisherman who u saying fuck u to asshole? u fucking watch yourself u stupid bitch. u aint got nothing worth sayin to me anyway. 050218
its christopher REEVE 050218
fisherman fuck all i give a shit what his name is?! Stupid mutherfucker is dead. i should have put one of those ' things after reeve cause i meant that he was dead as in reeve's dead.

and u people that use ur names as part of the post are fucking gay. stop being so god damn homosexual and just use a different name. i use fisherman cause i'm a Christian but I could just as easily use my real name.
.nom Sadly, I too disliked Christopher Reeve and I'm not sorry that he is no longer on Larry King every other week talking about stem cell research. There are other things in life and plenty of other more worthwhile causes. 050220
(...mon...) why do you write that, whoever you are? 050220
* why did 050220
hmm i wonder, were you trying to impersonate me? or did you just feel like using the name .nom? 050220
. really it doesn't matter 050220
fisherman what the fuck you all talkin bout now? i want other people to tell me how they feel bout christopher reeves. the dead guy whi shoulda been beaten and raped while he was alive. 050221
Fido Wow there's a whole lotta stupid in here! 050221
no reason and a whole lot of angry fisherman 050221
J Kessler Can someone take a moment to remember Christopher Reeve for the decent man he was. All this idiotic hostility directed towards a man who not only died recently but lived a horrible life those last few years. Please, lets be respectful.

Not that I really give a shit about the guy but I felt like being the level head on this page.
fisherman All ya alls pretty fuckin stupid. Not one of ya save for fucking .nom and J Kessler can admit to even disliking the guy. U all fuckin slaves to the system that tells you to care about fucks who aint worth caring bout. That 13 yr old boy who was killed in South Central the other day should be hearing some grievin for but nothing on this fuckin page bout him! You'll fuckin no good racists. 050222
just for the record the person who wrote as .nom on this page was not nomme. 050222
fisherman fuck you. fuck me. fuck everyone. fuck christopher reevessss. i'm so fucking stupid that i like to fucking post stupid fucking shit on fucking websites while repeating the most fucking banal curse word there is in hopes that the fucking obsceneties with fucking distract all the fucking people reading this fucking shit that there is no fucking point to my posts except to fucking say the word fuck as many fucking times as i fucking can. 050222
yay for stemcell research boo for psychopathic fis fisherman
you mother wouldn't happen to be your father's sister or cousin, would she?
the real fisherman don't got anything worth saying to the dude who wrote that shit above cept

fuck you fucker.

such a fucking pussy cant write shit as yourself? give me your email dress and we figure out where this shit goin get thrown down.
fisherman any u people got shit to say to me you can send it to

Don't be fuckin writin shit in here bout me. you got somethin to say we say it via email. as dumb and ignorant as i may seem on this fucking page here I got shit to say and I'll fuckin post on here and to yous that wants to hear. got it?

The Ghost of Christopher Reeve Oh, shut up you little attention whore.

At least the first couple of Superman movies I did were pretty good. What have you ever done that anyone ever cared about?
oldephebe fish - Are you consciously propogating a parody of an inner city thug who is by dint or virtue (if neglect and misanthropy can be percieved as a virtue) of his up bringing in the swelter of mosquitoes and amidst the din of police sirens and sidewalk squabbles and the promenade of low riders and the pop of handguns and the illicit trade of drugs and various other illegally obtained goods and all the self-hate such a beknighted environment cultivates in a person. Parents poisoned by the pipe, parents bound to the bottle, parents and by parents i mean single mothers 'cause dad pretty much abandoned his responsibility after he deposited his seed and patted his considerable genitalia for a job well done..and so then all out of role models and a moral and ethical ballast he turns to the exploitative marketers of culture, pop culture, hip hop culture...he turns to record companies whose talent, whose images are carefully cultivated by western europeans..he the character you've based your parody on looks to the new commissars of black/hip hop culture to show him how he is to BE as a young black man in america. The stigma and stereotype as the bald densly muscled predatory black man as incubus and whose mimickry of staged images becomes a kind of life as performance art once removed.

However, if you are really represented your true personality then I'd just say man...check out some buddhist websites or or check out the koran or some zen'll chill you right out and help you to answer those hostile impulses with an ameliorating conter though/impulse

by the way...i'm with jkessler and others... C R battled his condition bravely til the last..and yeah i did enjoy the first few superman movies he made...
fisherman oldephebe is on to something. I'm not a thug but I do live in Baltimore. I'm an undergrad at UMB. Though I stand behind everything I've written.


. Wow, that's really interesting. 050223
fisherman hey mister interesting, fuck you too! can't you fuckers get it through your fucking thick skulls that i am the fucking shit? i am a mutha fucking undergrad at the university of my balls, you fuckers, so don't fuck with me. any of you fucking bitch ass punks wants to fucking throw down, you can read my fucking email address above. you know, the one that i just fucking set up so that i can fucking ignore you fuckers as i please cuz i'm a gutless mutha fucker who wants to seem as tough as i fucking can even though i use a fucking pseudonym on an anonymous fucking website so that i can fucking post whatever fucking shit i want without having to fucking deal with reality. i know that if i was this much of a fucking asshole to in person, i'd get the fucking shit kicked outta me, cuz i'm a pansy ass "hide behind the internet's anonymity" piece of shit loser. 050224
Happy Time Harry &... you are "the fucking shit," huh?

youy are a field of endlessly copulating turds?


that's a bold admission.
oldephebe Oh man "you are a field of endlessly copulating excrement....and that's a bold admission.."

Harry -

GOD that was funny...
goat ...James...
that hurts man... hurts bad.
the real fisherman You'll aint fun no more. Black Power. Kill Whitey. (insert misc African-American thug cheer). This is all bullshit and I feel you stupid fuckers who posted on this page need to be castrated. What the hell were you thinking? Why would you waste time on what I wrote? All of you are stupid. 050224
oE Black Power. Kill Whitey?

What is this 1972 or something? Did you open up a rip in time when you were picking your hair and as a result of the confluence of superstring anomaly and god this - 'knap' this dense thicket of knaps your pick encountered and the intense physiological struggle that ensued catipulted your mind - i mean opened up your window of perception and opened up that infinitessimal fracture in time and allowed you to slip through. Is that what happened fish?


Mebbe not.

Got any Ultra-Sheen brah?
fisherman gay. 050226
dreamer I don't understand why you would hate a man for wanting to walk. Thats like hating a blind man for wanting to see. I don't fully understand your argument for disliking him. Did he run over you toe with his wheelchair or something? Then at least you would have a reason. I'm just trying to understand your logic for wanting to beat him or have him anally raped. I'm not saying you have to like him, but you don't have to dislike him either. 050227
fisherman He just clogged my mind with his depressing shit. I wanted him to suffer more cause he was always pissin me off. 050227
the real fisherman so to fucking expand on that shit i said before, yeah, that christopher reeves, fucking falls off his horse, and gets stuck in a fucking wheelchair, unable to fucking move, and he has the fucking nerve to complain about it on fucking television, where i have to fucking see it and be reminded that this world is filled with other fucking shit besides me, and doesn't fucking revolve around me. fuck him and his problems. he shouldn't fucking fight for his rights or fucking grab at any fucking chance to fucking get better. he should just fucking stay in his fucking chair and accept his fucking immobility like a fucking man. fuck that fucker and his fucking desire to walk again. what the fuck do i care, it's not like i fucking know anybody in a fucking wheelchair, or any fucking shit like that, so it doesn't fucking affect me. and if it doesn't fucking affect me, it's not fucking important and shouldn't interrupt my fucking life. 050228
no reason i think you should change your name to the real fuckerman 050228
Dukeman Dave Dukeman here, here Fisherman! 050228
fuckfuck yeah 050228
oldephebe So fish, (do you mind if i call you fish?) and i'm speaking with respect here..are you saying that c reeves brave battle against his illness constituted some kind of threat to your structure of values, that it caused you to reflect a little more deeply upon the nature of heroism, the nature of struggle, the ability to adapt and even on some level transcend the limitations of ones handicaps, the existential experience that christopher reeves lived before the world taught us, er maybe it reached you somewhere and constituted some threat to your mode of being. Is that what you're saying? And so when you philosophically reflect upon the existentially enobling nature and potential cultural value of a popular culture icon shorn of his "invulnerability" his chiseled face in a rictus of unimaginable pain his esophageal canal shredded but his pride, his manhood his insuperable will left intact when you reflect deeply upon that, gratuitous f-words notwithstanding, some how on some level, deep philosophical reflection and what not yields a crisis, a possibility that all your value structures may be obliterated if you respond with any kind of empathy, if you challenge yourself to identify with anothers struggle or at least be taught by it. Isn't this the nature of being human in this pock marked post modern world? Isn't the notion of delving deeper into yourself to find out what you're made of the quintessentially existential experience?

Are you then anti-human?
fisherman aint nothing here that says I have to give a shit about anyone. 050301
dreamer whoever keeps going under fisherman's alias and keeps dropping f-bombs all over the map, however does need to be anally violated 050305
fisherperson i say, let he who is without sin begin the anal rapage. 050307
bitch He's dead! He's dead! Thank God Almighty he is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD!!! 050417
Souldn't you have said - "He Dead.?" You know going for the whole ebonic depraved jubilance thing..? 050615
what's it to you?
who go