no reason because we like to communicate in every form possible! 070409
no reason dorks "r" us 070409
no reason run chico run chico is running and glockenspieling and VIBRAPHONING in my cd player right now and i am happy 070409
nom the robot ate me ate me!
and now i'm playing his cd
i can't believe i just told him
"that was awesome",..i meant to say
"holy fuck man that was so fucking awesome"
nom and i didn't even say anything to run chico run! 070409
nom i have to go feed some cats, but i'm enjoying this cd too much to leave my apartment right now 070409
no reason run chico run is skipping...i hope it's just an importing problem 070409
nom i want a big bunny head 070409
nom uh oh! 070409
nom by the way, i totally swear that guy with the blonde hair and moustache is stalking us,...cause he was definitely at ubc /the_great_lake_swimmers show, and he looked familiar then as well. same musical tastes i guess! 070409
nom i meant the great_lake_swimmers 070409
nom still skipping? 070409
nom our portraits are funny funny funny 070409
no reason nope!

i bet he is stalking us.
nom i'd stalk us if i was him! 070409
nom i want a big bunny head 070409
nom seriously vibraphone? i wonder if they rented it 070409
nom i want a big bunny head 070409
nom yes i made us very late with my slowly-getting-readyness, and the place was just packed so we didn't even get to get "our table"

seriously though i was glad more people showed up, but still felt emptyish,...and yet at the same time was good cause there was more dancing space and the robot guy had lots of room to go crazy on the floor, which was worth going to see just in itself,..though i also enjoyed his crazy on stage stuff too
nom i want a big bunny head 070409
nom i want more cds 070409
no reason i want a big bunny head 070409
no reason who's saying what? 070409
no reason burning party = more cds!
i mean. er.
nom and we did get "our table", just not right away, just for the blather record

that's only the second time i've been there but i know i'd love to play there sometime, the carpet is great for dancing on
no reason but then we did get our table and it was oh-so-romantic
especially during the creation of the aforementioned beautiful portraits
no reason whoa. simultaneous "we got our table" posts.

we got our table, okay?? we got it!
no reason nom_and_no_reason_use_up_all_blather_space_in_five_minutes! 070409
nom i want a big bunny head!

did you say that or did i? or did someone else? i know i said it? cause i do want a big bunny head. i should seriously have some supper, did two bagels earlier count as enough food for the day? i don't think so. and the cats want food too. i must stop listening to this cd, go feed cats, come back and feed myself, and think of something to paint. maybe i will paint a big bunny head.
nom bah!hahahahaha synchronized tabling! 070409
nom our table is the best! and seriously we should have a who_can_type_more_crazy_stuff_in_a_minute contest 070409
no reason maybe you could sell your bunny head painting to robotman

oh and seriously vibraphone. they better have rented one because if they own one and don't play it at shows there is heck to pay.
no reason i want get high and look at this page 070409
nom maybe i can trade a bunny painting for some more cds,...and yeah, if they have one and don't use it,..then we should find out where they're keeping it and steal/rescue it! 070409
no reason food is good good for food and you 070409
nom i want get high too
and look at this page

i'm just laughing stupidly now

and hungry cats await me
and i have to feed myself
and i have to paint mr. bunny
no reason an unplayed vibraphone in captivity makes me want to cry 070409
nom it's hard to stop typing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stop typing stop typing stop typing nomme!
nom an unplayed vibraphone sounds sad indeed.

i'm going to stop typing now!

the cd just stopped
nom running away from blather screaming i want a big bunny head!!!!!!!!! 070409
no reason i...uh-oh. i hope she's not broken.


okay. time for me to back away as well.
no reason potato bugs have strange defenses 070409
no reason and by that i mean defensive reflexes 070409
nom i hope my hat is in your car, cause it's not on my head, and it's not on my bed, and it's not outside my house,...

if it's not in your car then it's somewhere in gastown., or elsewhere by now,...someone might've picked it up and is now wearing it all over town! which is nice to think in a way, i like to share,....but i want my hat! i'm kinda naked without it,...not that i mind being naked, but as some have witnessed it helps prevent me from getting head/eyeaches,...and stops the rain from soaking my hair.

ahhhhhh! my hat! (my pen!)

if it's not in your car i'll call the lamplighter tomorrow! i don't know where my bottle of water went either, i might've left them at our table,...or at the cd table, or dropped it when i was saying "thankyou!" to the robot man as we were leaving,...or when the homeless guy asked me for change for "pizza",...or....

nom and by the way were the tickets $7 or 8,...cause the lamplighter site says $7, which is what you said,..but didn't the lady ask for 8? 070409
nom i love the star stamp! 070409
nom if indeed my hat is lost without a trace,...then that picture you took of me is the last picture of me with that hat, which is funny cause i said something about having too many pictures of me wearing my hat,...and...

i hope it's not!
nom i love my hat : ( 070409
nom where's my hat?

i want a bunny head, and my hat
nom really i realized i didn't know where it was before 2 so i could've called the lamplighter 070409
no reason i realized i said "i want get high"
and you did too
heh heh
we both want get high

i bet bet bet your hat is in my car, i shall check soon and let you know
*fingers crossed*
nom i want a bunny head

hope my cat is in your car

i couldn't keep sleeping wondering

but i think i should go back to sleep

and something that is really funny is i just looked back at what i typed just now and realized i aid cat in stead of cat but i don't care. i hope there isn't a cat stuck in your car.
nom fuck said cat instead of hat

more sleep, yes that will sort me out
nom my hat was found at the lamplighter 070409
nom i'm a bit sad i didn't go to the constantines 070413
no reason well
i won't lie, they were...well, they were oh yes they were.
but it was supersquishypacked and crazy, you may not have enjoyed it. so much standing and so much pain of the feet.

one girl actually pushed me, as in she put her hand on my shoulder and pushed me a foot away. it was really weird.
no reason and funny
i laugh when i read it
it was just so strange
no reason i hope you feel better soon

i'm looking forward to your art!
nom wow that sounds worse than the guy at man_man,...hmm maybe it was a good idea i didn't go,..i mean besides my being uber busy and sick,...but apparently not too sick to type! just taking another little break from the paint. i'm scared i'm gonna get to the show with nothing to show! 070413
nom and thanks...i hope i don't make anyone sick. i think i should wrap myself in plastic bags and wear a mask and just stand in the corner with a quarantine sign on me....maybe people would think it was part of the show. 070413
nom or i could just wear a bunny head 070413
nom AND no reason! bombarded



we're psychic

totally heh

we're psychotic


no_reason is editing me

nom is laughing at me

we're funny funny
no reason AND nom! silly in a chair
conversations rattle air
it's a nice affair

black tabletop - talk
about everything and not
no need for rules here

start with em dashes
enter the land of freedom
of the haiku kind
us n=nom: girl from the mountains
nr=no_reason: girl from the smoggy big city

waves of words

setting: a coffeeshop in trendy soma, pleasantly occupied by intellectuals on computers and conversational wizards.

enter scene: nr and n arrive. nr grabs table and waits for n to buy herself tea at the counter. a few minutes later, n arrives at the table.]

nr: there are some conversational wizards at the next table.

n: i noticed! and i have no idea what they're saying!

nr: i think i recognize some of the words. something about what buffalos do when it rains.

n: interessant! uhhh let's write some haiku.

nr: haiku-

nom just loves haiku
and earl grey tea -

nr: interruption! newsflash! nom has enough fingers!

n: my brain is slightly dead as always. but...

i want to write something about cherry blossoms.

[nr notices a painting on the wall]

nr: i wish i could paint like that.

n: oh but no_reason you can, you just don't realize, you're actually a famous artist!

nr: huh...would you mind showing me my work then? i don't think i know where it is.

n: let's fly to france tomorrow,...le louvre!

nr: oui oui!
i can't stop correcting spelling. i can't help it. good spelling is just so hot.

n: my haiku sk...

nr: sorry to interrupt. but i just wanted to say that...i forget. wine, anyone?

n: ha,...i think you're catching my brain disease. drinky for me.

nr: you're too inspiring.

n: insipid more like! and self-deprecating to boot. but in other news, my tea is all gone.

nr: you are full of zest and flavour to boot!
in other news, empty teacups are not.

n: that's so existential.

nr: but now you've cancelled it out because you've defined what it is.

n: errrr....i meant nonexistential.

nr: you brain!

n: ha! why isn't anyone else in here laughing?? i think we are goofy.

nr: we definitely are. incidentally, if i met a guy in a bar and asked him to spell "nonexistentially" and he spelled it right in 5 seconds i would be all "wanna hook up?"

n: somewhere in this city is a man who can spell all the words you want right. i think we should have a spelling contest, show style.

nr: dating for nerds!

[n and nr laugh and shake their heads for an indefinite amount of time.]

n: wow, how long have we been sitting here laughing?

nr: indefinitely. read the script. :D

n: hahahaha! my face is hurting from laughing. and i'm getting tired. i think we should end scene soon.

nr: me too. plus, that guy sitting by the window was looking at us funny. first i think we should both offer up some conversational wizardry that rivals the other people in the shop.

n: hmmm! maybe he's interested in being a contestant!??? uh-oh,..battery is low,...

nr: stay tuned for conversation genius. it's been real.

[n and nr quickly post dialogue before computer dies.]
no reason! you! toronto! soon!
us! montreal! soon!
no reason i saw nathan lawr and i was reminded of when he asked you to draw them
i liked him a lot
no reason i was a bit disappointed tonight over silliness but then i read this page again and it made me laugh

i miss those times and concerts and coffeeshops and etc.

i miss you
i shall go west and we shall recreate
nom sitting in our town thinkin of you! 080407
no reason this page started on easter sunday two years ago
(hi nom)
no reason i mean three years ago
no reason still makes me laugh 110629
no reason easter, five years ago
i was trying to remember run chico run's name

nom i wish you were here to see non-easter music with tonight!
n o m m o n wow f just mentioned run chico run the other day, we were wondering what happened to them! and i can't believe i was in waves last night and thought of posting here, weird! awwwwww happy anniversary! 120408
bunny head Delivery for nom_reason?

You both want me?

I'll be back tomorrow.
n o m m o n oh_my god! 120410
easter bunny Knock knock.

Double bunny heads.

Sign here please.
no reason i think a double bunny head might've made us even crazier

*signs here*
what's it to you?
who go