THE blather SEED SWAP IF YOU'VE BEEN SEARCHING for an elusive variety of vegetable, gourd, or flower, have an excess of seeds, or have seeds to simply share, here's the blathe for you! .[[Please share away]]. Here you can post what you have to swap, ask for a particular seed you have been searching for, or ask if anyone has seeds to share. ---------------------------------------- [DYK] Did You Know ... It is illegal to send bulbs, rhizomes, and other vegetative plant parts to some states and countries?
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Teenage Jesus
I have "spider plant" seeds. They grow about five feet tall with really big, yet sparce blooms. Cleome is the actual name.
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i have many [many] many excess of vegetable seeds to share, also some varieties of floral seeds, as well as fruits. [[[i shall make a listing of what i have to offer in the neXt coming days or there-abouts, once i go through my containers and get ready for the gardens in the back & spring]]]
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Basil please.
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Blue eyes, blue eyes, blue eyes up for bids! Blue eyes to the man with the sad face, blue eyes going once, going twice, and, yes ma'am with the cigarette stained teeth, going once, going twice, sold to Ms. Cigar. Do I hear fifty for red hair? Fifty, to the man in the corner with the map of a maze, red hair for fifty, do i hear sixty? Red hair, for fifty, going once, going - yes, sir, red hair for the lady with the lunchbox, red hair for sixty, going once, going twice, and sold to the lunchpail mistress! Top quality genes here, donated so kindly by your very generous male blatherskites.
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ok sunshine groves, this is what i have found to share thus far, i know i have more seeds elsewhere around the house :] but i havent uncovered them as of yet, but ooooh i shall, i assure you 1] Sunflower [Large Russian] 10 ft 2] radish [sparkler] 3] radish [early scarlet globe] 4] carrot [scarlet nantes] 5] carrot [tendersweet] 6] tomato [beefsteak] 7] broccoli [waltham 29] 8] bean [white half runner] 9] cucumber [marketmore] 10] onion [white lisbon] 11] watermelon [charleston grey] 12] cantaloupe [hales best jumbo] 13] asparagus [mary washington] Perennial [it comes back every year] very nice plant indeed 14] catnip [treat for humans or cats] makes a mighty nice excellent tastey tea 15] chamomile [german] [great herbal tea or nice as a fragrent flowering border]easy to grow in pots & hanging baskets so could be great for dorms people to enjoy as well :] Teenage Jesus how exciting I have never grown nor perhaps seen "spider plants". Maybe, i have but just didnt know, but i truly think i have not. perhaps, i can take you up on this offer :] [that is ... if you were offering ... you could have just been teasing or bragging about your seeds heeheee] i do not have anything eXotic but perhaps i can share some seeds with you as well now minnesota_chris, i do not have extra basil this season but ill tell you what ...i'll share my sweet basil with you... so as long as you promise to enjoy it :] if anybody needs eXtra info on particular seeds, such as how tall etc. let me know and ill see if i can answer any questions you may have. [[[ok, i have my special "blather seed swap" tin all set up and organized, and will be adding to it once i come upon new & excess seeds to share with all you garden beauties]]] ---------------------------------------- smile toDay for me & i shall smile a smile for you as well
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After I wrote it, I realized you probably didn't have basil seeds. They usually do not survive to adulthood, rather are eagerly devoured in pestos, pastas, etc. with extra garlic. Too bad they cannot be emailed. What do you have in mind? (mmmm, wouldn't it be fun to have special envelopes for Blather Business? They'd be all crazy black and violet, and have goofy addresses like "Torturous Caresses, 1513 University Ave. Apt 4 Chicago, IL"). Hehehe.
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minnesota_chris [[[I do]]] have basil seeds. sometimes they do survive to adulthood, [if you know secrets] heee heeeeee i could email them to you scann em in, let them grow in my scanner and send continual ransom notes for their safe return to you... of course whilst sharing pictures of their progress ... from wee little wees to bigger little wees... just to taunt you ---or--- i can send them to you in snail mail slime trails desired would include a special eXtra charge shall i send the basil seeds to ...??? Torturous Caresses, 1513 University Ave. Apt 4 Chicago, IL"). Hehehe.
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My dear Basil Benefactor/Benefactress, "i'll share my sweet basil with you... so as long as you promise to enjoy" You offered to share sweet basil. Now you are offering seeds. Which is nice, I guess, if that's what you meant. I guess I should be more careful or specific. You could have been offering to share with me a nice boy named Basil. I don't know if I would have enjoyed that. A snail mail letter would be a wonderful extra charge. But sending you money or stamps or odd, self-important envelopes would mean you would have to . . . umm, have an address I could send to, and a name (gasp!) like Brandee or Muffy. You would become a physical person with a physical name and location. Nobody wants that, I don't think. ps Torturous Caresses is only my stripper name. pps. Hey, get to work!
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Teenage Jesus
Mahayana- send me an e-mail. I'll trade you some spider plant seeds for some of your asparagus.
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Teenage Jesus
Well? Whadda `ya say?
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Teenage Jesus, sounds great to me ;]spider plant seeds for asparagus seeds my address has been sent to you in an email and of course :ill be needing yours as well: Thanks much, i'll be looking forward to the spider plant seeds now before I send your package off are you sure there isnt anything else that you want from my list? I dont mind sending you anything else you may enjoy as well. sin., sass
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dear treasurer of the "i love sweet Basil club", Yes indeed I did offer to share sweet basil [[[seeds]]] 1] i do share very nicely with others, this I have learned well, perhaps in some instances too well 2] people i do not share too well although, esp if i love them & esp. esp through snail mail 3] there always has to be a number three so let me ponder on this one *thinks* ummmmm ok... oh yes ... I do not nor have i ever known someone with the name basil ...[brock yes ... basil no] sweet nor even disastrously rotten. so rest assured these are seeds and only seeds i am offering ... [oh and not the kind that will help create human life neither] ... just simple plant seeds from my garden to yours ... or window sill ... or cold box frame ... whatever :] do not worry about the extra charge it shall be allright with me ... i like to send off lil packages in the mail, it truly is no bother & i do not expect anything in return ... i know it says [[[seed swap]]] but that is perfectly allright if people do not have anything to share back ... money nor stamps would i need and hmmmm what would an odd, self-important envelope look like? [just curious] Yes, i do have an address and a name, the address you wont need, and the name i do not mind sharing [sassafrass] ps. i *was* working i was ... ummm ... ummm ... dusting off the keyboard ... oh yesss thats it pps. ok so I *wasnt* working it just took a lil extra time to get there :]
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Teenage Jesus
Well, I didn't get the e-mail...and yours evidently isn't available. Try sending one one of my internet accounts; adam@nuts.com Looking forward to some tasty asparagus. (On a side note, my wife made an incredible casserole last night with asparagus, almonds, cheese (duh, it's a casserole) and some chicken. It was great. So anyway; send me that e-mail today if you can so I can get the spider plant seeds on their way. You will be amazed at what an incredible plant this is. It seems to look "different" at twilight. Very dreamy and enchanting. Interestingly, it smells like weed; but I woudn't smoke it. Did I mention it grows over five feet tall? If you plant it in a windy spot, you may want to stake it (them.)
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OK, if I was to create whimsical envelopes (currently I don't have the color printer/copier) where would I send them? I am minnesota_chris@hotmail.com
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Teenage Jesus, ... [yeah i see you got my email] its a good thing :] I already am amazed at what an incredible plant this seems to be & i havent even seen it yet, the way you describe it- is indeed very dreamy and enchanting ... with this plant perhaps no twilight in my near future shall ever look the same. [oh and every seed[s] anyone sends on to me, shall be named after the blatherer [ha!] a {teenage jesus spider plant} [i cant wait till millie next door asks me what im planting ... oh the look on her face when i say ... its a very rare kind of spider plant ...its the teenage jesus spider plant variety] 5ft of beautifulness i can not wait!! yes, thank you for the staking tip i shall heed all warnings [~oh yes, i shall surprise you with some other seeds indeed~][just remember if any stalks climb up to the giants house and you find the chicken that lays the golden egg, i get 10% of whatever she lays][just kidding ... just send pictures] [*] bawkkk bawwww!
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Teenage Jesus
Gracias! Back at `cha. I'll let you know how the "Mahayana Asparagus" tastes. I can't wait for you to see those spider plants when those giant blooms open up...gonna be great. BTW- any cultivation/care suggestions for asparagus? I've never grown it before. YOU, my dear, are The Cats!!
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Yes teen Jeez, I did receive your address most surely i have, thank you for double checking :] Tomorrow morning, as i send out two other packages and enjoy such a beautiful spring walk [snow or no snow] to the nearest post office i shall have your seeds and whatnots in my hands as i whistle my way towards the PO office... [hmm [[[[PO]]]] Pissed Offed .. someone had to have had intuition on just how stressful a post office job would be] [[[I]]] can't wait to see the spider plants when the giant blooms open up... ohhh *clap clap clap* it is it issss gonna be so great, i surely will take photographs and share them with others online & anywhere else ... ehh heeheehee ill show them to lil old lonely ladies at bus stops who always manage to talk to me no matter the hair colour im sporting and i'll proudly tease them & tell them they are my grandchildren {silly lil grin} BTW-2 your-BTW oh yes, i shall send you some cultivation/care suggestions along with the seeds, ill prob post them here as well just incase anyone down the line shall see & benefit although, my friend, since you have not grown them before I just realized you prob are not acquainted with the wait you have to undergo till you can first taste your tasty treats ... i hope you have some patience. [but trust me, it is so worth it, and after the time of wait, they come back every year and you do not have to do anything special to encourage the regrowth each year thereafter ... very nice addition to ones own home land.] dont worry that is why i am going to send other lil friends to keep you busy while you wait and you my dear friend, are the cats meow :]
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minnesota_chris, this is to confirm that i did indeed get your address as well- from the email you had sent me- and as soon as i am able 2 & have some free time 2... I shall create and send you a one of a kind whimsical envelope [and it will be completely handmade] ???[{may i also send you your sweet basil seeds to this address as well}]¿¿¿
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That would be lovely!
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Teenage Jesus
Well, the envelope is nothing to write home about, but the contents will make you smile early next week. Don't you love surprises!
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:( I seem to kill every plant I touch. i have done everything right. i have tried EVERYTHING, but plants hate me. They shrivel up and die under my care. I love them, but I guess I just can't care for them :( however...if anyone wants some hawaiian flower seeds, I can go pick some up. Ti leaf plants, hibiscus, plumeria...I can't remember all of them, but I'll find out what plants are available. Its like this little shoot sealed on the bottom with wax & its this little touristy package... well anyway if anyone wants to give me something yummy (some sort of herb...something u can dry that smells perrrdy) in exchange for whatever Hawaiian flower, email me or post a message...
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ooh, a hawaiian flower sounds neat, yummyc....it probably wouldnt grow here in minnesota, where i live, but that would be so awesome...i have a bunch of herb seeds, as well as little "start your own herb garden" plastic thingies (do you know what im talking about? hmmm,how to explain better...) so, id be willing to send a couple of those to you, or seeds, or whatever, kindof whatever you prefer. email me -- kermit_from_okray@yahoo.com
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i'm looking for small white bell-shaped flowers that dangle from the stem they are about the size of baby's breath and used the same way (i.e., background for other flowers) i just need the name so i can know what to order
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dear mahayana, how does your garden grow? Have you started planting seeds yet?
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now this is a truly original idea, how very very cool! wishes he had a garden!
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Jalapenyos? Booya?
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what's it to you?