psyki my eyeballs make me sick.

their glistening moisture.

their insane stare.

their shiny blue texture.

the way they rotate in their sockets.
vicious very much a Cozad term 000414
nothingman i feel like shit. i am emotionaly sick so i turn to mind altering drugs to help me, but they just make me more sick. I should probably check into rehab now. 000418
lisa_is_bionic A part of me gets SICK
A part of me gets SORE
grasshopper health problems suck 000525
WoNDERGIRL it was 2:30 when I really started feeling crappy so I laid down in the other room and listened to some trashy Rancid tunes on napster until my dizziness let up

I hope you can forgive me
Tapoli Is over me, over my sick head, all over. 000617
silentbob i feel sick.
im just told my sense of humor is scary and i'm just not funny. shit. i have to "tone myself down" otherwise they'll be mad at me for being scary...
guitar_freak Don't drink so much that you don't know how much you drank.
Alcohol poisening is the best thing to make one sober
barnaclebill Chug-a-lug this poison drug
Till I slap my face on the rising rug
Now spins the room
my impending doom
as I lurch towards the toilet
here comes my spleen
as if I'd swigged down gasoline
it sure was fun
but now it's done
the Puking always spoils it
Mlle Avril Has anyone seen "Sick?" At one point, the main subject of this documentary lays his penis on a cutting board and drives a nail through it with a hammer. I haven't seen this myself. 001223
m_e i'm going to throw up. eh. this sucks. 010528
burden 'Twas the wild outdoors that did it to ya, bg. 010528
redneckk it was the smell of eating your own shit. 010528
florescent light I wonder
if he's sick of me yet
I wonder
if he wonders
if I'm sick of him
unique butterfly i feel sick.
live sucks.
i can't survive like this much longer.
i hate the spiders.
i don't know what to do anymore.
my brother is an ass hole.
everything just sucks.
my parents are very weird.
i miss everybody.
nobody understand anything anymore.
most of me.
psychobabe sick, such a fucking weak feeling. I hate it, being dizzy beyond belief, feeling liek your going to keal over and throw up your lungs! lieing in bed doesnt help either, but useing t very kold rags on your neck and forehead is heaven!! try it next time you'll feel better eventually 010905
senselesssheryl my kitty's sick
the vet wanted 90 bucks

sorry doc, I'm going to have to cut some corners on this one and do without the IV.
wounded my heart rages into my throat
into my head, my ears
thumping and banging out
the fear, the loss, the jealousy...?

hours have past, still no trace
and no end to this crippling pain
it lashes out, blurs my eyes
sything across my emotion...

when you get back, well nevermind...
one day you'll know the harm you've done
cos this cruelty is raping me...
...such terrible scars...
wounded my heart rages into my throat
into my head, my ears
thumping and banging out
the fear, the loss, the jealousy...?

hours have past, still no trace
and no end to this crippling pain
it lashes out, blurs my eyes
sything across my emotion...

when you get back, well nevermind...
one day you'll know the harm you've done
cos this cruelty is raping me...
...such terrible scars...
Aaron sick of this twisted humor, sick of an old life, sick of my empty soul, and sick of my faithless wives. the twist of a knife, that thorn in my side, stab me in the back, just take my life. loosing hope and running out of time, i asked for a chance, they gave me a lime, all push you down when you try to climb. holding on to all i know, wanting to just let go.... there is no free. a slave to the machine. 011111
yummyC i am
sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong sick wrong, sick and disgusting and wrong.
Aaron i was getting sick every night... it was bad.. tehn she got sick.. and i stopped getting sick every night.. wierd.. and we havn't even met. 011112
ClairE "help. i need soup and soothing throat drops!"

Not again, you don't. No, I don't want to be your fucking snowbuddy. Thanks.
kelli crane get well soon mama! 020115
joskia so what if it's sick 020320
iheartyou Am I sick? Yes I am! Did I wake up this morning and have a fit of coughs? Yes I did! How do I feel? LIKE SHIT! YES- I love being sick.

But thanks to Chet I have medicine now, so that's good. awww... iheartchet.
CJ i feel sick nothing uncommon probably just some bad food I ate combined with stress and where I worked being about 60 degrees all the freeken time. I should probably go to bed but I already slept 10 hours last night. 020608
oak barrel how I feel now 020901
coke carol now I peel cows 020917
phil the young try so hard to escape 030120
andrew I get sick easily... It's mostly becuase of nerves though. I don't really understand it either 030201
ferret the first time i saw you cutting it made me sick, not because of "eww blood gross" but because it made me wonder what would make you do this. please tell me i want to help. 030202
jolie I'm so sick. 030310
Bizzar I hate knowing that the only reason I feel ok is because I took a bunch of meds. 030322
faith i get
so sick
of you.
you're so stale,
your smell so nauseating.
your look so rotten, so old, so used
again and again.
nothing fresh; no life
and yet i love you.

how do you cope, with no pain?
it all seems so easy for you.
do you not tire of the same after the same, and more of the same? do your eyes not yearn for different horizons, of different hues?

does it not hurt to squeeze your entire you
into so small and so ugly a skin?
i'm here, if you need me.
please let me in.
endless desire i dont feel well
throat hurts
head hurts
and its putting me in a weird mood.
Clarey I feel so sick. Stress, I think & my shoulders are all knotted up & my head hurts. This happens every evening. It hurts xx 030702
bunnyboy liking you makes me sick. 030714
quicksilver21166 Im afaide to face the world without you,
yet you make me sick.
so sick.
I wish it wasn't so,
but the truth hurts only so much.
I am sick, I have no emotions i bury them deep inside until it hurts no more. then it hurts again, so I abuse the tools that i have been given.
RAGE and MIsery that is what the world is to me.
Because I am one of the sick and the WRETCHED.
I don't choose to be this way, I just am!
myriadmoods i have been sick for a long time,
i know that I was a fool to lie to myself.
i don't blame my father anymore, as I can whine,
and cry, knowing, my moods are genes and self,
forever in me, surely a part of me and always sad that i am in line,
to be the next to say I am mentally ill, moody, sorry kiss my arse, please get in line.
dont exist nothing really helps this feeling. it lets up but then it comes back ten times worse. sometimes i have a feeling like nicotine cravings but they don't go away when i smoke. im coughing up brown lumps and the blood wont return to my skin after i press down on it. my eyes are red and swollen. i hope i die soon. 040206
j i l l i a n you make me sick
i want you
and im hating it
efilandevol i'm so afraid 040224
smileygirl i'm sick and tired of being sick_and_tired 040225
white_wave_not_complaining so the doc says i have a urinary tract infection, in other words a bladder infection.

i say it's more like a blather_infection
pete the music my roomate creates on his electric guitar makes me feel sick. i think it is because of thes ound of the guitar, and the way he always seems to be trying to play the most depressing thing he can. it takes a hold of my stomach and twists it 180 degress atleast, and leaves me feeling as if i should vomit. also, being a drummer, his complete lack of rythm and beat (he admits he does not understand either nor can he keep either without someone doing it for him) is a bit irking, and may justify the feelings his music brings. 040316
nighean_siofra ick...
and right before finals
thanks alot
Staind_And_Souless i'm physically sick. The doctors don't know what's wrong with me. I throw up after every meal or drink i consume apart from alcohol (muscle relaxant) and they have no bloody clue what's wrong.

My head hurts. I'm too hungover for words. I should go back to bed. But it was the bed we shared and you're gone.

I'm sick and twisted. i like pain. i must do, or why else would I try so hard to speak to you, to see you, and get rejected?

I am so fucking SICK or being sick. I hate being ill. I Don't want to be alone for Christmas at 17. I hate that I had you this time last year. i hate that i will never hold you again.

As whats-her-name sang.

I'm Sick and Tired of always being Sick and Tired.
apocalynx oh, the poison flowing through veins and cerebral cortex. through thought trees and arteries. through streets and through cities. through people they can barely see can i see. cataracts, rapid pulse, choking lungs and doctor doctor, what's my condition? get me medication to improve this position. you are the pill to fill this prescription, the chemicals my immune system's missing. 041226
SuperVixen Feverish dreams
my body aches
my throat still hurts
sleep all day
up all night
repulsive medication
does nothing
samandkp sickly 051011
minnesota_chris When I get sick, everything shuts down and I eat a lot of soup. Even my memory, dependent on the production of new cells, shuts down. My head swims when I am walking around. 051129
three words i'll_never_be sick brave_new_girl 060425
no reason i don't remember the last time i felt this sick
i hate that i'm alone
i wish my mom was here and i could call her in florida but really what's the point?
. love_sick 070312
Pooooooooooojjjjjjjiiiiiiiaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmaaaaaaa Mentally 070530
spoon ! oh piss off ! ! 070530
no reason so fucking sick
of being fucking sick

i try everything but i don't know how to stop it ever
maybe i should stop trying anything
no reason 3/4 of the time 090618
yeah sick of blogs
innane jabber
in your face book
blown cherry ... of myself

I make myself ...

I'm going to be ...
nurse amy some people do get sick. the object is to help them feel better - and encourage them to make adjustments, seek good treatment, etc. etc. it's usually not too easy to turn the ship around on chronic debilities, but it's usually definitely possible. until death has your number, of course. 090620
Arwyn of all this uncertainty.
of walking on a wire.
of trying to be who you think I am.
of being told how horrible I am.
of all of this.
of you.
no reason i like that, nurse amy. it sounds hopeful and inspiring. 090622
nurse amy : ) good! not sure there's a cure in every case, but good nonetheless. and self-compassion is best... 090622
what's it to you?
who go