it's strange when someone that i love is hurt, i can feel the wound like a break in their aura. it is either burning hot or icy cold, and when i pass my hand over someone's aura i can feel where the pain is. if i pray, or even spontaneously, i can absorb the temperature into my own body and replace it with healing energy. i've done it before, and by accident i touched the patient, sending sparks and an electric shock through both of us. my hand then went numb where it had touched the painful area, and a cold pain started spreading from the inside. my father, who also heals with his hands, passed his hand over mine and the pain vanished. im grateful that i do have a purpose, to help people. i was told that my gift is God-sent; he works through me to heal the people that he loves. that is a beautiful and touching thing to think that he values me enough to do that, when i feel so worthless and pathetic. i've never met anyone other than my father who can heal like i can.
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though i in absolutely no way mean to detract from your gift, i have met others who have that capability. one soulflesh kin straightened my chakras in our first meeting, all of fifteen seconds, and until that point i had no solid concept of what chakras were. a shiatzu massage a few weeks ago melted an injury i thought i would have to go to the doctor for, with very little traditional "massage" to it. others have either found or developed the skill. i believe that the ability is in nearly everyone, but aptitude is a much different thing. most people take a very long time and much outside instruction to learn the things you seem to have learned already. it is a very special gift, and one you can use to bring good things to others. nurture it. (and, this tangent sparked a bit more poking over at shop_talk_with_u24... peruse it in a few days or few weeks if you're interested)
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im glad other people can do it, it would be amazing if everyone could at least do some of it, because then there would probably be less pain in the world. i just read shop_talk_with_u24 and i think its really interesting, although im tired at the moment and i don't really understand that much. thanks for saying im not crazy, anyway, i told someone a few days ago to see if they could do it as well, and i was rewarded with a 'oh my god you freak' look. can you do things like this too?
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personally, it's not one of my strengths, though i can do other minor energy manipulations on others in the right mindset... i'm not quite the healer type, for the most part. it is a bit of a strange coincidence, as last night was a night of quite a bit of sensation and surface damage on a water brother, and a few times i instinctively placed my hand and soothed and drew part of his pain from him (yummy). i think that part of my difficulty stems from having so much skeptic in me; it's something that's very based in instinct, letting go and Feeling, i almost equate it to guiding the flow of water, changing its characteristics... i'm a fire girl, what can i say... and don't worry about not understanding much of shop_talk, u24 and i come from very similar paradigms and have been babbling about such things for a while on ask_use24, so our language/concept set is a bit specialized... feel free to ask questions if you have them, we're more than happy to babble, especially if it doesn't need the kind of in-depth dissertation we're usually drawing from eachother. and you'll get used to people looking at you funny after a while. it makes it all the more rewarding when you start finding people who look astonished and say, "you too?"
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you freaky weirdos. (joke) :P so, goth girl, what are your ideas about the God that gave you the gift? is it the Christian God, or some other force? I've experienced a few similar things, a while ago my back was playing up (a problem that runs in my family and will probably plague me forever) so I searched online for info on reiki (a healing technique that involves directing positive energy though the hands) and found a site where you type your name, location and ailment, and it gets submitted to a ring of healers, who may choose to send you 'remote reiki'. I got two responses (via email) and they sent their healing to me over the next few days, after I'd received the healing, my back didn't hurt for weeks, and during the healing I did feel a power. Of course, it could all have been in my mind, but still, all experience is useful. Also, I (think) I can send and receive calmness through my hands (or any part of the body, really.. hands are just easier); I put my hands somewhere on the person's body [sidetrack] usually on their shoulders, neck or hips, though touching another's forehead with your forehead can be very powerful and intimate.. probably has to do with the third eye thing [/sidetrack] and then... I listen.. and try to receive whatever energy I get from them; if it's good, then that's fine, and if it's bad, then I try to absorb it by calming myself. I read a good article on witchvox.com that explains the sort of process I use to meet negative energy quite well: http://www.witchvox.com/words/words_2004/e_pure04.html particularly the part where he says "The same concepts apply to emotional energy: I can meet anger with anger and the energy remains polarized, or I can attempt to meet anger with compassion, and encourage harmonization. " in other words, I try to harmonise with the negative energy, instead of forcing a positive energy in; If I sense a powerful negative force and send in an equally powerful positive force, all that's going to happen is a big internal energy fight and we'll both feel exhausted and the negative energy will probably still be there, but if I try to absorb the negative and change it into positive energy, it's a much smoother ride for everyone. phew! :) (and misstree, your shop talk answer's coming. soon. ish. :) )
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oh oh oh! and clarify the chakras for me, would ya misstree? cheers.
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wow i've never heard the term reiki before, but it sounds like it's what i have (yay)! i did a sharing energy thing with a friend of mine the other day, he can do things too, but different to healing, more witchy things that i don't want to elaborate on due to his privacy wishes :). we did the whole forehead touching thing, and i tried to give him positive energy through our third eyes. i also did something that i learnt how to do on a website, creating a 'power ball' from my aura and energy. if you place your hands a certain distance apart and focus on sending positive energy out through your hands, especially your palm and your fingertips, and fueling the energy with a colour and/or emotion. for the first time ever since i tried to do the exercise it actually worked, and he absorbed some of my energy and i could feel it leaking out of his energy points (sounds weird, i know). we then did some more exercises like that and i tried to give him some more energy but ended up giving him too much. (oops!) back on the subject of spiritual_healing (i waffled for quite a bit there), i think that it does come from the Christian God, primarily because i am a Christian and to say anything else would be blasphemous. no wait that sounds like i don't believe it. i do believe it comes from the Christian God, but considering i've tried to do it since i did the energy transfer and it hasn't worked, i don't know why he hasn't given me any more. i'm probably being very greedy and avaricious in trying to use it for my own purposes and not just to heal. oh well, i hope it comes back so that i can heal again, having this strange ability is something that made me happier.
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Christian God hey? are there multiple God's existing to appeal to different groups? or is there just one God up there laughing at the mischance of society turning Him into something that he isn't. Multiple. More than one. Why do we need to feel the need to declare WHO our God is. Shouldn't our God just permeate, exist withough explanation. God. There. Creating. Watching. Like you. Like me. Why is definition so important!
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ethereal might add that she herself is Christian. not cultish Christian. self proclaimed. self ideolistic. Christian...believer in Christ. no more. no less. Believing.
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some people feel the need for labels paople in general will always want elaborations explanations just saying "GOD" may not be enough. just like saying any other word everyone wants their own interpretation but your words made me think.
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reiki is a specific type of massage, i believe of eastern origin, that uses the principles of personal energy to, well, fix things, especially muscles. outside that, i'm bloody ignorant, but may be able to fix that a little tonight. (tuesday_goth_night and all.) remote reiki baffles me slightly, but only because my crotchety old brain likes to think of distance as a universal thing, doesn't like to dismiss it, though it knows there are times it should, if for no other reason than to see if the equation works without it (or in spite of it). saying that spiritual healing is reiki is like saying that religion is christianity. *wink* u24, poking at chakras and personal energies with the playmate is quitevery high on my list, i'll report what i can learn from that end, there will also likely be other researching done by me, i'll share what i know as i learn it, likely over on shop_talk_with_u24. oh, and by the way, i lurve you. :) and again not meaning to be contentious (stick with what you're good at), but i've always been a bit disconcerted with the traditional christian need to ascribe all good things as gifts to god... saw an extremist news show that was crabbing about "pagan" teachings telling kids they had the power within themselves to do anything... god giving you the potential is one thing... but you think god is going to make you a marathon runner if you sit on your butt and eat cheetos? you think god is going to let you sail through it, never pull a muscle? take it slow, this is potentially heavy shit you're playing with, but keep at it. but i mean it, be careful *any* time you're playing with things you don't understand.
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indeed, for instance, I may refer to a God (sex irrelevent) in my belief system, but it's not Jehovah, and it's not Ganeesh, it's something quite different. So there is a need to distinguish which understanding of God one is using, to avoid confusion. goth girl (you don't mind if I abbreviate your name, do you? it's just that I'm too lazy to type it all out. but I will if you prefer) you're probably just worn out from using all your energy. and if I was God, I wouldn't mind you 'playing' with your gift; it will help you heal people better in the future, and help you make less mistakes and learn the limits and strengths of your gift. but maybe that's just me.. and ethereal, though you don't seem to like tying things to definitions, when you say you are a beleiver in Christ, I'd like to know what you mean by that? do you simply beleive that there was an ordinary man who's actions are described in the Bible, or do you beleive that He was the son of God. and when you say "nothing more", do you deny the Old Testament? No offence meant to either of you if my questions sound brittle, I just like learning about people('s religions). Feel free to interrogate me with as much vigour. :P
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hey! where'd that post come from? to clarify; my 'indeed' blathe was in relation to posts above misstree's. cause you were blathing at the same time as me. copycat.
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let me elaborate. well i must go home first. school doesn't allow enough time. ill get there tonight.
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what's it to you?