Thyartshallshant Smart.
Possibly in a band.
Maybe Tom Green.
birdmad five years younger
twenty pounds lighter

and otherwise to simply be a worthwhile human being

basically, i want to be someone else
NotLad someone with a love.
a man with less fat.
a guy with women that want to be more than just friends.
Aimee myself 010322
dB free. human again. 010322
dB but what the hell. I'm better off now. at least I can see. 010322
unhinged a person with some fucking common sense and less stitches in my ass 010322
twiggie four years old. forever. 010323
bret i'd like to be a friend, but not to anyone i've met.
i'd like to be admired, but no one's seen me yet.
i'd like to be called beautiful before my face starts growing creases.
i'd like to be a lover again, but i'm still stuck picking up the pieces...
chanaka beautiful 010324
vampers happy 010324
abms in control of my life 010330
elisabeth anything but who i am 010411
silentbob Her boyfriend 010411
nocturnal as great as I make myself out to be when I don't feel like getting into how much I really just suck.

truly my own person, in full control of what I do and who I am.

someone worth knowing.
dB Who you wanna be?
When the moon is on the way
You ordinary man.
keeper with him

just to fall asleep with, nothing more
Sol myself 010507
Allie Worry free. Forever 010508
Casey I've always wanted someone to notice me when i walk into a room or anytime.

But it doesn't work, i always have to get the attention of others ,or they will never notice me
el fagtastico Like maybe the poor man's Angelina Jolie. I want to be Mary full of grace. Hail Mary with red hair like flames, the only chick, anywhere, ever.

darenot speak its name.
paste! in all self-honesty, with time there is nothing i cannot be: but with even more time wondering, there is nothing that i want to be. 010511
lost something more than nothing. 010511
Kontrol The king of Blather 010511
cali j actress...cause I started out doing it for my family when I was young...always conjuring up some scene. Maybe a singer... I've known the words to just about every song(on the radio) since I was 3. Ah well...Life is still good. 010513
cali j As far as who I am... I just try to be real and true to myself..I strive to be kind to people no matter what and as far as me as a person well... I wouldn't change a thing because there is a purpose for all of us just the way we are
P.S. I kind of like that pay it forward thing
P.S.S. And U?
cali j who I am and me as a person aren't they the same maybe one is my non-evil twin
Glory Box with you, in the middle of the night. 010519

Faster to recognise importance.

More powerfully in control of my emotions

Able to leap small obstacles in my life in a single bound.

What that up in the sky?

Is it normal?
Is it stable?


Its super me!
cali j I've changed my mind...I'm a woman and thats what we do so here it is...Damn! I can't make up my mind. It says can't...Hmm Uh...wings...thats it! I wanna fly. 010529
no one happy 010530
Jen I want to be the person i am.
I want to be a whole entire me.
I want everyone to know the whole entire me.
I want my thoughts and ideas to be more than just scribbles in my journal.
I want to be respected.
I want to be able to end each day with my head held high and a smile on my face.
I want to be me!
yummychuckle comfortable with who I am, and not overly sensitive to what others think of me.

wait...how about...

and happy. and Dillons girlfriend.
but hte last one is ubject to change,s seeing as it might be possible.
snow_angel A fucking millionare...a fucking pro snowboarder....a fucking genious....a fucking superhero....a fucking magician....a fucking gorgeous skinny super model with amazingly flawless skin.....a fucking good person. 010605
nocturnal at work sounds like you just wanna be fucking 010605
Dafremen Top salesman for the Dog_Boot_Company for the 5th year in a row.

P.S. No offense little Yummychuckle, but DILLON? I mean he may be the nicest guy in the world but guaranteed, the first thing through anyone's mind when you introduce him is Beverly Hills 90210. Period. Cmon girl, you can do better than that! Find a nice Percy somewhere.
Dafremen Last time I checked f*cking was still good. 010605
nocturnal at work good point. that's an affirmative on that one. 010605
Alexander Beetle remembered 010611
Dafremen Alexander...Alexander Beetle!! Is that YOU?! Long time no see Do0d! What? Don't you remember me? It's Daffy do0d..remember? Daffy? 8) - Daffy? 010611
Casey I take my old one back. Fying your hair orange in a town filled with stiff ass old people isn't one of the smartest things I have ever done.

I kind of agree with the 4 year old one. Either that or a bird
Dafremen "Hey bwah(redneckian phrase which reads: boy) you got batteries for them shoes?"

- Fall 1985 by some unknown redneck in my high school the day I showed up wearing day-glo oranges Vans.
paste! bwah meets grill, get mared, have leetle runts...cycle of life, homer, cycle of life. 010615
j_blue myself 010616
nemo some one else... 010616
kingsuperspecial hey - don't want to be someone else!

i fyou did that, who would be you?

fuck, we all gotta do our part, right?

you could end up me, ferchrissakes.

then you'd really be in a shitmess.

(a) eternaloptimistonseriousmedication
sabbie i refuse to let 'cant' stop me from anything. i decree, here and now, with as many people that will ever read this as witnesses that if i ever want to be something,

i damn well will be.

like anything or anyone (especailly myself!) is going to get between my-charming-,-strong-willed-and-stupidly-determined-self and something i want to be.
lost someone who doesnt care about people so much, or at least someone who doesnt pick the wrong people to care about. someone who doesnt get walked on by the people he cares about. i wish that i could just stop caring. i know i never will though. i always say i am going to. but then i meet someone and i go out with them and it just happens. thats what happened tonight. i went to this chicks house and we watched a movie and she was laying there in my arms and fell asleep, and when i looked at her at how peaceful she was and how comfortable i couldnt help but to start caring. i think i am just a fool. i need to stop caring. 010618
kinkazoid i want to have smaller tits, not comepletely flat, but like a B would be nice,
i want to be a blonde, kinda
i want to be less shy, im hardly shy at all, but when it comes to fighting or yelling at people i always chicken out and it pisses me off also my checks get red sometimes when i get imbarresed
i want to be taller
the thing i want to be most of all is the top priority in my boyfriends life like he is in mine
black-dyed gel product I want to be smarter than the average bear, but dumber than the average dolphin. I want to be like Mike but without the cologne line. I want to be a supermodel, but I'm a guy so scratch that joke. I want to be President but of the Dominican Republic not the US. I want to be in control yet in a tantrum of fist swinging. I want to be a better person but not so better that people say things like, "wow, he's a better person." I want to be eating a burrito but a breakfast one not the regular kind. I want to be excessively shallow in my thoughts but not so much that people pick up on it. I want to be incredible sarcastic and cynical, but I've already done way to good of a job at that. I want to phrase a bunch of sentences in almost the same manner, like a parallelism for instance, and guess what, I succeeded. 010618
:{ satisfied. 010828
maxwell thorne I want to live my life like this is the only one I have. Instead I feel like I'm waitng to wake up. 010829
sUpersLutstAr hAppy. all i wAnt to bE is hAppy. 010829
Glory Box I want to be more sure of this.

Less afraid.

More hopeful.

Because on the map I can measure the distance with my hands, but in my head it's a million miles from everything.
Glory Box free. free free free. 011017
burden a puppy. 020802
Freak worry free

Theres always something to worry about.
she ...the next one he falls for, the next one he can't live without.

...noticed when i walk in a room, /almost/ to the point that people stop talking, but not quite.

...liked by everyone, because there's nothing wrong with me, is there?

...proud, content, and happy with who I am.
Thibilent ethhh I want to be everything to J, and noticed by silentbob. 020802
rosemary the girl lurking in his dreams. 020802
lo psychic...invisable...a person who is able to spell...a kid again....your best friend again...a little bit taller..a baller...funny...comfortable in social situations...motivated...sucessful but that is yet to be determined. 030606
Deomis I want to be the person
Whose name is on all of their lips
Who lingers in your mind in the darkest hours
And turns your head as I pass by
I want to be the girl that you love madly
Who knows how to live every second of life
And dances in the rain at night

There are so many things I want
I will never live those dreams though
They will become empty yearnings
And tear stain'd graves of my hope
They will just fade away
And leave me
Standing in the cold
laced taller, smarter, stronger, softer, caring, cold, open, a mystery, in love, hated, envied, humble, seeing, blind, one persons someone, everybody's everything, lovely, infinite 040830
Staind_And_Souless Sane
in education again

Your girlfriend
The one you talk to when you're sad
The one you call when you're in trouble
The one you look for in the crowd
The one you won't forget
The one you won't regret

who i am doesnt matter anymore a vampire! fangs are hot. 060224
;-) i know who you are!
twinkie with two eyes!
what's it to you?
who go