daf This is the second of a four part series. If you have not read Perception_is_NOT_reality yet, please do so before reading this. Thanks.

In the previous post, an attempt was made to help each of us realize that belief and perception are inconsequential to Truth. Truth is supreme. In an attempt to bring one such Truth to light, this next post will discuss the reality of fate.

There are many that would say that there is no such thing as fate. To some extent this might seem true, until you consider this: all things must eventually return to their source.

This is a common Truth that is universal. Any or all of us could try to argue against that fact until we are blue in the face and it will not make one whit of difference. It is true.

The water that comes from the ocean, returns to the sea, eventually. The molten rock which is thrust up as a mighty mountain, will eventually crumble and return, piece by piece to its source. The Earth, if our scientists are to be believed, will one day be engulfed by the Sun, and the Sun will eventually return to the center of the galaxy which spawned it, our lovely Milky Way. Every living thing on Earth returns to the Earth from whence it came, ashes to ashes...dust to dust.

This is the nature of fate, of the unswerving Truth that is fate. You, I, and everything around us, although we are in a constant state of change, arise from and return to our source.

The point of this isn't to rehash some pantheist, paganist, naturist doctrine, but rather to bring to our common attention the fact that freewill is NOT a right. It is a privilege and a gift.

You, like everything around you, are FATED to return to your source, but UNLIKE everything else, YOU have a choice. That is not your RIGHT, that is your privilege. That is not something that you just should GET because you are human, that is something that you are OFFERED as an alternative to the downward return path that everything else takes to return to its source.

You are offered a second alternative..you have the opportunity to return to your source either the old fashioned way, backwards, downwards, round trip..OR:

You can return to your source in a forward direction, upwards, along a Path offered just for you. But its NOT a free ride.

What you are entitled to is a period of time to be, and then a return back to where you came from.

What you are offered as an alternative is a choice: either be of use, or don't.

Be of use? What ever does that mean? Well it's pretty simple to understand, but can be somewhat difficult to accomplish.

Whether or not you choose to take advantage of this special offer (available for a limited time only..your lifetime), remember this..you have been given life..sentient human life.

You have been given a life that you may choose to live in ANY way that you wish to.

You are WAAAY up on most everything else in the universe, because most everything in the universe doesn't have a choice, most everything in the universe does what it does..you do what you CHOOSE to do. If anything, you are the one who should owe something here, but just so that you know, you don't.

Now about that choice. If you're going to make a choice, you may as well know the nature of your existence and what your purpose is, so that you can choose to be useful or to do something else with this precious opportunity called life that you've been given.

How you answer this question decides whether you meet the same fate as everything else in the universe, a return trip back..or whether you get the special Wonka Golden ticket...a return trip forward...what IS the nature of human freewill?
daf This information is part of a four part series. The four posts are titled:

Doar .read. 050725
pete .

*thinks plotinus*
andru235 how can you possibly be sure that other entities in the universe haven't sentience and choice? if 'physics' is your answer, then you must concede that we humans are equally powerless; our moment-to-moment actions are mere physics: but you and i do not believe this at all.

but to assume that only animals - with their grey, blobby brains, - possess sentience: it is an untenable argument. we simply do not know if the planet Jupiter has awareness or not, and we never will. we do not know whether the galaxy has any capacity to steer upon its own course. indeed, what would be one minute to the galaxy might be millenia to the human...would we even recognize a galactic decision?

likewise with atomics, as i've blathed elsewhere. sentience might (and from my perspective, must) extend forever in either direction...yet the further from our scale we get, the less recognizeable the sentience will be...

we don't even recognize the sentience of our neighbors, at times!

additionally, we also do not know if life is a "free ride" or not. probably it varies, entity to entity. for all anyone knows, existence is something we seized for ourselves, selecting from myriad realms the one we would begin existing in. perhaps we even select our form. you might know that which is true for yourself (your reality) but who knows what is true for another? [add wo- ad necessitum] one man's christ is another man's satan. one man's devil is another man's salvation. one man's nothing is another man's everything...and on and on and on.

perhaps we are destined to will; and we will our destiny...
andru235 and where, if i may ask, is this supreme truth? that which is so certain to you becomes nil to me...

it cannot be demonstrated that other realms of dimensional strata do not exist. as such, even the seemingly universal 'gravity' might have a "terminus point"...

the only known concept (among humans) that could possibly encompass everything is "infinity"...

it's not that you're wrong: quite the opposite. you are totally right - for yourself. your perceptions are your reality. *but* i am right also; my perceptions are my reality.

the only (mildly-)pervasive truths *i* have thus found are that all truths contain lies and all lies contain truths..., etc. your biggest fault is your best quality, your best quality is your biggest fault.

the parade of paradoxes indicates an even-dimensional construct...no refuge for those of us from the odd...
misstree see: we_are_made_of_mud 050725
DannyH There are many that would say that there is no such thing as fate. To some extent this might seem true, until you consider this: My grandmother can levitate when no-one is looking.

This is a common Truth that is universal. Any or all of us could try to argue against that fact until we are blue in the face and it will not make one whit of difference. It is true.

Compare these two paragraphs to the one in your blathe. If I cling as stubbornly to my clearly unprovable premise as you do to yours we will come up with two very different perceptions of the universe. But as you said: perception_is_not_reality.
daf The urge to engage another's ego is a strong one. The ego itself clings to things because, (although it might appear otherwise) it is insecure and small in a large and inconstant world and so tries to build towers out of beliefs and opinions, tucking itself safely behind their rhetoric.

It is when those notions are challenged that the ego becomes afraid. These beliefs are its walls..these are its anchors to reality, and to have those shaken? Brings on a panic reaction.

Now the panic reaction can be two-fold in the human animal(the side of a human with actions resembling those of his/her most animal nature..not to be mistaken with the human BEING who does not allow the prompting of his animal body or brain to direct his course through life.) In the human animal, as in all animals, there is the reaction to fight, or there is the reaction to flee.

This is the "argument" reflex. It is a defensive fight response whose purpose is to defend "the fabric of subjective reality" (or beliefs) in order to avoid dealing with the inconstancy of an apparent "constantly changing reality."

(Sometimes argument is also used as a posturing tool in order to establish and defend ones place in the "intellectual pecking order" ie. debate or perhaps "dissin.")

The need to have one's own beliefs being so strong, it is often assumed that opposing beliefs cannot exist in the same space.

This is because of a tendency to view subjective reality as though it were objective reality. Obviously there can only be ONE objective reality which may or may not have infinite subjective interpretations.

But because of this glitch in human conditioning, we attack those opinions which differ from ours and defend those that agree with ours all for the purpose of "deciding" whose subjective reality gets to play the part of THE MAJORITY'S "objective reality." (A "reality" which is then forced upon the remainder of the population in the form of conditioning instilled through cultural and legislative means. (Which usually boil down to some form of physical punishments, deterrants and rewards. Again, animal training tactics to train the human animals in us.))

And the truly amazing thing is that it seems we've been defending some of these absurd notions and behaviors for so long, so many thousands of years, that we've gotten used to the insanity of them and embraced them as "sane" and "reasonable."

Hopefully you can see that much thought has been given to the subject. Much, much, more thought than perhaps it even warrants. But know Danny, that the very nature of the behavior that we might engage in here is understood at its very core and so...

No thanks. That urge to argue is here still, but it is only a tiny little voice that flares up for a moment, then quickly subsides.

Do you happen to know why you felt the need to react so strongly and negatively to these blathes?

There are clues there Danny if you will look for them..best of luck to you.
DannyH I begin to understand. You no longer subscribe to consensual reality. Well, you really are on your own there mate. Good luck... 050727
daf When the emphasis is on the consensual and not the reality part, no Danny, I do not. 050727
marked . 050817
dafremen It's been around 14 years since this was first blathed. Certainly, my state of mind has been diminished by my appetitites and my weaknesses. But what hasn't changed is this: Fate continues to prove itself a force in this time space journey.

Again and again, warnings came from others..

"You're going to regret it."
"It's a big mistake."
"Don't do it. Think about the (kids, career, house, etc.)!"


"How could you throw your life away?"
"Don't you care about anybody but yourself?"
"What is wrong with you?"

And you know, if there had been a single selfish thought..a single thing I was pursuing for my benefit or running away from for my own comfort or convenience..I would totally understand.

I never did. Looking at the suffering around me, I sought an end to it. Mostly for those around me. They suffer..I suffer. That's the nature of my insides.

Every time it felt wrong, I changed it. Every time it felt like the wrong place to be, I left. Every time I didn't..I was pushed along; moved by forces beyond my control.

Again and again, feeling the need to protect those around me from something unseen. An encroaching madness. A societal poison. Conditioning to selfishness, laziness, consumption, disrespect, thoughtlessness.

Again and again, we did this. Some 4 or 5 times. We lived in poverty and I felt awful..but I knew it was right, until it wasn't anymore. And we lived well. Felt great about that. And I knew it was right until it wasn't anymore.

And here is the point..14 years later:

Somehow all of these so-called 'insanities' of the heart have led me to this place..this home..this heart.

Let me tell you about how fate and the call of your soul works. Let me Dafsplain a bit about doing right and trying your hardest and you can picket me later. For those unfamiliar, let me extoll for you, the rewards of a clean conscience.

Every morning, I wake up next to a girl whose hair is the same multicolored hue as mine. Every brassy, coppery, gray and blonde strand..matches mine immaculately. She could be my hair donor if I ever lost mine..and vise versa. We had no idea when we met. She had always lightened it since she was a girl.

And that's just once strange physical coincidence. The deeper ones are ridiculous.

We dream and think of the same things at the same times. The same jokes occur to us, the same books or passages or songs or movies occur to us in response to any event or stimulus you could think of.

We're almost completely complementary in our differences..and practically identical in our similarities.

The odds of us, through no massive dating search or computer service, finding each other..are astronomical.

Even stranger, we couldn't have gotten along earlier on in our lives. The experiences of our individual pasts had prepared us to be the people we each needed at the time we came together.

It would be a simple, but tedious thing to list each step and how it fit into the puzzle of our personalities..how it enabled our relationship to flourish.

Let it suffice to say that, there is no longer any doubt in my mind that Fate and Freewill ride along together, fate calls the direction and freewill chooses the route.
dafremen Driving along the other day when that feeling hit me again. The mind was able to slip back into what I'll call "good horsey" mode for a few moments and step aside. The entire landscape became like a clockwork mechanism, (it's true nature), all of the pieces and parts working in perfect conjunction with one another.

It was comforting to know that I haven't been completely banished from the kingdom for years of knowing and not doing.
ye oh? 230102
dafremen If God is willing. Still a lot of work to do to get back there. We'll see how much longer this horse(ego-self,nafs) decides to dawdle in the desert. I've got authority and trust issues, so when the "I" self disappeared last time (dissolution) it really freaked me out. The ego-self thought it'd been led to its death. It's not a good thing to have your ego-self galloping like hell away from oneness with the All..especially, when your foot is caught in a stirrup. 230103
what's it to you?
who go