kendra Have you meen finding me uninspired(ing) lately?

p.s. i love you
chanaka no, not at all......we are at our most inspirational when we think we suck. someone told me that once. 001204
splinken it is LATE
i am TIRED
time for BED

in the ukraine, they make soda pop with mineral water cause the real water is RADIATED.


(this was my entry where i pretended to be uBliss)

your assignment, blatherskites: cop the style of another blatherer and write an entry. i'm serious. it'll be fun.
ducky/kendra/klarchen/klairchen still me - ohmygoodness this will be so much fun!

oh yes, and it will.
kendra splinken- I'm an internet rock star, youknowityouknowityouknowit. woot. Gotta go chase some crazy boy down the street now. woot. Hush or I'll boof you. 001204
minischleiffen i think kendra has obviously done the copying of splinken because secretly deep down inside she'd like to be her. splinken tries to lead the herd of cats that is blather but is mostly adored for her rants about underpants. everyone else is either lying or selling something. 001204
The Brad Man Free floating ectoplasmic spastic form jazz is the pinnacle of all creation. All other forms of music are insignificant. 001204
The Schleiffen Mad mimic someone? 001204
The Grendel Man who could i mimic next? 001204
The Silent Bob In 1983, Mimi and the Poontangs started as a small garage polka band that played primarily at Oktoberfests inthe neighboring counties. They soon grew to stardom with their underground smash hit "Get your hand off my sausage."
-- SNip--
[Lots of history]
-- TaPE--
... and that's how Eddie Vedder singlehandedly destroyed rock and roll.
anti miniver i'll be miniver -

all of you suck. here, i'm going to quote from a psychological journal i'll never be able to actually understand (i've been studying personality types, because I don't really have one.) "blahblah, blah blahblahblahblah blah. blahblah blah blah blahblahblah, blah blah."
Silent bob is suffering from a disorder that we people "in the know" like to call, interesting disease. That is, I am very very jealous of him and must tear him down so that I will feel better about myself, because I am a sad, sad person.
Klairchen is worse than a pile of shit in a laundromat. I say that because I don't know what it means but I hope it will impress you.
Amy would be OK, excpet I am jealous of her too, so therefore I will complain about something that doesn't matter.

More later about Kx21, starfires, lovers lament, and everyone else.
lovers lament posing as miniver it's mine turn to be miniver:
mollycule is only looking for attention. (actually she writes wonderfully, but i can't say that because i MUST show everyone a reason to detest her instead of me.)
"has problems conforming into society's mold. cannot be boring like everyone else." in short, what the fuck is wrong with you mollycule?
lovers lament as miniver now onto unhinged.
unhinged is too intelligent, it takes the spotlight away from me. why can't i be as cool as unhinged. . .
um, er. . .unhinged sucks. i just don't have the energy to plagiarize from the book i've been using so i will revert now to my brain which thinks too slow to come up with witty and inventive cutdowns.
silent klairchen im so sad because its hard being as cool as silentbob and mollycule but still i manage.. so tired and kute. im going to write my long lost gramma about my weeks end. sigh. i love kanada

i love you kendera
klairchens lament it's hard to be so angry and sarcastic when talking about cute duckies. cute duckies shed light into my otherwise dark and tormented soul. the cute duckies and i get it on ducky style when my boyfriend's not around.

oh woe, oh woe...oh moof, i love orange sorbet.
BobbyCule i love this girl, but she won't love me back.

must be my astronomical I.Q.
splinken i know, i know...blatherhybrids weren't part of the original rules...but it's so much fun! 001205
duckyMad *sigh* 001205
birdiver sorry,
but if i started acting like you-know-who, i'd have to go impale myself on the cemetery fence across the street from my office.

on thqat note:

I suspect in her a need for validation through the disparagement of others. A pathological, almost morbid insecurity which engenders a need to achieve validation through the most aggressive of means. She will not feel that she has gained any sense of self-actualization until she has infected everyone else with her own brand of neurosis. The somewhat passive detachment with which she seems to render her criticisisms only serves to thinly veil the seething contempt she feels for herself and eventually transfers onto the heads of the other blatherers. She operates under the mistaken belief that a few preliminary psychology courses and misguided self-help seminars are a valid foundation to stand on when attempting to cut everyone down to her level.
silentKX21 1) How often, hard, fast, with most passion can a lover completely love another?

2) Do you think that if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear, see, witness, absorb, percieve, HONESTLY AND TRUTHFULLY PERCIEVE that it has fallen, does anyone really care?

3) should i have hotdogs, macaroni and cheese, and a bologna sandwich OR soup, ravioli and a slice of 4 week old wheat bread for lunch?

much love
stan the man klarchen? is that you? where's klarchen
where? we'll be together someday, i'm coming to get you, 547854788 5478589 587445856 why didn't you phone, i havn't slept for 569 days. or eaten either.
BarretMad thinking of rhin's kegel muscles makes me want to smoke a clove. 001205
Rhin Thinking of what Barrett has hidden under the bed, makes me want to join him! 001205
Barrett shhhhh, that's a secret.

Now we're going to get detention again.
sarpedon I have been on leave from here for too long. Please help. 001209
little jimmy miniver yelled at everyone, and no one liked it. 001209
confused pervert wandering the hall where's my cock-ring? 001209
barrett? i wanna fuck rhin. 001209
rhin? o.k. 001209
nocturnal damn that was funny. just like one o' them roast things. I think we should do this again. 010501
Dafremen Slow down folx,
I'm still trying to find my wife's Kegel muscles...I'm sure I know them...just not by that name...You mean the squeezy throbby muscles? Damn scientists and their "fancy" names.
newme love_you_all 040719
sab dear skites,
my life is hell
a swirling tempest of blackness
a tornado
of hate
they are all against me
i think i'll run away
and blow them up

you know oh blatherer using my name, you;ve done your homework

that does kinda sounds like me.

except i wouldnt use the term 'blow them up'
its a little childish for me.

apart from that, nice work.
minnesota_chris it sounds like the Readers Digest version of your sabaliciousness. But it's not beautiful. 040724
course its not beautiful...i wrote it! 040724
sab ahahahahha.
thank you MC, you say the nicest things. lovin' the readers digest concept.

reading it again, i have to say, the sentiment is kinda there, but the words arnt really mine.

i did think that the 'tornado of hate' was pretty, but "i hate my life?" oh please.

oh non-sab, you havent really been paying attention.
why do people take life so seriously? no, not really.
this was supposed to be a parody...
parody dammit!
it wasnt supposed to be just like you, otherwise i would have done research...
littlesadrain I think this whole page is something I will never understand as it seems to allude to a blatherworld from a far away land, once upon a time ago... 061127
fa i hate you.
i hate this system.
how many words have been lost becuase i said fuck it
or that damn crumbling cave appeared and sucked me inside.
these damn captchas.
i'm going to cry
this system did not come at very good time in my life,
when all i want to do it blather not blabber.
fa see now it fucking works 061127
u24 you know you can just press back when the cave crumbles and your words should still be there. 061128
rhin just pressing back doesn't always reunite one with their words. i've discovered it is best to make a quick copy before submission. 061128
r_r . 090702
fghio fghio 101114
auburn When I have no one else to talk to I come to you.

Usually I read. Today I post.

Will I always meet people who make me wonder whether I've married the right one?
yes you will. (always). 110126
lg when you least expect it...yes. 110126
falling_alone i started here, with a different reason.
and over the years as i've grown, at least physically, or at least in age... my reason to be here has shifted. but usually i'm sure that's not too uncommon.
i started here... i don't know, to connect with a friend? to be in on something with her that i could connect to, even if i never really did connect with you here.
there's a lot of repetitive words right now.
someone's comment struck me above, and i realized the reason i lurk, every now and then, every once in a blue[or red] moon, you become my confessor.
the confident.
because there are things i dare not say aloud, but i'll come and look for a post and read something partially related to what i feel, and i'll think. and doubt. and hope. and reaffirm my decisions.
then forget.

i come back here to[try to] relive memories i can't remember, but i remember the feeling of being here and why it was so long ago and it was simpler.

and as always, i will never go back to rereading what i wrote, to fix typos, grammar, punctuation, because then i hesitate
what's it to you?
who go