6142005 Ukraine Iraq force ex-head held
BBC News, UK - 7 hours ago
epitome of incomprehensibility Why am I such a nit-picker sometimes? I read this and thought, "The book this writer's talking about (3rd section) takes place in Ukraine, not Poland."

Maybe I was just trying to justify my own song/poem about the Quebec City mosque shootings? Because Angel's argument hit to hard, that we exploit others' suffering for art? And I'm not even Muslim.

Then again, I'm not trying to claim ownership of anything. And I don't want to say that people aren't "allowed" to write about certain things because they haven't lived that experience. Just that they have to listen to people who've had them.

I don't know. I'll post the lyrics tomorrow maybe (4th anniversary of the murders) and people can judge whether it makes sense or not.

(I have no idea whether I'm making sense now.)

(I also didn't say much about Ukraine. Sorry, Ukraine.)
e_o_i *TOO hard, not "to hard"!

I swear, I cannot with the to/too/two. I am to/too/two illiterate.
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