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my wis.dm topics (so much song fodder!)
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To: Chase Littleton
* 3
* '
* (&
* (And_Secret_Doors_And_Secret_Stairways)
* (don't eat the candy!)
* (i hate football)
* (i wanna post but i don't want to lead the conversation too much, ya know...? ya know?)
* (if_i_leave_tags_he_might_wake_up---later....)
* (its_all_a_joke___OK?)
* (MESSAGE: don't have safes, they may be trickier than they seem!)
* (no)
* (not_really)
* (or_is_any_of_this_real_at_all?)
* (this is really as close to a true story/poem/lyric as you'll ever get from me. i'm just putting this out here because it made me feel a glimmer of hope in these dim times
* -SheMayBeRight?
* 1000words
* 12-step your thought addiction
* 2BeetlesFightOverShitBalls
* 3 cheers for the wis.dm development team!!!!
* 420gigglingGothicGnomes
* 4:20
* 8circuitModel
* [xxxCENSOREDxxx]
* _that_is)
* A B C - do you know it fothermucker?
* Ability_to_tolerate_ambiguity_is_a_mark_of_a_mature_mind
* absurd
* acupuncture
* addiction
* adolescent_rebellion_in_an_old_man_is_unattractive
* adult
* AgeBeforeBeauty
* al_jaffee_shaped_my_metaphysical_worldview_in_ways_so_far_untold
* alabama_giraffes
* all your clocks are lying
* All_we_need_is_a_BIT_of_civility
* AllGovernmentsRuleByThreatOfForce-ThatIsTheProblem
* AllsWellThatEndsWell
* AlteredStates
* alternative medicine
* AndrogynousHermaphroditicPolymorphouslyPerverse
* annoyances
* annoying
* AnotherDamnSpockQuestion-Really?
* anotherHelperBabyDrunk
* antipessimism
* apartments-suck
* are
* are_things_changing__or__are_we_just_experiencing_different_4dimensional_slices_of_hyperdimensional_happenings?
* arsonCutie
* asdfghjkl
* AssassinPets
* avatar
* avatarGift
* AvoidThePills+Powders!!!!
* awesome
* BaconBrasKickAss
* badKidsGetDrunkForFun
* badParent?
* badPuns&BreadedWeirdos
* bass
* batman_schmatman
* BB
* BeamMeUpScotty-I'mTooHungoverForThisCrap
* BeCareful+Don'tThinkPillsAreHarmless
* BeddyTear
* BeeKitty
* beelzebub_wristwatch
* beer
* best
* best.acid.evar!
* Beuhler? Ferris Beuhler?
* bickers
* Big Grey-Bearded Old Man In The Sky Tells All What To Do - Film @ 11
* BigEmotionsAreNotEvidence
* blood_of_the_earth
* bob
* body_image_issues
* BOO!
* books
* boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooger
* BoysInBlueWhatchaGonnaDo?
* BrassMonkey_FunkyChunky
* breadHumor
* BreakCountry
* BS
* BuckRogersInTheDark
* build_a_better_mousetrap.com?
* bumblebeez
* Bump
* BurnBurnBurnLikeFabulousYellowRomanCandlesExplodingLikeSpiders(fromMars)AcrossTheStars
* Caffeine
* Can_we_not_disagree_without_heaping_abuse_on_each_other?
* can_you_clone_a_xerox_machine?
* car
* CarefulWithThatAxeEugene!
* CartoonNudity
* CastanedaSaidToEraseMyPersonalHistoryButHeFuckedTheBlueScoutSoNowWhat?
* cat
* cat-hat-in-french-chat-chapeau
* CatBee
* cats
* Cats rule - except Garfield, who sucks
* CFLs are only worth a crap if you buy 100 watt equivs to replace 60 watts & you must get daylight spectrum
* change
* change+stuff
* chaos
* Cheech
* Cheech+Chong
* child
* Chong
* ChongBong
* chonyidBardo?
* chuckle suckle nuckle
* cinderellaHadSexWithRapunzel
* cliche' meets repetition repetition
* clint_eastwood_is_banging_your_mom
* clintEastwoodSawMySexOrgans!
* clock_terror
* comedy
* comic-type
* comment
* Consume!
* contacts
* cop_magnets
* corporate_fascism_disguised_as_religion
* CrackieMonsterLovesCrack+Cookies
* crap
* Crazy
* crazy_people_need_love_too
* crazyAsFuck
* CrazyPeopleDoingCrazyThings
* crazyPoetryGameAnyone?
* CrossPolinationOfStylesLeadsToAwesome
* Crowley
* CulinaryWeirdness
* Cut my hair? Prepare to die!
* dangerous
* dark_nite_of_the_soul
* darkside
* dArthVaDeR
* day
* DayBird?
* Deadheads
* DeadKennedysROCK
* death
* DeathCanBeFunIfLifeSucks?
* Debate_or_Discuss?
* DeckTheBalls
* degradation
* delish
* dentistDrugs
* devival
* dicey
* didIShootFiveOrSixTimes?
* DingFriesAreDone
* does_this_hat_make_my_brain_look_stoopid?
* DoesAnybodyHaveAnyMaceICanBorrowForAFewMinutes?
* Dogs are OK but their affection seems kinda fake, like they're being nice because I'm the alpha & could kill them, not because they're sincere.
* DolpinsDontTalkButTheyGetGoodAcid
* don't be fooled by what they _SAY_, listen to what they DON'T SAY
* Don't make fun of my nonChristian views, it's not Christian to do so!
* Don'tDoBodyDrugs
* Don'tFeedTheAttentionBeast!!!!!!
* Don'tRecurseYourself!
* Don'tReplyToInstigators
* Don'tThinkNormally-It'sBoring
* DontBelieveYourDoubt
* dontLookAtTheManBehindTheCurtain
* Doubt_Is_Fatal
* Doug_Stanhope
* DougStanhopeSaysItBest--NobodyWantsToFuckYourUglyKids
* DoWhatIWantWhenIWant
* doYourRememberFromBeforeYouWereBorn?(youShould)
* DoYouUnderstand_NULL?
* Dr.Gonzo -- Timothy Leary on the purple courtesy phone
* dreamtime
* drill-down
* drink
* DrinkDrankDrunk
* drinking
* DrivingAmericaRightOffACliff
* DroolIsSoSexy
* Drug
* drunk
* Drunkeness=AlcoholOrgasms
* Duct Tape - Is There Anything It Can't Do!?!?!
* dude
* dumb
* Dumbledore was gay? Duh...the whole freaking series was gay! (not that there's anything wrong with that!)
* DungIsDung-Regardless
* eat
* eat me
* EatMeSaidTheShroom
* echo
* edible_savior
* eggs
* electronikEtikette
* EscherIsSoSuperDamnCool?
* ESM-DharmaStyle
* Etiquette
* evilsockmonkey
* ExcrementoryGrindfuckers
* Exene_Cervenka_says-
* expand
* eyesOFpurple
* F-U-C-K--B-U-S-H
* farce
* feed_the_fire_OR_fix_the_frame
* feline
* FelixTheCat
* female ninjas
* Festivus
* Fight_or_Laugh?
* fire
* firewire
* first_noble_truth
* FirstPersonToMakeARacistJokeFuckingDies
* FlexTime
* flu
* fluid
* flying_monkeys_scare_children?
* flying_spaghetti_monster
* fnord
* fnord777fnord
* focus grasshoppa, pull head from ass now!
* folks
* FoolMeOnceShameOnYou-FoolMeTwiceShameOnMe
* for-etern-ever-ity
* forgivenessTastesLikeChocolateOrgasms
* forgot
* fothermucking dodgamn adbass
* four-eyes
* fourTwenty
* FreakPower
* freedomFromOpressionStarvationEtc
* freedomToInnovateCreateIntoxicateEtc
* FrenchFrogsAreGoodWithKatsup
* Friends
* friendsDontLetFriendsGoNsane
* FuckedWithYou
* FuckingMetal
* FuckPolitics-Let'sDance!
* FuckThePainAway
* FuckTV+Politicians+Pundits(ALL_OF_THEM)
* fun
* funny
* fuzzy)
* game
* ganja
* GanjaGirliesUnite
* GarbledNonsenseIsFun
* gemper_sumby
* germs
* getting
* Giggles
* Gives new meaning to the phrase 'nappy headed hos'
* GladThisDamnFarce+CharadeOfAnElectionIsAlmostOver
* glasses
* go die
* goddamn_thats_hot!
* gonzo
* GoodLuckNow
* Grandpa, did you really used to have horseless carriages, lights in the streets & warm houses? That's so hard to believe...
* grandparentSex
* grannyBangingOrgamsicXTC
* GratefulDead
* Great
* gremlinGanja
* greyPantherIntercourse+Necking
* gun
* Guns+Roses_stopMakingCDs
* gypsyDildoPunx
* h4ck3rsp3ak
* Hahahahahahaha
* Hairy_Potsmoker
* hallucinate
* HappinessIsAWarmGun-BangBang-ShootShoot
* HappinessIsWorthMoreThanMereLiving?
* hard
* hardyFuckingHarHar
* has anyone seen Atlantis recently?
* hate
* HE'LL be paying for the Jagermeister shots, put 'em on HIS tab....
* HeavyMetal
* Hell-0-WeenParty!
* hell-lucination
* High
* HinduGoddess
* HistoryWillShitOnThisPresidency
* HoedownThrowdownShowdown
* HolidayHead
* hooter
* Hoss
* house_visual_musick
* huge_conspiracy_to_pull_the_wool_over_everyones_eyes
* hulk_smash_when_hulk_get_mad
* Humor
* hungover
* hunted?
* hunter
* hypocrisy
* I was me once, but it was so boring I fell asleep & found myself here
* I'm not even supposed to BE HERE today!
* i'm sorry for this question. really. expect more
* I'm_A_GrasshopperCorpse_in_a_AnthillUniverse
* i_bet_my_butler_would_do_it_if_i_had_one
* I_Choose_Wis.dm_NOT_Fear_and_Loathing
* I_do_as_I_please_(as_long_as_my_wife_doesn't_mind
* I_don't_think_so
* i_want_a_flying_car
* I_would_recommend_propoetry_stances_if_I_was_that_kinda_guy(I_AM)
* iamacatsometimesinhat
* ice_cream_clones_are_tasty
* icon
* idiots
* If_Looks_Could_Kill
* if_she_was_standing_here_now_I'd_punch_her_in_the_fucking_nose
* If_You_Dont_Start_Drinking_I'm_Gonna_Leave
* IHateCharlesSchultz-WhyTheFuckAreThePeanutsStillInNewspapers?
* IHateNeedlez
* IKnowIt'sTasteless-------SoWhat?
* ImageTrippingViaFlash
* ImpeachBush+HisTreasuryRapingCronies
* impossible_dreams_are_in_your_livingroom
* in the boudoir due to possible male...nudity?
* in-jokes_are_only_funny_if_you_are_IN
* InfinityIsABigNumber
* InsaneInDaMemeBrain
* insanity
* interesting
* invent
* Irish
* is
* is_there_anyone_in_there?
* IsAssaultReallyAppropriateWorkplaceBehavior?
* IsHeMakingASeriousQuestionOrIsThisJustMoreGoofyWeirdness?
* ISnakedYerQuestionIdea
* It's all about the funny. period.
* It's weird & I don't know how mature adults can possibly believe it
* Its_Just_A_Stupid_Website
* itsAGeekThangSon-dontSweatItMan
* ItsAllInYourHeadYouJustDon'tRealizeHowBigYerHeadIs
* ItsNotParanoiaIfThey_ARE_OutToGetYou!
* ItsTheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt-OrIsIt?
* IWorshipCowsByConsumingThemLikeXtiansDoJesus
* JackBauerIsAPussy
* Jah says to let your dreads go naughty
* JailBailCellTale
* janglish
* jarymane
* John Titor, Inc
* JohnLillyRules
* jug
* JunkieIsAsJunkieDoes
* Just asking, man - don't get mad at me, I didn't invent the bible or the English language. I just...notice stuff....that's all
* just joking, dear - now get me a beer
* JustAJoke
* JustAJoke-FuckTheHaters
* JustAnotherVision
* Kangaroo
* KatInTheHat thinks it is very stupid when people do that
* KatInTheHat thinks KatInTheHat is very KatInTheHat
* katinthehat's
* katiskoolbutheaintherenowsowegonnauploadthisshit
* kayak
* kazoo
* keg
* KetchupIsTheUniversalSauce?
* key
* kids
* Kidz
* kill
* Kind
* kite
* knight
* knock-knock Uncle DrugAddledPsycho calling....
* KnotsenseIzFunnBabee
* KnowYourself-KnowPeace
* krazyKidz
* l a t e work
* l33t
* LambdaSigmaDelta
* Landlord? Missing? Oh no..... )
* Language is artificial, why can't we just make up a damn word?
* last.fm
* laughter is like sex but you don't gotta clean no mess
* LearnTheFreakingWordsIdiot--OrShutTheFuckUp
* Leave_it_to_beaver
* leopards
* LessThanThreeIsMuchCoolerThanThatStupidEmoticonHeartBS
* lessThenThree
* Let_Me_Show_You_How_Hardkore_I_Am_By_Eating_Some_MOTHERTRUCKINGFUDUCKING_*PAIN*_For_Breakfast!
* LetsLynchTheLandlord
* Lies
* life
* Life may be important & real, but it's not serious
* life_is_suffering
* LikeAFinelyAgedWine
* live_RHPS_is_what_its_allllll_about
* locomotion
* lol
* lolcatz_be_havin_some_grammar_bads
* looking
* lord_of_the_flies
* Lou_Reed_Kicks_Ass
* loud
* lyre_lyre_pantz_on_fyre
* m-e-o-w!!!
* ma'am
* mad
* magazine
* Magenta
* magick
* marin
* MaryJaneIsSmoking
* Maybe_it_was_the_naked_mudwrestling_beer_bash_party_i_threw_last_weekend?
* MaybeNobodyElseUsesIt-ButISureFreakingDo!!!!
* MaybeThisWillStopTheDamnScreaming?
* Me
* me_him_you_us_them_we_others
* Medical
* meowmeowmeow
* Meta4
* METAL!!!!
* methinks_cats_be_smart_(and_shit)
* Michale_is_a_man_among_men
* Micro$uckWindowsBItes
* MicroHamsterWavesOfMutation
* MIDcaughtDLE
* modafinil
* mondaze
* monkey riding a dog
* Mood_Lightening_Agents_Kicking_In_Now
* more porridge, please sir
* MoreBullshit
* morlock
* motherfuckingDeathGoddamnSucks
* MotherTruckin'
* moving
* mr.goodwrench_is_annoying
* MuppetfuckerWouldBeProud
* music
* My parents couldn't get drunk because they thought they were drinking vodka but it was about 50% water - boy were they surprised when they found how low their tolerance was when drinking in bars!
* myrtle_beach
* night
* NightOwl?
* no
* No I don't want to taste your underwear!
* no tag does this justice. it just.....is
* no_thanks_bartender!
* NoBrainNoGain
* NoBrainNoPain
* NoIMspeak
* Noisy_Kids_SUCK
* NoLeetSpeek
* NoMcCainNoBrain
* Nonsense_is_not_harmful::Please_relax_and_enjoy_the_ride
* NoPainNoBrain
* NoPhoenicianRhymeSlangs(unlessTheyreClever)
* NoRapSpeakFakeEbonix
* Nostalgia
* not astronomy - OK!?
* not_woman_bashing
* NoTopicsHere
* notStopping
* occult
* ocean
* OhMyGodIHopeKevIsAroundItsAboutToGetDinoInThisMothaFucka
* OhNoHeDidn't---OhYesHeDid!
* ohZen!
* OK, type some tags here but vanilla mashed potatoes might be nice...
* OMFG! a p0em!
* OMG!
* Once again, just asking folks. I didn't invent the homonym & neither did Satan. Just curious, just noticing. Offended? Move along, please....
* online_crush.com
* optometric_appliances_suck
* or
* or is it just a damn bulb?
* OriginalStarTrekONLY-NewGenSUXORS
* ouch dammit!
* ouch!
* out.println(ohSnap)
* OwnWorstEnemy
* panda
* pantlessPlaid
* party
* PartyCentral
* PartyInTheParkingLot
* PartyPumpkinsPuking
* Pastafarians
* patternRecognitionIsHandy
* Peaches+HerGhettoTechRulez
* performance
* periodic
* PervertedPlaymates
* PeterGriffin4Prezident
* philosophy_is_fun_but_it_wont_bake_bread
* picture
* pink_floyd_is_philosophy101_for_young_stoners
* pirates
* piss_poor_performance
* PissedOff_or_FullOfShit?
* plaid
* PlasteredMastersOfDaUniverse+Such
* plato_never_had_playdoh(ohno!)
* Please
* please_dont_start_a_stupid_theological_battle-this_is_bigger_than_that_TRIVIA
* police
* Politics
* PorkSalad
* PorkSoda
* PorkYou
* PPpppppppaaaaaarrrrrtttttyyyyCCCCeeennnntttrrraallll
* predators
* preteen gang of murderous thugs
* PrincessLayUs
* probablyNot
* provigil
* psychic_deli
* psychic_delis
* PsychicDeli
* psychoAlphaDiscoBeta
* psychology
* purple
* purrrrrrrr
* question
* Questions
* RacineWisconsin?
* Rainbow
* ramen
* RaoulDukeRidezAgain
* rape
* RealLife_IS_RealBoring(sometimez)
* RealWindowsRule
* recursiveQuestionLoopsOf_NO_thing-nessssss.....
* red light
* redRyder
* RelationshipQuestion+VisualPun
* relativity
* Relax folks, no one here gets out alive
* religion
* Remember RULE NUMBER ONE of Fight Club!
* reminiscing
* ResearchBeforeEmbarking
* reunion
* RGBflashesTriggerSeizures(andFun!)
* ridiculous_adolescent_fun
* right?
* Rocky Horror Picture Show
* romy+michelle
* ruination
* salacious-sex-and-food-puns-at-dead-scientologists-expense
* saline_pulsations
* Samson is my hero
* SantaSex
* SATAN-is-everywhere!
* SatanClaws
* says
* scar
* ScaringPeopleForNoRealReasonIsEvil
* scary
* schlocky_self_conscious_comic_crap
* school
* SchoolToLearn-ZenToForget
* screw you
* Secret_Tunnels_Are_Cool_Anyway
* see
* self-congratulatory
* self-transforming machine elves
* SelfPityIsForWhinyLosers
* sense
* Sex
* sexuality
* SexyCatGlasses+MagentaHairGetMeEveryTime
* She_Gave_Me_Dagger_Face_From_Across_The_Room
* SheRa
* shitty
* Shut up & pour me another shot, Barney
* ShuttupYou
* ShutUp+Smoke
* simple
* sir
* SittingQuietlyIsBeyondMostPeople
* sketchy
* slacker
* SlangInModerationPlease
* slanglish
* Sleepy
* sleepyheaded_motherfarker
* sleepyHeadsUnite
* slyGrin
* smarmy
* smartasses_shall_flow
* smile
* Smiling Clown Cops Creep Out Cannabis Smokers
* smokeSmokeSmokeSmoke
* SmokingNurseMonkey
* Snarg on your fellatio-riffic bantha-shit
* Sober_Is_Boring
* sock_monkey_fodder
* SoIEatGod
* some
* SomehowSherlockHolmesFiguredOutThatHeNeededMoreCokeRIGHTNOW
* sometimes
* SometimesViolence_IS_theAnswer!
* song
* sorry_if_i_offended_anyone
* SowingConfusion
* Spank_You_Very_Much
* speed
* spew
* srsly
* st.patrick
* st_judes_kicks_ass
* stand-up
* star-spangled_bannerish
* starwars
* StarWarsIsNotAReligion
* steel_wool
* StNickDick
* StonerFood
* Stooges
* stPatrick's
* StrobeLight2.0
* stumper
* stupid
* stupid people should be euthanized, or at least STERILIZED!
* stupid_fashion_trends
* SubGenius
* SuicideGirls
* Sunday_Drunks
* surprise_me(please)
* surveillance
* synchronicity says hello
* t o t a l l y - f u c k i n g - r a n d o m
* tags are illegal, man
* TalkAboutCoitusInterruptus!
* TappaKeggaBru
* taste
* TastyJoke
* teacher
* Teacher - leave them kids alone
* tekno-shaman
* tell
* TellMyMamaIlovedHerRegardlessOfWhatTheLiarsSay
* tellySavalas
* tempus_fugit
* tequila
* TestingTesting123
* Thank You
* That'sBecauseOfElfFieldVariancesInTheUnicornVelocities
* That'sWhyTheyShiver
* ThatWasYeeeeeeeeearsAgo(IHeard)
* The
* the TRANSCENDENT OBJECT at the END OF TIME beckoning us with mycophilic intent
* the_future's_so_bright_i_gotta_kill_myself
* the_future_is_a_scary_unknown_monster_that_sneaks_in_at_night_with_terror_claws_of_night_death
* TheBigThreeSuckBigly
* TheBlameGameIsLameSoTameTheSame
* thelema
* there_are_no_tags_for_this_question-THANKS-for_paying_attention
* ThereIsAlso_NotNo_and_NotYes
* ThereIsNoFuture-ThereIsNoPast-ThereIsButTheNOW
* TheSlaveBikiniWasPrettyDamnHotToo!
* things
* Think
* thinking
* This is not a question. You may not answer me. DO NOT TAUNT THE NON-QUESTION BY ANSWERING IT, INFIDELS!
* This is simply fucktastic!
* this_f*ckin_city_is_run_by_pigs
* this_internet_was_once_an_impossible_dream
* this_is_not_a_trap_question-just_curious
* ThisIsFun
* ThisNonQuestionQuestionsItselfEven
* ThisOne'sForYouGary
* ThisTagIsNotFunny(atAll)
* three
* Three_Value_Logic_Confounds_Most_Westerners
* tickling_is_like_laughter_sex
* tim_curry_is_god-dont_disagree-just_bow
* time to reboot civilization?
* time_distortion_vampire
* time_flies
* time_warp
* timeToPourMoreFunnyJuiceInMyHead
* TimeToSayTheLordsPrayerInLatinWhileScribingAPentacle
* timewave zero
* TimLeary
* tis not sexy - tis a joke -- anyone got a punny answer for this obvious bunch of fowl business?
* to
* Tommy
* Tomorrow_never_comes
* TomRobbinsWas100%RIghtAboutRedheads+ICanProveIt
* traffic
* TroubleInCheapShoesMayChaseTheBluez
* TrueHallucinations
* truth
* TV
* TV_childhoods_look_so_fun
* typed
* UmaThurman-KillBill
* unlessHeWasApplyingForDrunkBDSMmidgetFreakCokeheadScaryThing
* UpInSmoke
* urine_trouble_now
* US
* vacation
* vacation_rocks_BUT_vacation_travel+hotels_suck
* vampire
* vampireKat
* VeganBaitingIsEasyAndTheyUsuallyDontHaveGuns
* very
* video_visionary
* violence
* Wah-uh-wah-uh-wahwah (I'm an adult to Charlie Brown so of course I only make muted trumpet noises...)
* Wake_Up&Giggle_People!
* Wanted:PerfectWomanWithEverything
* watch-everyone-lie-about-turning-down-a-free-beer
* watchingPeopleYouLoveGrieveHelplesslyIsSoFuckingHard
* water
* WaterfallEffect
* WatermelonHead
* we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the son
* We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine and a whole galaxy of multicolored uppers, downers, screamers, leaughers…Also a quart of tequilla, a quart of rum, a
* We're 'The Grateful unDead' in this pic from 2 years ago...
* we_are_cool
* weekdays_suck_except_for_getting_stuff_done
* weekends_rule
* weird
* weirdo
* welcome!
* welding_torch?
* WendyOWilliams
* what is this COOL of which you speak?
* What The Fuck Is He?
* what?
* what_do_they_know_about_partying?
* what_me_worry?
* whatsTheUseOfPostiveFeelingsIfYouNeverShareThem?
* WhatTimeIsItWhereYouAre?
* WhenDoesStalkingBecomeFriendship?
* WheresMadMaxWhenYouNeedHim?
* whip it out?
* Who's gonna object to the use of the word SLUT first...?
* whoresHaveMoreFun...ButMoreVenerealDiseasesToo
* Why do I have to hide my poor little kitty everywhere I go?
* WhyAreSickPeopleCalled_Patients?
* WhyDoSomeIdiotChristiansInsistOnPissingOnAllFun?
* WhyKat--Why?
* WhyMustPeopleBeSoLoud+Stupid?
* wicked_witches_suck
* WilliamSBurroughsWouldBeProud
* WillKillPatrickTypeOfQuestion&Shit
* WillYouPlayAlong?
* wis.dm
* withA_T_please
* WordNerdsHaveMoreFun
* work
* WOW Grandpa - the USA used to make war on other countries just because they have black stuff in their sand? How weird!
* wow-youGotDrunk+Your
* wow...just wow
* wrong
* wtf?
* X for ecstasy
* X for not-O in tic-tac-toe
* X marks the spot
* X the badass punk band
* X-Box
* X-lover
* X-tensive list of X words
* Xday
* yellow_salty_shots
* yeppie
* yes
* yes -- i can dig it!
* yes, another damn beer question - get over it
* Yes_I'm_A_Geek-What_Of_It?
* yoda_and_his_ridiculous_Latinized_backwards_verb_thingie
* You
* You'll be orphans if you keep acting like this!
* You'll notice it's LOLcats & not LOLdogs
* YouAreTitanic+GodlikeInYourGrandeur+DontYouForgetIt!
* YouAreWhatYouEat
* YouDon'tHaveToAgree
* YouKnowWhoYouAre!
* young
* Zen
* ZoeticaEbb
* Zzzzzzzzz
In_Bloom We had Joy
what's it to you?
who go