sweetheart of the song tra bong
By Toby Keith American girls and American guys We'll always stand up and salute We'll always recognize When we see Old Glory flying There's a lot of men dead So we can sleep in peace at night when we lay down our head My daddy served in the Army and he lost his right eye But he flew a flag out in our yard til the day that he died He wanted my mother, my brother, my sister, and me To grow up and live happy in the land of the free Now this nation that I love has fallen under attack A mighty sucker punch came flying in from somewhere in the back Soon as we could see clearly through our big, black eye Man, we lit up your world like the 4th of July Uncle Sam put your name at the top of his list And the Statue of Liberty started shaking her fist And the eagle will fly and it's gonna be hell When you hear Mother Freedom start ringing her bell And it'll feel like the whole wide world is raining down on you Brought to you courtesy of the red, white, and blue Justice will be served and the battle will rage This big dog will fight when you rattle his cage You'll be sorry that you messed with the US of A Cause we'll put a boot in your ass it's the American way Uncle Sam put your name at the top of his list And the Statue of Liberty started shaking her fist And the eagle will fly and it's gonna be hell When you hear Mother Freedom start ringing her bell And it'll feel like the whole wide world is raining down on you Brought to you courtesy of the red, white, and blue
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battle flag blues
hmm, let's see: People we've branded as terrorists and tyrants who were coincidentally trained and sponsored or supported in one way or another by american tax dollars Ho Chi Minh (Thanks a lot, Ike) Augusto Pinochet (Kudos, tricky Dick) Sandinistas, Saddam Hussein, Ayatollah Khomeini(credit Ollie North and J. Pointdexter with the big juicy assist on this one), Manuel Noriega, Osama bin Laden and the rest of the mujahideen (Ron and George I, wow, you guys were going for some kind of world record, eh? Yeah, skippy...man, how brilliant were some of those choices...i can only imagine the smoke that filled that war-room when the boys hatched that one...) "Umm, well, okay....ffffft.....now 'Ere's what we're gonna do...coughcough...we're gonna have the CIA train a bunch of...cough... 'ardcore anti-western religious fanatics......phewwww....sparksparkspark....fffft.....and teach 'em how to blow shit up reeeeeal goooood,....coughcough.... because, hey, guess what...coughcough...they hate the commies even worse than we do...oh, man..ths is some good shit...great thing those guys in Medellin hate commies too, remind me to thank Manny and Carlos for this dimebag..."war on drugs - just say no"...hoooo yeah right, ....heyyy...George, you springin' for pizza this time?....coughcough" continued american support of Ariel "if i could make these guys wear yellow crescents on their clothes i would" Sharon (also known as Ariel "Whaddya mean? Apartheid IS my peace process" Sharon) a guy who won't be satisified until he has finished pissing all over the hard work and legacy of the late Yitzhak Rabin, a man whose jockstrap Ariel Sharon isn't even worthy to look at, much less carry "We're in no rush to go to war" one day in the news, three days later front page says there are roughly 100,000 troops in transit and every short-timer Marine in the Corps who was looking forward to rejoining the civillian world is now locked into service for an extra year How much do you wanna bet that this little exercise in "Well mine is bigger than yours" diplomacy is going to give the same bunch of assholes who our fearless leaders have still failed to catch all the excuse they need to do something really nasty to our newly "secured" homeland Yeah, Toby, you jes' keep on wavin' that flag, it shore is purdy....did Tin Woodsman Cheney (no heart) and Secretary Rummy help you with those lyrics, there, hoss? wear the uniform like i did and see what it's like to be the foreigner in a faraway land and look around at all of the marketing geniuses who've tried to sell our culture to others by any means necessary and jam our political influence down their throats and you'd wonder if we haven't been shooting the wrong people for way too long carnage and questionalble politics, another 200 million gallon oil slick in the gulf, carcinogenic soot blacking out so much of the sky over the Arabian peninsula that they'll be able to see the flames and the plumes from the international space station... yes! all this can be yours, courtesy of the red, white, and blue, and no, there's no need to call, thanks to Adm. John "yeah, i know it was treason and lying to congress, but you gotta love getting off on a technicality" Pointdexter's (Ret.) Total Information Awareness capabilities here at the Homeland Security Channel we already know where you are, and put away that checkbook, your tax money is already paying for it Coming up next, is that 1991 Hank Williams Jr. Chestnut "Saddam, Don't Give Us A Reason" and keep listening because it's the newly remastered Ari Fleischer "we don't really need one anyway" re-mix
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The US has killed more innocent Afghanis than Osama killed Americans! I mean, I'd love to kill the bastard. But what bad things are we doing along the way?
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":unconventionalwarfareownsyou:" where do you get your figures chris? .
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"somewhere in the back" meaning "i don't exactly know where, or who, but i don't care cuz ima kick their ass" "stick a boot up their ass, its the american way" meaning "stick a boot up their ass, its the american way" except sarcastically, meaning we are just a bigger version of terrorists that attacked us and others.
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sweetheart of the song tra bong
Or that Americans just plain enjoy shoving things up other people's rectums. Wheeeee. I know I do. As Michael Moore pointed out, Bush hasn't even accomplished his #1 goal, which was to get Osama bin Laden. 15 of the 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia. But we're just fine with that country.
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wait... you're not supposed to notice that... cause uh... we're doing great things in iraq soon...
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I think Osama bin Laden is probably dead .
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"stick a boot up their ass, its the american way" except sarcastically, meaning we are just a bigger version of terrorists that attacked us and others." yes our entire goal is to TERRORIZE the happless citizens of third world countries ruled by dictators who could give a spit about human rights. look up terrorist in the dictionary and try again on the other hand, I can't stand that redneck "boy, I'll kick yer ass" attitude about war. why try to over simplify the whole situation as us either being big international bullies or "we need to kick some ass, don care who's, we just need to kick it" doesn't anyone know anything about politics? why we took certain actions? how far back these problems originated? The United States is not solely responsible for the current state of affairs in the middle east and while we may be "guilty" of a lot of the most recent "meddling" in that region, don't forget that all the other western nations who criticize our actions have conveniently enough allways benefited from them just the same .
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Please, cut the patriotic crap!!!!!!
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Besides Americas's seemingly unconditional suppoort for Israel, our biggest problems in the Middle East began with the CIA-backed coup in Iran on August 18, 1953 in which the democratically elected leader, Mossadeq was overthrown by Shah Reza Palawi. The Shah's repressive government and the opennenss of his ties to the US spawned Iran's Islamic Revolution which led to the 1979 hostage crisis. While the US is not solely responsible for the volatility of the Middle East, we have largely supplanted the old European empires as being the biggest single catalyst as it relates to the situations that affect us most directly. Our support for the Mujahideen against the Soviets gave rise to the Taliban. Under Reagan, The US played both sides of the Iran-Iraq war, playing Iraq by angling to build a pipeline to Jordan by providing Materiel (military hardware incuding chemical weapons) and making sure no resolutions imposing sanctions or condemning the Hussein regime passed in the UN. Playing Iran by selling them military hardware in exchange for cash to finance an illegal proxy war in El Salvador. The first Bush administration gave Saddam Hussein permission to invade at least some portion of Kuwait in negotiations which took place betwen Saddam and the US Ambassador to Iraq a few days before the invasion occurred. In this case i'm not mentioning their names as a partisan indictment of those presidents, onluy trying to illustrate that American foregn policy as it relates to the Middle East to date has NOT been carried out in such a way as to win us any friends. We have failed to learn the lessons of Rome, of the Ottoman Empire and of the British Empire. Our policies, like theirs have been both patronizing and parochial and have served more to alienate us from the people of these regions. The Iraqi people did not welcome our troops with flowers in the streets the way Paul Wolfowitz said they would because they remembered that we helped prop Saddam up in the first place. The Reason for the attack on Afghanistan, while well intended, has ultimately been so mishandled as to have largely negated it successes. Kabul is reallly the only bastion of what we had hoped for while the rest of the countryside remains in a quasi-feudal state run by warlords who are only as loyal to Hamid Karzai's government as is convenient, with the remnants of the Taliban still hanging about on the fringes waiting and occasionally striking in opportunistic fashion. If the goal of the Afghanistan action was to capture/kill Osama bin Laden and eliminate the Taliban, than George W. Bush's preoccupation with Iraq has ensured that so far we have failed. The reason for Iraq? Come on, Strideo... that story seems to have changed every time the last excuse failed to pass any significant scrutiny *The Weapons of Mass Destruction? non-existent, and that includes the "Nukular" weapons *The Purported tie of Saddam to al Qaeda and 9/11? Bullshit, the al Qaeda member who supposedly met with an emmissary of the Ba'ath regime in europe was already here The most cynical rationale is really the only one left, because if liberating the Iraqi people from Saddamwas really so important to the US Government (and this includes ALL of W's predecessors from Reagan to Clinton) then there were plenty of other opportunities and reationales whichn nobody seized on and ultimately, the most obvious conclusion i can reach is that this was a case of Junior trying to settle daddy's old score with Saddam for plotting (as an at of revenge unto itself) to kill the senior Bush meanwhile, Toby Keith still sucks
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egger, that is dirty and inappropriate
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The Spork
See: song_lyric_amendment
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