america Or drunks...

They have wrecked themselves, and they will wreck you as well.

We all know this rule, but we've seen an awful lot of miserable people trying to give advice and explain life, immediately after posting about how they've wrecked their own lives.

What a bunch of idiots.

blather IS a whorehouse, with the exception of a few bright points of light. WE all know who they are, for they are the ones attacked for telling it like it is.

I respect those who would risk persecution for telling the truth, rather than succumb to the delinquency of the masses just to fit in.

That is honorable. Thank you for adding a few drops of brilliance to this sea of despair.
Mushroomman I may seem Psychotic... but i am not a drug addict.... i have been clean for over a year.... soooo...Nyahhhh!
and WHO said we were giving advice in the first place......
paste! i'm probably psychotic and an addict of something or other, mostly suspension bridges and llama_painting, but i certainly have no advice. oh wait, here's some: DO AS MANY DRUGS AS POSSIBLE. it's a long shot, but it may make you less didactic and self-righteous. 010811
daxle or christians 010811
unhinged eh, i say after all this bullshit of late that thy should come back.

everyone is an addict.
everyone is a slut.
everyone is a hypocrite.
get over it
damn right a-fucking-men. 010811
battle flag blues i have never spoken here before, but reading the opening shot taken i had to offer a rebuttal

i just utterly fucking adore people who cry "persecution" about any place where they dont have absolute control and hegemony

if you must know, certain people wouldnt get so much heat if they were a tad less condescending and patronizing

and how oddly apropos that you call yourself "america"

as a former soldier who has been around the world and seen how my fellow americans behave, i understand why so may countries hate us.

that consummately superior attitude that so many carry around with them never ceases to nauseate me

i'll give The Truth all the credit in the world for being steadfast in the face of his detractors, and he acquits himself well to not resort to out and out name-calling like you have "america" (but it would be un-american not to hide behind cheap and judegemental invective)

You're pretty goddamn handy with that proverbial first stone arent you, little thing?

i'd rather derive the knowledge of what NOT to do fom someone's tales of woe than rely on the sterile and impotent advice of someone who considers themselves too far above the rest of the crowd

so i'll make damn sure not to take any of your advice

frankly i think a lot of people like you searted bitching and moaning about persecution around the same time that you lost the legal right to have people seized and burned at the stake.

the difference between you and The Truth, "america" is the difference between believer and fanatic and it has always been the fanatics who do the most harm to the believers (and everyone else in their path)

so, in short let me end by saying "Fuck you"
Dafremen and let me START by saying

"Welcome to blather. Wouldja like a beer?"
"So what branch of the service? Squid? Jarhead? Dog? Puddle Pirate?"
unhinged i'll just attribute all this to the dog days of summer. it's only going to be a high of 75 here tomorrow. thank the lord. the cool weather is a coming. at least for a day anyways.... 010812
battle flag blues Army, dude.

was CID for 12 years of my 16 year career,

i originally wanted to go 98-XL but i had a little bit of a criminal record and couldnt get a security clearance so i decided my criminal skills would be best served in the opposite application. Cool part was that during my last days i got to spend a fair amount of time looking and acting like a civillian (undercover)

but then decided i was too much of a misanthrope to deal with people on a daily basis and went 12-Bravo and spent some time Lost in the Woods (USAEC-FLW)

i havent cut my hair since the ink on my dd214 dried eight months ago and have since gone to work as an analyst for my local PD (could have gone for detective, but would rather handle the intrinsic details than the actual people)

and unlike "america" i did my fair share of stupid shit in my time so i'm not gonna claim to be above anyone else

*:has a beer with Dafemen:*

and now, if its all the same, i will resume my preferred silence.
Dafremen Works for me man. Just leave my booya alone and I don't think we have a problem in the world. (Pulls an extra Igloo cooler out from under the 3 legged coffee table on the porch) Here, have a chair do0d.

Hey silence is cool, sides I talk enough for the both of us, and then some.
bfb now that's esprit de corps, man.


...goes back
to being quiet again...
Casey "uh...moon...nipples on fire...grrr...blah...garf...piggy...bumper"

I was told that once. Can that be called advice?
Mushroomman dude.... dude.... hey dude.... DUDE!
l o s t unhinged im not a hypocrit. however i am an addict and i am a slut. 010820
unhinged dear you may try very hard not to be, but at one point in your life on one issue or in one relationship or in one argument you will be a hypocrite. i guaruntee it. 010820
Aimee actually, there is advice I will be taking from one... he looked at me and said...
"Aimee, don't you trust anything smaller than a stamp."
"Why not?"
"Cause you don't need that stuff... besides, I won't be there to test it for you...."
Dafremen Casey - Indeed it can and should be. If only you would take that fine advice to heart, making your dreams come true would be a cakewalk.

Mushroom Man - Do0d! Do0000000d.

lost - unhinged is right you know. As much as hypocrites irk the piss out of you, you WILL commit the sin on various occasions throughout your life and might actually become quite adept at it. Hypocrisy is an art form to tell the truth. It's not something to be engaged in lightly like so many amateurs are in the habit of doing. If folx can TELL you're a hypocrite, you're not doing a very good job of it, but good hypocrites can always smooth that over with bagels and cream cheese or a 6 pack of beer. I engage in hypocrisy mainly for entertainment. I still despise hypocrisy as a lifestyle as much as I ever did, it's just that I've found the humor in something that I otherwise find despicable, that makes examining it objectively easier to do. (dgetting to the truth and all that dontcha know)
Which means that not only are you an addict and a slut, you are also a hypocrite. "All of the above", if you will.

unhinged do0d - Always good to see a fellow opinionate doing their part to be helpful.

Aimee - Sound advice from a sober mind.
(metaphorically speaking, of course)
unhinged just speaking from personal experience daf. i was a hypocrite on the one issue i vowed never to be a hypocrite on. and i hate hypocrites even more than the next guy... 010821
Dafremen That's usually what us opinionates speak from do0d. Us Libras are better than most at it since we can "feel" the experiences of others in fairly vivid empathic detail. It makes all sorts of experiences(aside from our own) very personal.

That...and we screw up a lot early on because we're impatient, impulsive and recklessly self-indulgent, so we have more personal lessons learned than more conservative, patient types.
lost ok i may do it but i never have and never will hurt anyone i will never become in hyprocrit in that sense. i will never tell someone i love them and then rip their heart out like has been done to me. 010823
Dafremen Yes you will. You just won't mean to. 010824
unhinged i used to think that too dear and i wish that i could say i didn't. i wish really hard that i could say i didn't. the only thing i can do now is say i'm sorry and hopefully be forgiven. 010824
littleidiot makes sense to me.
(do what you will with it)
Jeca is it possible to not someday become a hypocrite if you say you will never never TRY to hurt anyone? 021119
unhinged oh but that is the meanest excuse

'sorry. i didn't try to rip your heart out and step on it. let's just make everything the way it was before.'

somehow, it just doesn't work like that.
bethany yah i am too easy to judge too
besides that psycho drug shit

go pee in a lake
DannyH "If you're dealing with a religious son of a bitch...get it in writing. His word isn't worth shit. Not with the Lord teaching him how to fuck you on the deal."

William Burroughs

Now that's one psychotic drug addict I do take advice from.
Stretch57 Oh, okay. I'll just rely on our government officials to tell me what to do. History teaches us to hope. 030101
User24 psychotic drug addicts, drunks and christians can give advice; they can tell you 1st hand experience, and where they went wrong (as long as they're ex-psychotic drug addicts, drunks, and christians) 030421
god crack bible booze and i don't care 030422
.fallen oh come on ... they have the best colours to paint with what is wrong with letting them splash a bit on your walls? 040227
fritz Once, a long time agom a psychotic drug addict told me the secret to the the universe. His name was Trent. I didn't believe it, but now I know he was right.

He made me promise not to tell.
sorry_girl That must have been Trent Reznor he did the same the to me. 041006
fritz His last name at the time was Euler. 041030
what's it to you?
who go