. who is it? 051022
the one spewing the most jibberish 051023
(spell check) really? 051023
dipperwell No, I don't intend to indulge Andru235 any more than absolutely necessary, thank you for asking. They came out with new Cabbage Patch Dolls this year; advertised for each one being 'entirely unique'. Identical looking caricatures of children, each one representing a different possibility in a list of variables: one has blue eyes, the other red hair, but everything else the same - how many numbers can you create by performing unlimited mathematical operations on One, Three, and Seven? Or those puzzles with five pictures, each with a minute flaw that must be found, and two that are Perfectly The Same, the winners. But there is an infamous and odd sort of beauty in the forlorn white teacup lost in the papered shelves of Halloween paraphernalia in a withered up drugstore. 051023