see also: the_puzzle_that_is_you the_fetus_that_wanted_to_rule_the_world the_keepers_of_heart_and_hearth the_trials_and_triumphs_of_mama_gator welcome_to_prelife_instruction "We are spirits..in the material world." There is an evolutionary strategy hinted at in the_keepers_of_heart_and_hearth. It involves testosterone, estrogen, humility and cooperation. It was developed on the backs of dinosaurs, alligators, birds and other beasts, over the course of hundreds of millions of years(as described in the_trials_and_triumphs_of_mama_gator.) Practically a sequel for welcome_to_prelife_instruction, it introduces the idea that the family unit has developed secondary functions beyond just nurturing the individual offspring into adulthood. But first, the usual stuff: As children we are born into this life already having kick-started the_fetus_that_wanted_to_rule_the_world in order to get to know our various bodily functions and systems. Then, it's on to exploring the world and the objects around us, etc. etc. It's a landscape that most parents are familiar with. Kids who won't stop testing limits and trying to manipulate circumstances. What some are more familiar with than others, is our responsibility to STOP that primitive pattern eventually. (Dear children: For learning, yes. For dealing with each other, no. For learning to deal with each other? Maybe..with many caveats. But mostly, no.) Meanwhile, some parents do worse than others at cultivating the SPIRITUAL awareness and practices of their offspring. This is a shame in any measure, since ultimately the function of the family unit, is to serve as a spiritual sanctuary, school, kingdom (and recharge station) for spirits in the material world. Stuck, but slowly emerging from the muck of materialism, we owe much of our "civilization" to not only technological advancements, but also to the division of duties between the_keepers_of_heart_and_hearth. The arrangement (in its developed form)helps provide for an emotional/spiritual/gentleness ratcheting mechanism which, for the sake of simplicity (and getting to the point) will be describe here: The years from birth to 8 years old serve as the building blocks for what is known as our "foundation psychology." Many of our perceptions, attitudes and habits in later life come from these root experiences. This is why the gentler, nurturing figures in a family (or village in communal societies) were traditionally given the task of raising younger children: so that their foundation psychology would have a chance to develop toward the gentler side, both boys and girls. In order to further facilitate this, rules were developed (which have since then fallen out of fashion in many circles) which made the home something of a temple, where all were to be on their best (least beastly) behavior. This, to further strengthen the nurturing, spiritual nature of the place and to increase the gentility of the adults who emerged from there. (We can see hints of this voluntary reverence in sayings like, "if mama's not happy, no one's happy", or in the way that some of the toughest men would sheepishly comply when admonished by the matriarch that "in this house they would kindly mind their manners.") Taming the beast that is the_fetus_that_wanted_to_rule_the_world isn't the easiest task in the world. It's certainly one of the most difficult of the many that evolution has undertaken up to this time. Perhaps it's because of the duality of our nature. Perhaps it's because letting go can be hard to do and living in the 4th dimension means moving on while while remaining grounding in the present, (a thing that our 3rd dimensional brains are often reluctant to do if there isn't something in it for us.) Isn't it interesting to note that in the traditional family scenario, the parents put all of their hopes in the future (the kids)? Is it some last ditch hail Mary by 3 dimensional beings with a drive to survive, who instinctively know that they are more than their bodies and who know that there is a 4th dimension even though they cannot truly experience it? Perhaps. Maybe it's also like navigating the road ahead in a blizzard. You'll need a driver. But you'll also need a windshield, wipers, a heater, defroster, decent tires and a way to keep them all connected to the driver, without requiring them to be made of soft, pliable materials..like the driver. At the very least, you'd need food, clothing and shelter while making your way, if on foot. But there's a job ahead; it's to survive the material world while continuing in the right direction. And it all depends upon the driver, doesn't it? How well have they maintained or repaired his/her/their material defense systems and their connection to them? Or have they become too inclined to throw things away that have worn out or don't fit their taste, then move on? How well have they maintained their sense of direction and their bearings on the current destination? Are they worthy of holding the wheel anymore? Should we all take a deep breath, hug it out and try again, once we get a grip on what's really going on? Next up, how the shamans lost their way, and the warriors went wild.
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EDIT: Perhaps it's because letting go can be hard to do and living in the 4th dimension means moving on while while remaining grounded in the present, (a thing that our 3rd dimensional brains are often reluctant to do if there isn't something in it for us.)
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see also: the_path_to_better_people
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From a defense of someone's reply to a meme. They said that women should return to their families and the spiritual harbor of home life. My response to the haters who started swarming and spewing bile: Actually she's demonstrating an understanding of nature and the evolutionary process of human development. While the feminist movement of the mid to late 19th century was a necessary equalizer of material potential, the hijacking of the movement by mass media for the purpose of decimating the working class home is pretty much a matter of historical record It took somewhere between 305 and 200 million years for the family unit to be developed in its traditional form. With a few prior examples, crocodilians seem to be the first nurturing mothers to appear. Eventually, millions of years later the males of various species, ever eager to be with the female, began caring for her during the nesting and rearing stages of reproduction. By the time humanity benefited from the arrangement an amazing evolutionary breakthrough had been achieved by the development of this nurturer-provider arrangement: by raising both male and female children with the nurturer, a gentler foundation psychology could be instilled in both men and women. Also, by tending to the traumas of material living and the struggle of animal survival, we could avoid being degraded by the hunt for food, clothing and shelter. We could hold our ground through the traumas and provide for an even gentler generation without making nonviable parasites in the process. Each new generation would be gentler than the previous generation. It was a compassion and gentleness ratcheting mechanism that took epochs to create. The linchpin of the whole thing was the harbor for the spirit contained in the home. The gentler the nurturer, the gentler the men and women produced. The more capable the provider, the easier it was for her to ensure this. That was the arrangement. She was to nurture him emotionally as well to keep materialism from degrading him and polluting the spirit harbor. That's why men were to keep their nasty material habits out on the streets..to keep the temple pure even if they were spiritually weak. Turning women into material creatures ala Madonna and Beyonce was a treacherous betrayal of nature and evolution itself. Making them into men? An abomination. Masculine women were simply to pair up with gentler men. Instead we decided to flip flop their sexual orientations because we're being shepherded by materialists. Western women have ruined their daughters and their sons by allowing rich men with soap advertising money into their homes. In came young people with riches and fame, bickering old folks who argued all of the time. Strife and division in the homes of the working class, with the most difficult and animalistic of struggles..where gentleness was needed the most. She became a dissatisfied backbiter from watching rich people bicker in luxury, or working class Honeymooners bicker. She let the media show her and her children orphan after orphan without adult supervision until Youth Culture was born to steal them away. Little Rascals, Orphan Annie, Dorothy in Oz, The Kid, W.C.Fields. Then they taught her to ridicule homemakers and run to the city to start big careers. She left her family behind to dilute the workforce, destroying union leverage, enriched bankers when she left the home for "fulfillment" and a second home to fill with consumer goods. Her and her youth culture programmed man would be working for the corporation now. Their parents with no one to keep the farm or the business running, would sell them off to developers. Losing everything the middle class had gathered and turned into a retirement plan for the whole family..a place to rest their bones. Meanwhile the rich had everything they needed to keep their families close: spoil them until they cant live without it. Replace them with dependable help where they are lacking. All the working class had to keep their families evolving was unity. So yea. The commenter above was absolutely right about the home and the family. She was right about it being related to your mental health condition and the meme. And here so many of you are trying to find someone, anyone to take care of you because the big bad material world is too much. The home is where your heart is, but you stabbed it in the face to look cool like some rich guy told you to. Now evolution in the Western World is derailed and you want some compassion for your mental health situation. Sorry you're so messed up in the head. Aren't we all anymore? Society didn't think it was a woman's job to nurture anyone over the age of 18. Not like we used to when we were trying to become gentlemen and ladies. Nurture a full grown man? That might help him feel better says the modern offspring of youth culture and feminism. Wouldn't want that, would we? Get well soon.
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