Greetings and welcome to pre-life instruction. The reason you are here, is to receive certain basic instructions which you will require during your time on Earth, in order to maximize your ability to help bring the material plane into better alignment with the spiritual plane. In short, you are here to learn of your life's purpose. Please sit, recline..find whatever comfortable position suits you, and we will begin. While on Earth, you will be performing many complex functions. The vast array of possibilities makes it impractical for us to cover them all here, and so we will stick to the overall core purpose of the individual within the confines of the evolutionary process itself. In the beginning, it is necessary for you to acclimate yourself to the environment. It is very different from here right now, in human society. As the process goes on, the shock upon reentry should diminish..as life within society becomes less animal, and more spiritual in nature. In order to facilitate your acclimation to this environment, your body/brain combo unit has been supplied with factory installed instructions for learning. Upon arrival, your brain will first seek out its connections with the body, in order to complete post-delivery assembly of your material plane interface module ie, body w/ brain controller (ie. human.) After body/brain assembly is complete, you'll be able to start taking input from the material plane and the connection between you and it (through the brain/body) will be complete. Then it's time to begin learning basic material plane navigation skills. For this your body/brain has been ingeniously designed with a built in learning program which instructs you to calibrate your human's basic social behaviors off of the other fully developed adults humans around you. Now, once the evolutionary process has finished self correcting..this will work out beautifully: newborn humans will simply receive their instructions (in whatever fashion, technology, social skills..) from the humans that came before them and already know. In this period before that time, more often than not, newborn humans are calibrating themselves off of "poorly calibrated" humans; taking on their flawed calibration characteristics. These flawed instructions are generally miscommunicated through childhood traumas. It can be very damaging to your brain unit. It's alright though. (smile) Self correction is built into the system. Your material plane suit (ie. human)has been very well designed; rest assured that you are perfectly safe. Just keep in mind to be prepared for possible turbulence upon reentry. With so many humans calibrating themselves on other mis-calibrated humans, it was necessary to build a self correcting mechanism into your human unit. When it feels faulty calibration, it will provide a sensation that you'll come to know as, sadness or guilt or anger, or fear. These reactions are an alarm going off whenever you process faulty calibration programming. They are to indicate to you that the error in programming happened somewhere in that area of your relationships with others. By further searching for the first human relationship in which that negative energy pattern was taken in by your brain, and speaking the situation that caused the negative emotion to first surface, your brain unit will be able to recognize and remove the faulty programming. Some humans refer to this as "talking through your issues" or "clearing." In this way, you are able to recalibrate yourself; removing incorrect instruction that was improperly learned by your human earlier in its childhood calibration process. The entire time that these auto-calibration and self-calibration processes are going on, your main purpose will be directing itself almost automatically. It is, after all, the function of your human unit. At this point advancing society consists of calibrating humans, then connecting and maintaining those connections. To this end, these are your prime directives: 1. Be able to connect. 2. If your ability to connect with others is being degraded by a connection, (or by attempts to connect)disengage and seek connection elsewhere. 3. Before interacting with another human, answer this question: "Will this action or these words help me to connect?" If an action will not aid your ability to connect, avoid it. Contrarywise, if it will..do it. 4. Once connected, help others to calibrate by staying calibrated and connected. Finally, when you're on the material plane during these times on Earth, there will be an anomalous tendency for your brain unit to think in terms "us" and "them." This will be very unfamiliar to you at first, then become..almost automatic. Mis-calibrated humans sometimes have difficulty accepting their responsibility to calibrate themselves..instead focusing on recalibrating others. There is no them, there is only us. Which binds us all in credit AND responsibility. As we each do our part on the material plane, things will become more sensible..and this orientation will become less and less necessary. Rest assured that everything is moving along. As that ends this pre-life instruction, please prepare for reentry into planet Earth. You're about to enter a marvelous place, with unique lessons to teach and incredible wonders to witness..so enjoy your stay! Remember: calibrate, connect. It'll be a beautiful life.
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A reasonable argument for developing prenatal language skills.
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When trying to determine whether a smile is indeed a frown turned upside down, pay attention to where the mouth is in relation to the eyes.
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Intriguing thought_provoking amusing. Thank you
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stork daddy
that actually would be quite a helpful pre-life instruction. would've saved me a lot of time and tragedy.
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This is for you: http://www.youtube.com/v/IfRLCvjSn5A
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Plugging in Loading up Connecting... Awesome!
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Then there was THIS little ditty.
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ego hum
thanks for the reminder so...you ain't got nothing new?
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This isn't Netflix, slim. There's plenty to share. Just not yet. Ok? Now if you get restless, there's always the concession stand. Love --
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ego hum
I've never calibrated
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It seems odd to me: We can know DNA contains all of the instructions required to produce a complex organism from simple proteins; it's mostly pre-ordained with some room for mutation, individual adaptability & happenstance..but we also find the notion of temporal predestiny ridiculous.
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see also: the_puzzle_that_is_you
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see also: the_path_to_better_people
what's it to you?