I was disappointed to not have them this afternoon so I just hold my breath and wait for next time so maybe you'll grace my dreams once again
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ignavia pok blurgh. ice cream tastes good in the afternoon ice cream tastes good if you eat it soon
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Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge
perhaps if i close my eyes tight enough youll soon be here with me if i than open them real slowly *sighs* guess ill have to settle for you & i in my dreams laying down tummy sides writing Q's & A's to each other on a white sheet of paper back & forth in the middle of a dried out urbanized concrete creek ¿[is this now what i have to live for...dried up concrete-ized creeked dreams]?
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wolf in the house, eating my family
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thats a cat, not a wolf.
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I was this girl that slightly looked like sheryl (weird!) and i was at a Maryland Highschool. There was this retarded dude and he tried to push me down the stairs after he tried drowning himself in a sink and i saved him. so i fel down the stairs, but I had birds eye veiw of this, and i tried getting up but my parts were all mangled. and I died. (weird) i woke up and was creeped out for a while but got up and watched tv, then went back to bed. my dream continued only I was a different girl that went to the same highschool. my parents were murder investigators and they were at the house that my former character girl (we'll call her...jane) died in. (the school turned into a house suddenly). the parents were sobbign and I felt bad so i went to Jane's funeral and gave her parents this necklace that had a big silver pendant of a heart and a crying eye on it. They put it on her, and lowered her coffin. weeks later, i was in class with a couple gothic girls that were my friends, and the dead girl (jane) walked in. she was wearing the necklace, and everyone was all freaked ou, like "didn't that girl...die?" and she sat down quietly and looked over at me slowly. she gave me a small smile and lifted the pendant of the necklace, acknowledging that I gave it to her. she suddenly changed her expression and viciously bit the pendant, and spit it out. She made really fast violent movement and started SCREAMING at me about howit rusted her hair. the alarm went off and woke me up.
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Effingham Fish
First-person perspective. I'm walking across a plain towards spotlights shining on the horizon. As soon as I see the building they are coming from, I break into a run and arrive there in three steps. Inside the front door is an empty stairwell, with a door leading off to the right to another empty stairwell with a vending machine in it, except it vends things that no human being should ever want to eat, like frog bones in a tiny can, which is what I think I ended up getting. A small Korean woman walks up behind me and starts talking to me cheerily as she buys something for herself; she looks just like the lady who delivers the newspapers to my store. I can't tell if it's Korean or just heavily accented English, but either way, I get the idea that she's trying to find the room printed on this scrap of paper. So we wander through the empty stairwells and hallways of this huge office building, with her constantly chattering unintelligibly, until we find an open door with the psychic from Poltergeist sitting at a desk inside. She rather curtly tells the Korean lady where her room is, and she (the latter) runs down the hall, turning to wave good-bye at me. I leave, wandering aimlessly and trying to find my way back out (wandering barren halls seems to be a common theme in my dreams). Turning one corner, I see a gorgeous woman in a red, sequined evening gown walking down the hall towards me, but before I can ask her for directions, she levels a television remote at me and presses a button and suddenly I'm looking out through the psychic's eyes, reading a crumpled note, the gist of which is that she's been fired and has to leave immediately. A man in white appears to escort her out of the building, but I remain fixed where I am, staring at the note, which I'm suddenly sure has something dreadfully important written on it, but I can't keep my attention focused, and so read the first four words again and again until I wake up.
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Whenever I meet a new person, I want so desperately to have bloodily vivid dreams about them, but I almost never do. Makes sense. Why would I dream about something I can get for real? I guess it's just because all of my dreams are realistic. No flying or underwater adventures. Sex is too wonderful for my dreams.
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oh damn!!! the second i clicked on this blathe, i forgot my dream. shoot. well a couple nights ago i had a strange dream. the only part i remember is this girl i barely know pulling my ex along by the arm and telling me he was still in love with me. she said she could tell by the way he looked at me. ah, it's bullshit.
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wet ones.
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goddamn, there goes that octopus again!
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definitely the ones i've had about falling...i have never forgotten them...right side, brownish cliff and the rest of the view all around is green, dense forest (seen from a considerable height) and im just falling; floating, drifting down. it's never been a scary dream, just a recurring one i used to have a lot when i was younger.
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turned into reality by you...now only if we could switch roles and u did what i did hahaha...can u tell i would like that???hahah *blushes and goes back to studying*
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a squid eating dough in a polyethelene bag
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i want to dream about shadows on deserts and exotic animals and water but i dream about my summer job, about my mother being too demanding, things that are way too real
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in a beauty pageant--seven feet tall with long dark hair. lip synching to Santa Baby as my talent. also there was kissing and kissing and kissing.
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i'm in a spacious produce section of a grocery store. i slide instead of walk my cart across, playfully. as i pick out carrots and strange looking broccoli, a girl on a scooter runs into my legs. she's giggling. an oceanography professor comes by but he doesn't disturb me. i bend down to the girl and ask her where her parents are. dead, she says. i see her again outside the grocery store, along with a gay woman whom i hug passionately.
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i had a dream once that i was buffy the vampire slayer. it was really really scary.
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karl the weed
i love dreams that make you feel sooo good inside...
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all warm and fuzzy! ;)
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with a small smile to play upon your lips
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divine madness
as vivid as those imagined dreams may be, with the clairvoyant symbols and hidden philosophy..one must wonder if it really is the reality and this life is truly a vivid dream...
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usually don't remember dreams... dreamt two people last night in my restlessness that Stood Out in that weird kinda castaneda kinda way... both times, i pulled them close, about a foot away, so i coud see and interact with them properly through the dream-haze... two people that i may have indeterminately strange interactions with in the future... this time, i wasn't too shocked by the aleatoric_concinnity...
what's it to you?