I was just thinkin how I felt bad that the last one I made got fucked up by everyone's favourite incorrigible piece of crap. so this is for you and all your other names, however many of them there may be. can you tell who's been working around legal people? et al...who says that?
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johnny west
Thank you much. Now I have to think of things to put in here...
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florescent light
you can put me here I have a storage life of 21 to 85 years
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johnny west
Okay. Here's something I bet you didn't know about me: I am a lazy piece of shit. If I could lie around all day doing absolutely nothing, I would. I think I might actually be too motivated. That can't be healthy. What else? Um...oh yeah. I wish I didn't exist. Of course, that's nothing new. I vomit love! Gotta go do laundry.
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you wish you didn't exist?! goddamnit, johnny! if you don't stop saying that kind of shit, I swear to god I will come up to canada and personally kick your ass!!! that's supposed to be a threat, not an offer.
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goddamnit you piece of shit! where the hell did you go? well, I'll be around if you decide to come back.
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johnny west
Hello, my blatherfriends. I think I may be fairly drunk now. Yes. I do believe I am. "Whoop-de-fucking-do" is your response, no doubt. Sexy! Now join me as I set off on a half-assed blather adventure, posting useless shit on a number of pages. First I will hit...the prom page. Haha! Sex is all you need.
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are you okay?
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johnny west
Well, I'm better (thanks to you). Sorry if I worried anybody. I'll stay away from the toaster from now on.
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johnny west
Tomorrow I will have fun. I will get to visit my good friend the brain fucker-upper. "So, John, have you got your sleeping habits in order now?" (Fake friendliness-morphing-into condescending look...look at that! Could cut your stomach open!) No, you fucking bitch. I'm sleeping worse than ever. And guess what? I'm still functioning! Sure, shit's pouring out of my brain like the shit it is, and I'm having a hard time curbing the excess, but that's alright. Women keep staring at me. I am a fucking flamingo. Are you staring at me as well? Sure you are, so you can read my face and try to throw off whatever's balanced up there in my head. Maybe I'm not telling you anything. Maybe it's all bullshit! Yeah, I've always been a good bullshitter when I want to be. Fuck you. Now I want some of those painkillers. Take my wisdom teeth, and give me long-lasting and quick-acting sleep! This will be very nice. I'm getting all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it...
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHNNY!!!!! yeah, that's about all I can think of to say about that.
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johnny west
Watch as Johnny flickers in and out in a haze of blue smoke! Much is new. Tom said he was doing a line of coke on the bathroom counter. "Ya wanna do a line, Johnny?" "Right now?" I asked. "Yeah. Right now." The bastard was really only clearing his sinuses. I would have taken him up on it. Telemarketing while fucked up in a bad way; that's gotta be a shitload of fun. As it stands, I get paid to sit on my ass and irritate people. I'm actually moving product. People have bought Craftmatic Adjustable Beds at appointments I have booked. This is terrifying. What else? Beer is good. So are cigarettes. The latter give me a head rush. It's brief, but enjoyable nonetheless. Music is once again a catharsis for me. Only now it's more of a visceral explosion than ever. Primal Johnny muso-shit! Good fun for all. There's more. I won't blathe it. I don't know why I'm blathing at all.
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johnny shares sexiness with you
But...if any of you are interested in hearing how this fucked up music of mine turns out, I'd be happy to send you a CD. Or more than one, depending on how much material there is. So, if you wanna hear me howl and smash stuff (and it is more musical than that implies), feel free to e-mail me. I even stuck my proper e-mail address on my name here. Yeeeeeaaaaaaaah!
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i heart you
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johnny west
Rapid flurries of chocolate-covered virginity have been flung at my head, resulting in something approaching completion. Case in point: the first in a string of several forthcoming CDs is nearly finished! How exciting. A few rough mixes have leaked out already, and here's what the people are saying: "This is an 'up' album, featuring lyrical allusions to losing, fucking, fucking up, and other such positive things. Did we mention the fucking?" -NME "Johnny West plays guitar like a sick gorilla, sings with vitriol and occasionally sounds kind of psychotic. His buddies Gord and Tyson round out the group as the anti-rhythm section, bypassing the stiff, pedestrian approach of other units for something approaching post-pubescent musicality." -MOJO "Just wait till people cover these songs! I can already hear Britney Spears doing 'Nicotine & Beer', bringing conviction to the 'I got a woman on the bed' line!" -ROLLING STONE "This group is impossible to pigeonhole. They're not heavy. They're not mellow, either. There's almost always this feeling of tension beneath the surface, like it could all explode into hysterics at any time. Johnny West makes no attempt here to curb the occasionally psychotic element to his singing. Instead, he embraces it and plays tennis with it. These guys are...uh...weird." -SPIN "Accessible pop at its finest; this'll give the Baskstreet Boys a run for their money!" -SOME HOT SWEDISH SONGWRITER GUY "Songs to reach the hearts of drug-addicts everywhere!" -ROBERT DOWNEY JR. "The perfect music for when you're fucked out of your mind and attempting to drive your car while it's being towed away." -ADAM WEST (no relation)
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apparently has a big mouth. he and all his other personalities are goin down for this one. yes indeed.
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several pseudonyms combined
We knew it was inevitable.
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johnny west
Speaking of pseudonyms, I've employed far too many throughout my time here. I attempted to make a list of them all a month or two ago, and came up with maybe 40 or 50. Then I realized that the actual figure was closer to three or four times that amount, if not more. So most of you will never know even a fraction of what has come from me here. I could have constructed that last sentence better. I'll give it another shot. Most blatherskites...and the others...inadequate...turkey. Yes. That's much better.
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johnny west
What a fucking load of shit. Everything I posted here, I mean. And by "here", I mean blather as a whole. I filled this place with such useless shit. I'm not even close to being the same person I was when I first came here. That's not really a positive thing, either. Oh. My eyes. Tears. God. Death. Ack. Poor me! Where did the love go? Let's see... I stumbled upon this fucked up place a pretty anti-drug person. And, less than a year later, I've jumped into the world of hard drugs, and I'm planning on getting in deeper. The appeal of these drugs isn't their ability to numb pain, or any shit like that. It's simply their ability to destroy me. I've been told I'm intelligent, attractive, disgustingly talented, and other such bullshit my whole life. And now I get to take all of that shit and destroy it. I also came here not completely hating myself, and believing on some level that there might be a chick out there for me. Some girl will love me! I can be found sexy by someone! Love! Sex! Bullshit. No girl will ever give a shit about me, because I'm not even remotely worth anyone's love. I'm not even worth having my insipid, stupid fucking words preserved here. I was obsessed with blather when I first found it. I'd spend hours just sitting here, staring at the computer monitor, reading and posting. That gradually tapered off, until blather became a place I visited occasionally to see what was new and maybe post something of my own, but rarely using my name. This place has caused me nothing but pain. But I love anything that hurts me, so maybe that's why I've never completely cut myself off. This is fun. I forgot for a while how much fun it was to blathe. Now, press that screwdriver to my left temple, and press down as hard as you can. And when the blood the blood the blood streams down my face, it'll be even better than tears.
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guess who
If you think no girl ever gives a shit about you, it's probably because you don't give a shit about yourself. You're asking a lot when you expect someone who cares about you to know how much you hate yourself and not be bothered by it. But it's really great that you've gotten more into drugs. That should fix everything. Have fun.
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not the same guess who
I fucking care. I've been worried. but you need to get away from me. I'm SORRY. don't do drugs, kids. Its bad. You know the further you get into drugs, the further I go? I'm getting ahold of some coke. I gave Jake some money for it today. I'm stupid, too. But whatever.
what's it to you?