splinken a friend of mine sent me an email containing two really really good band names.

1. Mercy Fuck
2. Forget It, Kid
silentbob a friend of mine told ME two about bands called

1.Jets To Brazil
2.At The Drive In
splinken those two bands are real. the ones i mentioned are purely theoretical.

at the drive-in is a super band with a super name.

i heart at the drive-in.
Brad And i have heard jets to brazil... i think i remember liking it but i dont remember it very much. 000917
silentbob well there's a mary prankster song called mercy fuck and i wanted to hear this band mercy fuck but i got a mary prankster song instead. and its good. that was the first time i ever heard of this mary prankster person...if mercy fuck was a real band, how do you think they would sound? and what about forget it, kid? How do you think they would have sounded? 000917
what's it to you?
who go