andrea there have been times when, yes, i have shown or read entries to friends. for me, it's more of a release of emotions and experiences i wouldn't normally be able to just say. instead, i curl up with my journal and a pen and write for a bit. and then i share. i'm much more composed on paper than in person. now, in looking back at the journals (called MY DIARY then) i kept when i was about 7 or 8, it is funny to share some entries with friends. joking over who i was just profoundly in love with despite the knowledge of what love or anything remotely related to the opposite sex was. but then there are entries (then & now) which come in the fit of anger or when i am just so low i feel like there is no one to turn to except the paper. those i've always been more hesitant to share. some words written on paper are meant to be read by all, others only by a select few. and then there are those times someone writes random, emotional thoughts down on paper only to get them out of their system. things like this definitely call for discretion when sharing. but all in all, i think it definitely allows another way for friends to share...

copyright 2000
MollyGoLightly well...i didn't let my mother read my journals from high school. she found them one day and figured that, since i was out of the house, it was okay to read them.

the things she read made her very uneasy, i'm sure. that's the built-in punishment.
FALLing into place my journal is composed of my pesonal thoughts. it is the easiest way to vent, to let all of those emontional deficulties fall into place or at least figure them out to the best of my ability. it is hard for me to be up front with people, and how they can make me feel at times.... and this is my way out. At times I have opened these pages to others to let them know what I cannot say aloud. and it honestly makes me feel a little better. but sometimes those thoughts should remain to yourself, for no other persons eyes. to those of you who so not keep a journal, i would recommend it. It seems to make life run a whole lot smoother. 010108
silentbob alkalinetrio.diaryland.com

anytime, anyplace, baby
daxle that entry makes me sad :(
you can talk to me!
silentbob i'm sorry i made you saddish

i tried to get on undernet but it was slow and i didnt even try getting on effnet cuz it NEVER lets me on anymore
but i didn't take my own advice and try to find ANYONE who would listen. it was more of a pity_me kind of thing, oh woe is me, i cant find anyone, that sort of thing.
the situation is still the same, but i'm not sad at the moment.
girl_jane I'll let anybody read my journal. They just have to ask. I keep secrets in there, yes, but not the ones I really don't want people to know. Those secrets I keep recorded in my mind. 020330
yummychuckle last night i had a dream that there was this journal i kept with me at school that was FULL of all these secrets I would never want anyone but maybe a really close friend to know...and I was walking up these stairs at my school and saw some football player holding my journal and all his friends huddling around it smiling. I freaked out and tried to grab my journal, but pages kept flying out and everyone was reading them...tears were just streaming down my face and exbestfriend erica just looked at me and said "well, you shouldn't have kept something that personal with you at school." I knew she was right...but you know...

anyway in waking life, sometimes when I'm on the phone with whoever my romantic interest happens to be at the time, sometimes I'll read a nice entry about them to them, if it seems an appropriate thing to do. Occasionally I'll flip thru and read a random entry to a friend.
I think the slight exhibition of this is kind of theraputic for me--its some sort of release. Thats why i love blather so much, its sort of like a journal, but I know I have an audience.
werewolf well it's alright, even if they say you're wrong,

it's alright, sometimes you gotta be strong!

well it's alright as long as you got somewhere to lay,

well it's alright, every day is judgement day.

well it's alright even if push comes to shove, it's alright if you've got someone to love

and it don't matter if you're by my side....i'm satisfied...

well it's alright, even if you're old and gray....you've still got something to say.

well it's alright, remember to live and let live, well it's alright, the best you can do is forgive. -The Travelling Willburys

as long as no one reads this, they'll never know i didn't write it
reitoei isnt that what blather is for some? a great big blue hole in the internet to dump little bits and pieces of your life and hope they go away or keep them safe.
and no one knows who you are. you come and go without a care and leave little parts of yourself. but no one can look at my stuff and say, this is (my real name)'s life. this is reitoei's life.
and sometimes you try to dump something and it pops up on the recent list...will some things never fade from our tortured minds?
silentbob loves you i dont like the thought of people i know read it, cuz sometimes i mention them, good or bad i dont want them reading it 020405
delial when i was 14 I foolishly let my best friend at the time look through my journal

- it mentioned all the starry eyed stupid things i'd written about him the year before -

he laughed about it and read passages aloud to the other person in the room

i felt like an idiot.
we were in friendland but still it ached

and now, i feel like i'm holding back what i write, fearing someone else would read into it
or fearing being completely honest because i'm weary of ridicule regarding my feelings about certain people

so i'm starting something else and won't write where i can be found anymore.

it feels like i'm hiding though, and i hate that.
carlita i used to have a box of stuff that reminded me of my ex_boyfriend from a long time ago. since we split up, we've stayed friends, and my sister is also in our group_of_friends. well, one day, many many years after he and i broke up, he was at my house, and my sister showed him this box of stuff that i had kept. in that box, there were also letters that i had written to him and never gave him, some pretty recent to the time she showed them to him. i was mortified. enough to destroy the entire box of stuff to prevent it from ever happenening again. i wish i still had it, just to walk_down_memory_lane once in a while. i haven't quite trusted my sister since. 030724
Lila Pause My journal makes me feel like a whore. I want everyone to read it. And be disgusted. The more the better. I like to think of it as if it were an open, bleeding wound mounted and on display for all to see. 040620
kookaburra anybody csn read it...as long as they arennt sombody that can come over to my house, talk to me in person, or tell people at my school.

or my parents, cuz that would be crazy...
kookaburra *can
uyanga I'd love for my mother to read my blog once in a while, but she's terribly busy. I sent her the link, but she lost it. It's really not boring or insulting to her in any way. Some of it is actually interesting, I plead. She is just so terribly busy. 040620
The Postman Lost links????

too bad

u r required to provide a written request
no-one Never again. 040620
minnesota_chris most of my acquaintances either aren't web savvy enough or have too short an attention span to read all my blathers or journal entries. (livejournal.com/~eatsoylentgreen) 040621
somniac I hope I find somebody to read my journal.

The ultimate nakedness, in all its fragile, gruesome detail.
seeking sight live in eternal hope and fear that one day someone will discover it, see what I've said, look inside my mind 040623
?jeez actually, i've been thinking lately that all my journals should be destroyed before i die so no one finds them...i used to have big ideas, super plans, but it doesn't matter and the past... well, it is important because it shows us how we dug our own graves

people will survive without reading mine
and i would prefer not to upset the living once i am dead
photophobe I don't understand journals. What do you need to confide to yourself? Surely you know whats going on in your life? If not - what the fuck are you doing ALL THE TIME?

I'm open about that shit I want to be known, and keep the stuff I don't want to talk about to myself. What else is there? If you're writing emo poetry then who is it for? I don't believe anyone that says the write in their diary for themselves. The diary must be TO someone. A future self? Your future self knows what you've been doing anyway.

I just don't get it.
different now do you know what is going on in your life?
do you remember?
Lemon_Soda A Journal is the road map of where you've been in life. 080325
asher sometimes I just need to get my thoughts and actions down on paper so I can analyze the decisions I have made. it helps me to process and decompress. like the slow hiss of pressure released. it's cathartic, i suppose. 080326
asher but i'm not sure i'd let others read it. it's often a very scattered and disheveled process. it's not always something I'm willing to share. 080326
j i am writing a journal of all the things we do for when he gets back 080326
what's it to you?
who go