Teenage Jesus poppy 020301
TK pop corn 020301
yummyC buck buck buckaaaw 020302
carne de metal bukowski 020302
Ivonna H lebowski 020302
paste! caucasian 020302
Mateo asian 020302
silentbob Mike Park 020302
bethany illegal 020303
pot pot 020303
Toxic_Kisses luck 020307
Mahayana yellow moons 020307
TK Orange stars 020307
paste! wanda duddy 020307
Ivonna H. want a daddy 020307
TK Orphan 020307
silentbob Annie 020307
bethany my name is 020310
little wonder something else 020310
silentbob desperately changing topics 020311
Teenage Jesus tape 020311
birdmad nixon 020311
silentbob mojo 020311
misstree risin' 020311
silentbob raisin in the sun 020311
minnesota_chris We had joy, we had fun, we had raisins in the sun. . . 020311
erin. ring around the rosy. 020311
misstree plague! plaugue! death and diseeease. :) 020312
Teenage Jesus little bush 020312
silentbob teenage girl 020312
minnesota_chris nubile (I like that word) 020312
little wonder vomit 020312
paste! buffet jog 020312
Teenage Jesus Shoes 020312
silentbob boots 020312
jackie "paranoid" mc cracken faeries 020312
daxle larry 020312
ear_parcel randy 020312
little wonder thumb 020312
Mahayana ...piano mbira 020312
Teenage Jesus Africa 020313
silentbob John 020313
blown cherry Wilson 020313
silentbob Volley Ball 020313
little wonder pastullio 020313
Teenage Jesus Phil Collins 020313
minnesota_chris Easy Lover 020313
Teenage Jesus Easy Rider 020313
hey now! slut 020314
minnesota_chris slattern 020314
Mahayana supererogatory 020314
minnesota_chris su purgatorio 020314
Mahayana Hölle 020314
erin. damaged. 020314
-{::EphermalArcs::}- mangled and lacerated 020314
Mahayana will to live 020315
g h o s t despondent 020315
minnesota_chris respondent 020315
misstree moaning 020315
angie sex 020315
minnesota_chris A branding iron, a spiraling vortex of halted actions and words. Blissful madness, an agony of wanting and waiting, leading to broken. . . oops ummm, this is supposed to be a one word response, isn't it?

Umm, Cheerios.
Mahayana a fingers life savor 020316
minnesota_chris screen savour 020316
phil upholstrygeist 020316
minnesota_chris spooky 020316
silentbob tim burton 020316
pinkish Scissorhands 020317
minnesota_chris Johnny Depp 020317
silentbob betsy 020317
Ariadani heavens! 020317
minnesota_chris Hells 020317
birdmad Bells 020317
webscraps Angels (as in Hell's Angels) 020317
minnesota_chris "Mom says every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings" -- it's a wonderful life 020317
Toxic_Kisses X-mass 020317
g h o s t holiday depression 020317
minnesota_chris Endless loop of Christmas carols 020318
Mahayana why wont the jingle bells cats shutup!?! 020318
daxle kitties are cute 020318
Ariadani my stupid cat pete that came to us by head-butting the front window... 020318
minnesota_chris orphan 020318
misstree lost 020318
little wonder shivers 020319
minnesota_chris caress 020319
Ariadani soap! 020319
Toxic_Kisses clean 020319
misstree relax 020319
silentbob zoolander 020319
Mateo lend me an animal. 020319
Teenage Jesus Compsognathus 020320
phil compost negg seus 020320
minnesota_chris Dr. Seuss 020320
silentbob horton fakes an orgasm 020320
minnesota_chris deceit 020320
Mahayana self-delusion 020320
Teenage Jesus alprazolam 020320
minnesota_chris medicine 020320
Ariadani nasty cherry cough syrup 020320
yummyC kurt cobain (to explain: he liked drinking lots of childrens cough syrup to get...um...high....) 020320
pinkish four shots from a 44, no less no more.

Teenage Jesus Liddy 020321
the spork watergate 020321
Ariadani watergate salad, and little marshmellows 020321
minnesota_chris hotdish. . .mmmm hotdish 020321
Mahayana mmm do it again 020322
no reason m&m&m's 020322
silentbob melt 020322
Toxic_Kisses Crayons 020322
misstree cravings 020322
Ariadani chocolate 020322
minnesota_chris kisses 020322
hey now! :o* 020322
silentbob SO WARM 020325
misstree what boyfriends are for 020325
minnesota_chris toilet seats 020325
little wonder bladder 020325
misstree caribou eyeballs! 020325
minnesota_chris Eyeballing my Caribou Coffee 020325
silentbob staring 020327
birdmad at the sea 020327
silentbob across_the_sea 020327
Ariadani my bonnie lies over the ocean! 020327
silentbob early beatles 020328
phil manuver 020328
silentbob hemilick 020328
Ariadani hemlock 020328
minnesota_chris Sherlock Hemlock the world's greeeeaaaaaatest detective 020329
continuous ache watson 020329
Toxic_Kisses Light bulb 020403
misstree pothead. 020404
little wonder cd 020404
silentbob burn 020404
Toxic_Kisses Love letters 020404
Photophobe red 020404
birdmad candle 020404
Ariadani incense 020404
Arwyn fuckin' hippies 020404
continuous ache peace and love, baby 020404
silentbob janis joplin 020404
birdmad "take every little piece of my heart" 020404
Toxic_Kisses Dustpan 020404
silentbob broom 020404
Ariadani either the sorcerer's apprentace or "I Am Not Your Broom" (TMBG) 020404
silentbob impotence 020410
Jenna Viagra 020411
silentbob bob dole 020411
squillo dubya 020411
continuous ache bush 020411
pralines&cream shaved 020411
Sailor Jupiter a boy back from Boot Camp 020411
his name was... space monkey 020411
pralines&cream tyler durden 020411
my cat sylvester 020412
silentbob stalone 020412
misstree stallion 020413
Sailor Jupiter wild love stallion =P 020413
pralines&cream italian 020413
Ariadani spaghetti! and lady and the tramp! 020413
silentbob pornography 020414
Jenna Larry Flynt 020414
silentbob fucking 020415
Jenna in heaven 020415
birdmad paradise lost 020416
CJ Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie 020416
reitoei the frozen floor of hell 020416
grendel dante 020416
silentbob Not even supposed to be here today 020416
.-. at_the_video_store 020416
Ariadani under the board walk 020416
-{::EphemeralArcs::}- past park place, and go. 020416
Casey stop 020416
silentbob hurting me 020416
pralines&cream ow! why'd you do that! 020416
misstree glare 020416
possessed angel Get the cool,
get the cool shoe shine.
silentbob school 020417
Sailor Jupiter Be cool, stay in school. =P 020417
pralines&cream drug addicts 020417
silentbob trainspotting 020417
birdmad junk 020417
minnesota_chris Sanford and Son 020417
silentbob black 020417
Ariadani jack 020417
minnesota_chris Jumping Jack Flash 020417
Sailor Jupiter 'cause fire is the devil's only friend 020417
grendel hell 020418
silentbob raining flames 020418
Toxic_Kisses raining men 020418
grendel plague 020418
possessed angel gingivitis 020418
Dack Rambo is my father Crest White Strips 020418
silentbob legos 020419
possessed angel spaceships 020419
Saint anal probe 020419
bethany electric blue 020419
misstree kool aid 020419
possessed angel smile for the pitcher 020502
Teenage Jesus "Oh Yeah!" 020503
Ariadani oh no! 020503
CJ oh hell yeah 020503
angie survive 020509
Teenage Jesus methadone 020510
Ariadani chronic pain 020510
silentbob medical marijuana 020510
daxle paxil 020510
CRO Zyban. brain altering drugs are good mmmkkkk? =) 020510
Sailor Jupiter LSD 020510
Nuh uh LDS 020510
Ariadani mormons 020511
possessed angel morons 020511
Arwyn sorostitutes..... 020511
misstree painted cardboard cutouts 020511
little wonder the_wiz 020511
silentbob blackula 020512
misstree skinny dipping 020512
little wonder regrets 020512
possessed angel regurgitation 020524
reflux man vomit 020524
Ariadani yuck 020524
Sailor Jupiter Mr. Yuck (green poison warning sticker) 020524
silentbob green_day 020524
xs Y decaying metamorphosis 020525
silentbob intellectual_decay_of_blather 020525
Sailor Jupiter the best is yet to come 020525
possessed angel Butt weight, theirs moor. 020526
god i like big butts and i cannot lie 020526
Sailor Jupiter you other brothers can't deny 020527
possessed angel That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get...

nanny touchings 020609
Toxic_Kisses feeeeeelings nothing more than feeeelings.

touchings=unwanted attention
Ariadani wanted attention 020611
curious toys wanted..dead or alive 020823
daxle unwanted daed or farky 020823
Lith Fark! Nice molars! 020824
Ariadani *chomp chomp* 020825
silentbob lunch 020915
Freak box 021004
possessed angel coffin 021004
silentbob drops 021004
sweetheart of the song tra bong puddle 021004
Torch splash 021004
possessed angel lash 021005
sweetheart of the song tra bong mascara 021005
Freak blush 021005
devalis compliment 021006
~gez~ insult 021006
god sultans of schwing 021006
possessed angel ...and amiss 021006
Freak vast 021015
she vest 021015
Torch dork 030114
x adelaide 030114
birdmad antarctica 030114
minnesota_chris penguins 030114
Lime Rider linux 030114
Lilac computer 030114
sara hacker 030114
screwing for virginity lumberjack 030114
eklektic boots 030114
Teenage Jesus puss'n 030115
Lilac kitten 030115
fill tiger 030115
methinx sport 030115
Rhin good 030115
Lilac ugly 030115
silentbob stepsister 030116
Lilac cinderella 030116
Teenage Jesus slipper 030116
jane converse 030116
megan star 030116
mona loves you i want my own star 030116
Kristopher possession 030116
Lilac own 030116
dre NWA 030116
minnesota_chris tupac 030117
ferret wrap 030117
Lilac tuck 030121
Ariadani everlasting 030121
screwing fro virginity gobstopers 030121
Lilac willy 030121
sirflaccid sucking 030121
minnesota_chris that line says "sir flaccid sucking"

no thank you.
Lilac poor sport 030128
minnesota_chris football 030128
little joe boring 030128
critic little joe 030128
minnesota_chris big bad john 030128
jane little john 030128
screwing for virginity robin hood 030129
methinx tights 030129
Ariadani fishnets 030129
screwing for virginity stockings 030130
one for the road pasties 030130
spike struddle 030131
nore sludge 030212
cube puppy 030212
screwing for virginity dog 030212
minnesota_chris wag 030212
nore wiggin' 030218
one for the road kirked out 030219
nore cigarette 030220
methinx *sigh* regret 030220
nore spaghetti 030225
spike medusa 030227
Kristopher gorgon 030227
screwing for virginity medusa 030227
Gin snake 030227
Ariadani green 030227
minnesota_chris pea 030227
mona loves you eat 030228
mo oreo cookies 030228
screwing for virginity twist 030228
thefuddyduddy Turn. 030228
mo my 030228
minnesota_chris my oh my 030301
gay gizmo goodness 030301
jane good times 030302
phil high times 030302
bethany bc redhair 030303
Freak bitch 030303
silentbob Bobby 030303
Toxic_Kisses that cartoon Bobby's World or some such

Bobby's Wold
mo doncha know 030314
screwing for virginity mom 030315
phil taco bell 030315
minnesota_chris yo quiero 030316
nore commercialism 030319
mo advertising 030403
niska love/hate relationship with the world 030403
Freaky Lilac confusion 030404
Dafremen Confucius 030404
/anon "Man who fall asleep with itchy crack wake up with smelly finger."

Major League Baseball
nore freefall 030404
SuicidalAngel skydiving 030404
Evq Šw 030404
the equalizer spoilsport 030731
emily party pooper 030731
the equalizer scooper 030731
STL shovel 030731
zar shit 030801
misstree stick 030801
screwing for virginty stone 030801
ferret bone 030802
emily broken 030811
Teenage Jesus record 030812
voodoo album 030812
misstree lost photographs 030812
emily memories 030814
delial sepia 030814
silentbob crayola 030902
nomatter deciembre 030915
celestias shadow adam sandler 030915
voodoo big_daddy 030916
silentbob large penis 030916
screwing for virginity ME! 030916
misstree wide-brimmed hat 030918
minnesota_chris Amish 030918
silentbob beard 030919
once again black 030919
nomatter radical 030921
silentbob cheerleader 030921
kinkazoid anorexic 030921
crimson bald 030926
nomatter grandpa 030926
misstree nature 030927
celestias shadow human 031026
ClairE bald 031027
TK shiny 031231
Death of a Rose windows 040101
Toxic_Kisses Eyes 040101
karl the weed gems 040101
TK gyms 040101
bandersnatch jim's 040101
TK slim 040101
Teenage Jesus chance 040102
Toxic_Kisses sexy guy name 040102
u24 Gulliver (heh) 040102
Toxic_Kisses journeys 040102
silentbob outfitters 040305
misstree texas 040305
Doar rangers 040305
lm bw power 040305
Sylvia james hetfield; scott weiland; ben stein;cloning;stars;money;101;africa;VooDoo;kings; gods; humans; bears;
so does it prove anything about my mind?
glutes; pandemonium; universe; dominate;
ax; machete; Dawn of the Dead; global thermal nuclear war; brains; i want more brains
misstree zombie_apocalypse! 040318
pandora but the stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach 040319
... i really hate that song now

so for the record there are many things i once liked but now loathe

it was about a time and a place i guess to be never again (good)
time_warp what??? 040319
mwahaha waffling 040319
bijou pancakes 040319
mwahaha canpakes 040328
Death of a Rose cakepans 040328
lm bw cupcakes 040328
Connecting..the.dots.. (with)
witchesrequiem light rain 040619
silentbob soft rock 040619
pigeon soft cock 040806
chrysalid flaccid 040806
flutterbi lake placid :) 050221
twiz shit 050222
silentbob balls 050223
Mister Brightside blue 050223
divine madness tears 060220
birdmad as roy baty rain 060221
bricks roof 060312
oren tin 060312
bricks iron 060324
u24 maiden 060324
the Hermit china 060324
oren doll 060324
minnesota_chris house 070929
sameolme hail 070929
minnesota_chris hearty 070929
Isaou Arrr 070929
minnesota_chris arrrrmageddon 070930
2 games in 1 don an arm mage 080526
TK Everquest2 080908
somebody hedonism 080908
lunatic jesus Gomorrah 080909
TK society 081024
. community 081024
In_Bloom Security 081024
. dependence 081024
TK Leach 140811
what's it to you?
who go