yummychuckle hey i think ill be talking to u guys later but um i just kinda swallowed 50 pills and im trying to figure out whether i wanna kep going or not. Im sorry i knwo this is weak, but...
i just wanna say goodbye if i dont make it...and i luv you guys.
see ya.
yummychuckle im just gonna type more, its hard, im shaking
nevermind ill just go this is dumb. dumb sttupid drama. its all make beleive nothing is real.
dB yeah. Um... nice one. 010710
kingsuperspecial clarify please:

a) nothing is real means you were pretending, and you didn't really eat pills.

b) nothing is real means you have a bleak outlook on life, and are really doing some bad thing to yourself.

I just want to be sure I understand what is going on here.

the answer better be "a", or there is going to be some BIG trouble.

is somewhat concerned.
dB The worried troll I'll second that. None of that going on here please. 010710
dB singing in a corner Smile
walk away
go home and cry
its just a bad dream

You're a little spoon
you're a hippy
you make me happy
with flowers in your hair

so sign the dotted line
will that be all
I'll take five

and that'll be your soul
That would be so good
will that be all
That'll be your soul

Are they listening?
do they even care?
Do I give a damn
It isn't for them

You're a little spoon
you're a hippy
you make me happy
with flowers in your hair

so sign the dotted line
will that be all
I'll take five
black-dyed gel product 14 is not a good age to die. trust me, life picks up and gets a little bit more humorous down the line, much like the king of the hill, which originally sucked ass. My advice, if it's not too late, think about it and talk to someone who will listen. Also, alcohol is a good substitute for suicide. I'd rather not lose my own personally blather stalker, so make a wise choice. It could be worse, you could be a pathetic family person who's long since passed the golden years. Now that's the time to kill one's self. Sorry about the easily inferrible insult directed at you, Dafremen. 010710
mmm if your still reading this, and you are having serious troubles, some thin i know will help is to have somebody who you can be completely honest to. this person need not be somebody you know, just someone honest, who will not hurt you, lie to you, and will take u seriously. i offer my services to you if this is what you want, trust me this will help, i found someone to do this for me 8 months ago when i had just gotten out of the hospital for almost killing myself. if you are reading this im me at monkeymazemaster. i will do my best to help you, even if i don't know you 010710
User24 yummy, i hope you're joking. i would be very upset if not. 010711
yummychuckle (pathetic but living) im an idiot...
see, knew i was too (weak is the word i want to use but i wont)something to go through with it. Its pathetic, really.
I'm sorry...I
ok so um yeah by nothing is real i meant choice B. And after i was done writing i swallowed more...many handfuls more and man i felt sick and i started talking to eric (ex, and friend) and i was crying and then of course he was trying to talk me out of it..and he wasnt getting anywhere with it. I got back online while talking to him, though, and Travis (another friend) got on AIM and
well he had been in the same situation as I was, and I was the one that talked him out of it.
and he talked me out of it and i threw up as much as i could (which wasnt much) and yeah
its still there i feel real sick (hooray for severe liver damage!). dizzy and like my sense of smell is kinda fucked up at the moment but it should straighten itself out cus its not like i took a zillion of those pills.
i mean, it was too weak of an attempt to do anything.

anyway im sorry i bothered you guys. I was thinking kinda weird and i still am. head isnt straight yet. just wait it out i guess.

i talked to my mom and I'm gonna get some sort of therapy crap or something of the sort. point is I think I'm finally ready to help myself and get help...

so enough bullshit for now. I'm alive and I'm sorry...

yeah. seeya.

ohh and about the alcohol. no thanks...too many ppl around me have fucked up lives (and deaths) thanks to it. not for me...
DannyH Thank fuck for that. You pull a stunt like that again yummy and I swear I'll kill you myself. 010711
DannyH Oh yeah, and no need for apologies, that's the beauty of blathering. 010711
Dafremen Not so fast.

You may not have to apologize, in fact you may not have to do anything except breath, shit and die, but one thing's for sure:

Fourteen year olds are still just as STUPID as they were when I was 14. Not just below-average-intelligence stupid, I'm talking "I-just-hit-my-thumb-with-a-hammer-so-now-I-think-I'll-cut-it-off" stupid.

If anyone thinks differently either you were never 14....or else the stupidity has managed to stay with you all of these years. (Well that or you're just a sucker who empathizes with hormonally imbalanced dipsh*ts)

So dumb-as-a-stump-but-smart-as-a-whip girl...was it worth it? Was it cool? Want it over do you? are the weakest link...get the f*ck out.

If you decide to join the f*cking circus with the rest of us instead of crying because you're one of 4 billion people on the planet that was born INTO this circus...I'll be at dafremen blather suckin down a beer with DannyH.

P.S. At least as a LIVING idiot you can learn from your mistakes. Dead idiots just lie there looking stupid.(which cracks me up sometimes)

P.P.S. Good luck, kiddo. Got no time in my day for the walking dead. Out.
black-dyed gel product I'm glad you're not dead. I really hope you did not get that pill swallowing idea from one of my posts because that would make me very angry. Just don't pull another stunt like this and you can continue to stalk me. 010711
landruc "Compassion without honesty is sentimentality, but honesty without compassion is brutality." 010713
Dafremen Honesty without compassion is objectivity.

To intentionally inflict harm without justification is brutality.
nocturnal I thought that second thing was called havin a good time. 010713
Casey Don't feel bad, I went through an ordeal similar to yours. The only answer I have right now is just to try your hardest and find things to occupy your time...sorry, I'm not that good of a talker...but I'm glad your not dead 010713
nanny ok, was this just an attention getter?? cuz that's what i'm thinking, but then again i'm new, and don't know all of you.. 011215
Dafremen My thought was that it WAS an attention getter. I could be wrong, it HAS happened. (Who could forget the soupy-human(96% water content heheh) fiasco on whats_your_sign ?)

I invite you to judge for yourself and ask only that you choose the opinion which provides the most entertainment pleasant or otherwise.
yummychuckle no attention,
i didnt check back for a while...
i really intended to...well...die. and I would have grabbed attention elsewhere if I had wanted it. Wanting internet attention is really kinda silly.
Toxic_Kisses yummychuckle, I really don't know you very well but I have read some of your blathering and find them quite intresting/amuseing, don't go just someone’s being harsh on you, I mean hell what's it matter what ThEy think of you any how,
Come on say
p2 i'm_tired
. . 031029
they do sometimes_they_come_back 031029
meta meta 060222
unhinged looks like your role in my life has finally outgrown its usefulness 120319
no reason probably best to ignore the trolls, they usually get bored and go away (but obviously if it' outgrown its usefulness otherwise, that's a whole other story) 120319
no reason it' = it's, of course

i'm not sure what i use blather for anymore. i don't feel like i can be totally uncensored anymore, so maybe it's to spew lameness like this
stay a while pleeez unhinged- i like your blathes 120420
dafremen In other news..

Jesus was stopped at the International Airport today where his shoes were checked for bombs.
f goodbye nothing!

and what is nothing?!
dafremen Follow your thoughts to the source of the question, and you'll have your answer. 120423
what's it to you?
who go