Christ without the Cross
The more I listen to the words of others, the more I look at the world around me, filled with pain and pleasure and love and hate, and the more I listen to the words of all religions and all people who have found inner peace, I begin to see a common ground. This place is common ground where every thought and every guide and every religion has met at least once if not many times. This ground is love. This ground has always been love. Love is God. God is love. But i believe the ultimate mystery is found within every person. That ultimate mystery is not found by following but leading. That ultimate mystery is found in the heart. It is found in the spirit that dwells within you. Yes that spirit has many names. Yes, that spirit has been given many distinction and has been restricted by many rules varying in various cultures. Yes, we have been trying to tame that spirit or let it out or control it. Humanity has been trying and searching and looking. There have been many religions. there have been many great guides. there have many opinions. There have been many claims. There have been many promises. There have been exclusive clubs that claim to be 'chosen'. There have been certain groups, if not all, that claim to know the ONLY way to God, the only way to enlightenment. There have been many, from different religions, that have come preaching that they have found that way. And in every religion they have become a centerpiece of faith. Many of the many have not made Gods of themselves but have been made Gods by others. But my question is: what if there is no one way. What if we have we have tried to fit the limtitless within limits. We are unique and alike. WE are different and the same. Our hearts desire the same things but there are many different ways that people have tried to attain it. Why do we try to compare? Why do we try to falsify others? Why do we try to give ourselves the higher ground? When it comes down to it different things work for different people. Why do we judge? Why do we condemn the differences that we do not understand? This has been the cause of every war, every struggle, every argument. Intolerance. We do not tolerate. But our uniqueness is our commonhood. WE all share that. Thhe fact that we are all different makes us all the same. I have had many conversation and after sitting back and reflecting or even during i have realized that me and the person were saying the same thin in different ways. That is how it is in every religion. They all speak of loving one another, but for some reason we feel it neccessary to put one above the other and say that God can only speak in this way. That is putting God in a box. God is everything. He can speak in everyway. Why is the image of God so different from person to person. Because God's image has infinite qualities and infinite perceptions. how else can he see and know all other that to see all in every possible way? We have been fighting a battle that has not been proven to be beneficial. WE are born into one experience and in arrogance we pretend to know all others. We pretend we can judge another person based on their differences to us. How dare you speak the name of Christ as if you knew what he stood for. How dare you try to compare him to your Mohammad. How there you speak the name of Mohammad as if you grew up in a world where people knew him and meditated on his principle. You come from one perspective and try to judge another. You cannot see from that view, you have not lived from that view. The absolute mystery is that we seem to act as if this brings us closer to God or enlightenment. Intolerance and disrespect. Bias and judgment. Wrath and condemnation. it is interesting how the Gods that we esteem seem to have those same qualities. Now my observations are not meant to anger anyone, they are meant as merely observation. If you are seeking the way to love and enlightenment it observable that you are going in the wrong direction. There is no struggle other than the ones that have been CREATED by the hardening of ones heart against his fellow man. The kingdom of God is inside you. Love is eternal. Does anyone have something to say?
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That is an interesting perspective. I am sure i thought of some of that before, but for the most part i agree. well said. I am an atheist, i think. I don't believe in God but I can understand your message. It also gives me a little tingling sensation. Makes me wanna believe in God. I don't think it will last very long. Oops. Gone. I was right.
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love is that thing which refuses to be "boxed in". from dirt to life, life's first definition is that thing that breaks the rules. logic & math seem to say thing fall from top to bottom.... or on a more macro level, Things Fall In... to the center of the earth. but life Knows to Get Out. Trees grow UP away from death. conciousness...creativity is that thing which is smart enough to break the rules. Life Finds OUT. it discovers eternity. there's no death. no life. only shades of complex vibration. religion is the death of creativity. we cling in hope of some rule which holds true. but all truth has to say is you're free to do as ye will. cultivate your will to become more alive and you'll see there's no death. when you're no longer afraid to try, to give everything you have, only then will you allow yourself to clearly see that not only will you live forever but you'll try forever. these commonalities of the ascended masters reflect simplicity, service, humility, humor... it becomes obvious. if u honestly look you will find the path. if you don't look for it, eventually life will show you it. pain eventually leads to compassion. I have found that at any given moment it is our choice to celebrate happiness in everything! remember this. a kiss. a slap. it's all good. without complaint you are free. with gratitude you are one.
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Christ without the cross
That was beautiful? I loved it. i have heard your voice and it is in harmony with mine. Those are the things that I believe. We have constructed limits. We have imaginined limitations. We have chosen to be restricted. That which is free can never be held back. We have yet to understand that the world we live in offers absolute freedom and we have yet to use it. If we realized this we would be gracious for every moment for every moment has sprung from perfect freedom. Religion becomes a bind for those who make it one. Choosing to be religious is an act of freedom as well so I have no objection to religion. It only bothers me (which even that should not) when people use it to limit and control others, to rob others of THEIR freedom. The path is there but because of the uniqueness of all beings the path is never the same for everyone. But all paths that lead to ultimate happiness lie in the same ABSOLUTES. Faith hope and love. And the greatest of these is LOVE.
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You like talking about this stuff huh. I had another moment where i wanted to believe again but it passed. But i do think you have a good perspective even though you keep sprouting all this "God" stuff. Well, hey. Good luck with that one.
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Christ without the cross
I really want people to respond to this. Tell me what you guys think the ultimate mystery is. Does anyone have any thoughts. Please post them here.
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Chris aka Christ without the cross
It's a mystery how I still manage to love you so much after all this time. I thought i would hate you by now. Right now you are probably with someone else. Life is strange that way. When i am with someone else, i think of you. You is where my heart always returns. I guess that is where my heart wants to be. So even though you may be with him, i still remember all the times you stare into my eyes and i into yours and that brings me joy. Today you told me you loved me. Today I loved you more.
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chris without a T, tap that "acid". I wrote something which you may be so inclined to print out, cut into little squares, and put on your tongue! it's as if I put the words right in your mouth. :) L7_pusher.
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Christ without the cross
I would be lying if i understood what the heck you were trying to tell me. I read "acid" . I found it intriguing but I am having trouble seeing the connection. Please enlighten me. Maybe it was because it was late. I'll read it again.
what's it to you?