andrew@benicetobears.com probably the most accepted REAL swear word there is right now. also the most overused. 980819
kristin@newdream.net ...but so much fun to say when you really mean it. 980819
Dallas everyone else who is driving when I am in a hurry 980913
Lucifer Anyone who hands you a dribble glass full of piss.
emma it is overused. especially by me. especially when I'm thinking about Jared. "Fuck that fucking, fucking motherfucking motherfucker" is the kind of thing that's liable to come out of my mouth when I'm thinking about him.
Where'd the phrase "potty mouth" come from anyway?
vlas I can't believe you fuckers have so much to say about this word. 990206
daxle I'm probably as bad of a driver as you, but right now my unthoughtful wrath growls "fucker" 990517
Matt Charles DooDah. he's a bastard. I will wear shorts at work.. and i will like it. 990625
Lamont one who fucks 990625
Nate higgins Is it resentment of someone else who unabashedly derives pleasure from the physical aspect of sex? Is it secretly everyone wishes they could stand tall and with a strong voice proudly call themselves a fucker? Well I shall take the first step toward honesty to myself. "Ahem, I sir am a fucker and be damned anyone who thinks less of me for it." 991030
BoofPixie i never mean to hurt anyone's feelings with it. when crushes tease me i punch them on the arm and say "fucker." but it sounds like "i wanna hump your leg." 000308
birdmad A friend who i treated like a brother.
A backstabbing pig.

If i hadn't shown up when i had, you bastard, your appendix would have burst like a fucking ballon inside your worthless body.

It's funny, it really is.

You used her, you cheated on her and turned it around and tried to make it look like her fault.

All the same, she gave you a second chance, which you wasted anyway
(or maybe she wised up)

Later, i had to live with the distrust that should always have been meant for you.

Just be glad you're not worth the energy it would take to feed you to your dogs.

kristen one who fucks!! yay!! and we all know it sure does feel good! so if all u fuckers out there, would just go and get leid, ud all b better people..... 000515
s bastard 000522
grendel Blade Runner, 1982:

TYRELL: And what exactly do you want, then?

ROY: More life, fucker.
Jack DeLaughter i think that it's ok to be a fucker because fuckers have just as much the right to freedom as anybody, but if you don't like them, then go ahead, put them down, then they will put you down and you will start a fight, why fight? there is no purpose, it doesn't get anybody anywhere, only fuckers fight 000626
Shiftography only fighters fuck, it was written across the wall, smeared like bleary morning sight, I sat up jerklike in bed absently massaging my ventral ventricle, though it did not belong to Roy Sensory... this fella was one piece of work. you wouldn't believe, but we digested him in just under half an hour... and a CLEAN hour, too. you should have fuckering seen it, you sweat merchant... I asked him why his eyes glinted so, and he just said that this life was like tears in rain, before expiring like Stephen Wright's birth certificate 010302
Annie111 That fucker. 011127
ClairE That_fucker. 011127
ClairE fucker_dog 011218
bzzmel fucker fucker FUCKER 011219
jess of the mother variety 020328
FUCKJASON Jason, i fucking hate you. That's it you lousy FUCKER. i don't care how overused this fucking word is, i hate hate hate you. You who say you don't want to make me feel like a slut but you've never looked me in the eye. Fuck you, call me, i want you to so badly. I'll come to your house and just bite you off i live for the day when you tell me that i make YOU feel like whore 020618
Rickster Fucker is just the sheeps way of saying Baah' 021225
the usual suspect gimme the fucking keys, you fucking fucker. 021225
*darkstar* For all the times you spat on my emotions
You lowsey piece of shit_faced cock_sucker
How dare you throw around my love like the Sunday Times
Fuck you and all your self ritious bullshit because I am through
Willie Republican. 030528
niska some fucker on our floor has a cat. i could smell it getting off the elevator. it's hot, humid and stagnant today. either open the window or turn on the air, and for god sakes, scoop out the litter!

how can anyone live like that?
god cats are like vermin 030530
Evilair FUCKER

came home tonight
and i felt like i'd die of loneliness
strange you think

looking for a simple life
but life ain't simple
i'm tired and sick
but i don't wanna be alone

i'll go to a party
but i don't really want to
for now i'm sitting out here on my porch
writing in the dark air
listening to my little black cat meow

trying to vent some of the terrible passion
that's coursing through me
something about you
something about spending the afternoon
asleep in your arms

i hate you

copyright 1996, 2003 EELStheband.com
D D 040819
dez fucking fucker thats what i have to say....... to men everywhere that don't listen to there girlfriends they say they love you then forget about you when there is a new pc game in the house fuckers fuck fuckadi fucker..!!! 050408
the fucker shorter and more pointed than motherfucker 050413
sad_bitch some who fucks - hey! most of us are fuckers @ one point or another. hehe. 050413
mitc people who are assholes, pornographers, teachers and parents.
they keep talking
never shut up
and are genuinely black asphalt
they big asses like lushwan's at notheast highschool 4th period geometry w/ m.meyer

who's jiggels
like the song
shake it and jiggle it
shake it and jiggle it
shake it and jiggle it
shake it ang jiggle shorty
ertehrthe ertehrthe 060919
the girl of my dreams is dead This shit will FUCK you up 060919
The girl of my dreams is dead ertehrthe 060919
The girl of my dreams is dead check out ertehrthe ertehrthe ertehrthe ertehrthe ertehrthertertehrthe ehrthe erteertehrthe hrthe e ertehrthe 060919
ertehrthe ertehrthe 060923
Ouroboros I want to punch my brother in the face. Stupid selfish stoned prick. Comes in here like he owns the place and gets high and invites people over. Asshole. Our mom has cancer and is starting chemo next week and specifically told you you weren't welcome to stay the summer because you drive her crazy, and you still come her and plead ignorance. Stupid shithead. So selfish. So ignorant. So stoned for so long that you can't see out of your maze of lies. I hope the world kicks you in the ass and face and leaves you to wake the fuck up alone in the gutter. 090714
Ouroboros It's been a long time since I've been consumed with rage like today. I don't like being like that. Presence. Breathing. Pause before reaction. What is the root of the emotion. Catch it before it becomes a tsunami coming back at me. 090714
Ouroboros Plus my mom just had a conversation with me telling me that if she doesn't make it, I have to be the one looking out for him. 090714
Ouroboros Congrats! You've failed all your classes and been kicked out of school, wasting thousands of dollars of our parents' hard-earned money. You've gotten yourself addicted to pain medications that you've ordered by the hundreds on the internet, with our parents' money. And now you are forcing our cancer-ridden mother to drive you to rehab? Fuck you. So selfish, as always. I hope your withdraw is painful and continues to make you puke. 100106
Ouroboros Tramadol! Way to pick the drug that has the worst withdrawal and is easiest to have a seizure on! Hope your 3-6 months in rehab goes well. Asshole. 100107
. You should make him read this. Out loud. In front of friends and family. 100107
Ourboros No- these words are just for me to express- I think he'll get enough face time with his issues in rehab with the therapy, group therapy, and family therapy. 100108
Ouroboros A new record has been reached- you managed to get kicked out of the one rehab center that would take you (that our parents would pay for)- and now you are sleeping at the home of a friend and demanding our parents help you and rethink their request that you find a job and an apt and get tested once a week. Fuck you. 100225
unhinged no more benzos
NO more benzos
no MORE benzos
no more BENZOS

is it really that hard to figure out?
squishyfish squishyfish 101111
what's it to you?
who go