typhoid so we've already nominated forbidden_zone (see ask_schleiffen_man), i'd like to put a few more into this category.. for one, plan 9 from outer space. stared bela lugosi, but he died two days after filming started, so they just get this tall guy to play his part and hold a cape in front of his face the whole time. it's about pompous aliens who think they can take over the earth by resurrecting a graveyard in the san fernado valley. while forbidden zone got 1.5 stars (certain rating system, out of 4), this got "bomb". hehe.
of course, this guy also rated blade_runner and wizards as 1.5 stars. "when dinosaurs ruled the earth" got 3, the movie with scantily clad men and women who only utter 27 cavewords throughout the entire film. rosemary's_baby got 4, and while it is good it's still pretty damn whacked.
this system is crazed. hmm. i think john carpenter's "the fog", with the hundred year old dead lepers, and christine, the psychopathic car movie. and, though i've never seen it, miss_45, the nun with a gun movie.
oh, and of course! the falls! peter greenaway's three hour long horribly obscure fictional documentary!
whirligirl Boxing Helena
birdmad liquid_sky

find it, rent it, watch it, see if you don't agree.

early 80's new_wave sci_fi

and the music was even worse than the rest of the film
"me and my rythm box"
Brad Class Reunion Massacre was pretty bad. OH yeah... i walked by one in the video store called "Franken-Hooker." Of course i've never seen it... but i think just for the title it deserves honorable mention. 000702
The Schleiffen Man Maximum Overdrive and My Bloody Valentine... two from my own personal collection... i couldn't pass them up at 4 bux a pop 000703
erin the actual worst movies also fall into the category of 'hilariously bad.' those are the ones where nothing was done right at all, to the point where it's just fun to watch their campy lack of hollywood slick. movies like that actually give you a kick, even if it's not the one intended. no, those aren't really the worst. much worse are movies that either attempt a serious point and miss by a longshot. also in this bin are movies that have sizable budgets or recognizable stars paired with a script written by an autistic gorilla. a list off the top of my head: waterworld, suburbia, 200 cigarettes, 8 heads in a duffel bag, your friends and neighbors, the avengers, speed 2, apt pupil, and....the kicker...independence day. i know that last one is almost traitorous, because it's minutes past july 4th, but it deserves it's rightful place. how anyone can sit throught that thing without counting its plot holes is beyond me. anyway, these movies left me bored, annoyed, and wishing i had my time and money back! 000704
grendel let us not forget the blair_witch_project 000704
jennifer HEY! I like forbidden_zone 000705
typhoid i'm not sure anything that's come out in the 90's in the "normal" theatres could be considered the worst (or best) movie... it's like they arnt really even movies. or something.
what does deserve to be on this list is
caltiki, the immortal monster. "A flying saucer lands, and what looks like a heap of cheap carpets gets out. (This is supposed to be a Monster from Outer Space)" that destroyed the mayan empire and is coming back...
typhoid the "official" imdb worst movie

"There are bad movies that are enjoyable due to their schlock factor, and there are bad movies that are just bad. Chicken Park is one of the latter. It's the sort of movie that if you were flicking channels at 3AM, you would be better off with infomercials."
stan combat shock is right down there..it falls into erin's first catagory, but still manages to make yourself promise never to watch it again...if you lasted through it the first time 000803
Barrett Con Air, Con Air, Con Air.
There are many bad B-horror films, but most are intensionally bad.
This was a multi-million, market research, give the people what they want, or what we want them to want to, waste of film.
Hollywood, yet again, has come forth to insult the few organisms on this planet with a shred of thought in their heads with a "formula" that fuck'n sheep would find enthralling.

And fuck all Jim Carrey and David Spade pictures.

Sorry, just venting.
Matt I am the kind of guy(not to lump myself into a category, because I am most likely not like the other people I am referring to, except that I like lots of movies) who can watch many, many different movies, and see them over and over again without often getting bored, but there are a few movies that, even just thinking back on having watched them, I want to stab myself in the eyes with something big and sharp, preferably jagged, and then kill myself very painfully, while burning my brain to forget.

The ones I can bring myself to mention now without running into a wall of protruding poles to hang coats on are Blood Diner: I know B horror movies are supposed to be bad, but I am sorely tempted to maim and kill my idiot friends who rented this, Live Nude Girls: again, although I don't remember if it was on TV or rented, but this is the one reason I would have to kill one of my closest friends. And the title is a complete lie, sort of. These are oldish women, in this movie, the farthest thing in the world from girls, there's not much nudity as I recall, but it's not worth sitting through this crap anyway, and these people are certainly not live. But you wish throughout the movie that they were very, very dead, and Little Witches(I'm pretty sure that's the name): OHMYGOD!!! The WORST friggin' movie I have ever had the horrible misfortune to come in contact with. Thank God I broke up with the jerk who suggested renting this bad piece of crap! It just does not even come close to being as bad as this. Christ!!!

Now, I must apologize for bitching so much and taking up so much space, but I just had to warn you all, as I figure I should, because you can't really know how bad a movie is until you see it, and no one should see these movies I have described. Seriously, watch at your own risk.

God speed.
silentbob the ice cream man starring clint howard 010717
kingsuperspecial for the most part, just about everything that the hollywankers put out these days it bad bad bad.

"Mission to Mars" stands out in my mind, because while we were watching it people were cracking jokes at the screen. It was like watching a movie in grade school, or MST2K. funny. I also liked the really poorly scripted opening scene, that was a big party where all of the characters "developed" themselves with atrocious dialog.

"Hi Tom, my old highschool friend who's wife just died causing your reliablity as an astronaut to come into question."

"Oh hi, Jean, my college who has a reputation as a rebel but can be counted on when there is tense moment and will do a lot of yelling later in the script"

atrocious. I would have left, but the people cracking jokes during the movie were actually pretty funny.
yummyC yeah...mission to mars.
hate that movie.
The Truth ever since I developed the ability to spot the difference between a real movie and an oversized commercial with a crust that's stuffed with hollywood cheese, I don't even bother wasting my time on movies like monkey bone, or The mummy 2. I certainly boycotted Dude where's my car for a long time, but my friend rented it one night, and we had no plans or money, so we just decided to watch it. All we had was some weed, and comfy chairs. It couldn't be that bad.

I mean, some movies are of a "so stupid it's funny" caliper, but this didn't even qualify for that! Even though we were stoned, and would have laughed at things that weren't funny, this movie just insulted our intelligence and I was literally embarassed for the poor actors in this movie.
mmm moulan rouge (don't know how to spell it), it sucked ass. i would have rather been doing shots of drain-o than watching that movie. 010717
Aimee Bring It On.... I can not believe I sat through that... I didn't want to be rude and just walk out.... but god almighty... I thought I was going to die from lack of intellectual stimulation. 010717
Aragorn the porno I bought last week for 5 bucks 010717
carden cube...the worst acting i have ever seen 010831
unhinged now if you have ever been surrounded by mass amounts of cheerleaders like i was in milwaukee, that movie becomes much more entertaining because sadly enough there is a lot of truth in it. 010831
jenny enny dots "Manos: The Hands of Fate" 040123
Strideo so_bad_they're_good_movies?
what's it to you?
who go