spikey-ho when you look into a million eyes and stare into a million souls and think "Aww shit." People are screwed, everything's screwed. 991231
hakdiggy i love this word, and the play the misanthrope too. it showed me that i wasn't alone. damn, what a good word 991231
unhinged i know a boy that likes to proclaim that he is a misanthrope but i think he's just hiding.

i broke him down with honesty and every now and then we have moments of lucidity with each other. "i had a dream last night and (he) looked just like a dream..."
(or something)
boat man didn't the door squeak?
or was it the taste of that special Bisto sauce which did the trick?
crimson We used to sit and talk about how we felt. Sometimes people listened in but they didn't know what we meant.
At OT they asked her how she was feeling and she said "Misanthropic." The nurse just blinked and moved on to the next patient.
crimson This word rolls out of my mouth like smooth beads and settles in the contours of my collar bone. It is my necklace of solitude and disdane. 030928
crimson *disdain 030928
grendel i hate people, and in keeping with the old adage about love, i learned how to properly hate myself first before i hated anybody else, after all, with six billion people in the world, i needed the practice, no? 030928
misstree i'm a people.
misanthropes hate me.
their loss.
oldEphebe i must confess..i have always had subtly misanthropic tendencies..it's just that its hard to find an original soul..it just seemed to me that every one was some banal permutation on some played out theme..maybe that's why prose and jazz appealed to me so much as a young man striding wild in the ungoverned passions of my truculent youth. I got so tired of hearing parents, teachers, preachers, friends (execpt for this really precient, pecosious strawberry blonde..who had the maturity of a 26 year old at the age of 16..i wonder if she realises what a genious she is..every one fixated upon her endowments..i was always in awe of her mind..mostly..but aside from her..and some adults who were like 10 15 years older than i and who swam in that restless eclectic anti-confluential tide) every one just mimed the same things..BORING!!! here you poor pigmented pubescent..here are some platitudes..a few crumbs of faciley projected concern to help you apprehend the world of priveledge..or whatever..dopes..c'mon lets juxtapose say beethoven against the innnovations of frank zappa..lets deconstruct some of those vapid syllogisms and b.f. skinner despotisms of our so called ruling class..bah!! i'd get these looks like..what? you're not supposed to speak to us as if we're equals..and any way..you're not supposed to be able to apprehend those things any way.. we made sure you wouldn't learn about them in school..blah..blah..i'm in major rambling mode today..orthodoxies..blech!maybe i'm not misanthropic but i really loathe the whole worship and goostepping to the pap of pop culture..plastic people with no depth..and the only knowledge they have is the specialty of their major or field they work in..of course since every one here, or mostly, every one here is a pretty good pooper of the prose..and a book to most of us is not some relic of a quickly dissapating age..i'm probably not alone in my sentiments..
grrrrrrrrr-endel well, okay, not quite everybody, but even if i factor out the people to whom the big nasty paintbrush of my antipathy doesn't reach, that's still billions_and_billions.

as we creep closer and closer to an election year, whole demographic groups climb higher and higher on my shit-list
misstree may be a bitch but shes still a hippie ...seemed to me that every one was some banal permutation on some played out theme... -oldephebe

indeed, i wish i could argue against that, but really i can't... i fight my own misanthropy every day, because it's easy to hate, to look down your nose, to avoid and dismiss, but it's not right and it's not fair... i have my own opinoins, my own tolerances, my own quirks and loves and hates, and so does every single human being out there... if someone has a different opinoin than my own, let's say they're even a media moron, loving what they're spoon-fed, well, who's to say that society wouldn't be better if we were all that way? that i'm the aberrant, the one that messes up the grand scheme? (harrison_bergeron the movie comes to mind.) even aside from people's impact (or lack thereof) on society, each person has their own memories, their own pains, their own reasons for being a small representative of many larger demographics, and each damn one of them is unique (see mathemagical proof at stereotype). maybe it's that this sorostitute likes sushi, while that one craves pad thai (mmmm, pad thai.), but it's still a difference.

what it all amounts to is that i refuse to hate someone until i know them, and i refuse to dismiss someone until they personally prove themselves worthless. even if it's just a brain to plant a virus in, everyone has value. and i'd prefer if people not go around hating or dismissing me before they give me a chance to offend them (though it usually doesn't take long), so i believe it to be only right that i extend the same courtesy to the rest of the hairless meatbags who sharing the unwholesome distinction of being human.
short and stout It's everything you hate in a person, yet it thrives deep in your soul... 040311
my ruin24 welcome home miss anne thrope 040312
misstree i'm losing my ability to care about not being a misanthrope. "so hooray for me, and fuck you." -bad_religion 040312
unhinged there will always be greedy fucks in the world. all the activism on the planet won't change that. but, when those greedy fucks own and operate the system, there is no point in even trying to change the world.

the jokes on you though fuckers. i would be content with $50k/yr but you make me work seven days a week for $30k/yr and then tell me i'm lazy and stupid on top of it. and now you want me to play ball and vote for hillary. as my liberal talk radio youtube hosts put it, since i live in a solidly blue state, i think i can afford to symbolically avoid the polls this fall. as much as your lackeys keep trolling people on their stupidity of desiring a third party, you have been so thoroughly incompetent that we don't give a shit what you say about us anymore. there aren't two parties anymore anyways. all of you assholes do whatever the money tells you and we all know it. until the money stops coming from private citizens there is no reason to pay attention to politics.

(bernie is supporting down ticket progressives and even getting them to run for state office in kansas, so maybe by the time i end up in a nursing home the fucking damage the tea party inflicted on this country will finally be repaired; maybe i will be too demented to see the difference)
tail-devouring snake I am, half the time, like some postmodern Jekyll_and_Hyde 160811
flowerock. After driving through a forest_fire in the redwoods, seeing giant trees burning, feeling the heat through the window. The ladies at the shop said someone had to start it intentionally. If someone could really do that... why? 160811
flowerock. But maybe we shouldn't be driving through the forest either. 160812
what's it to you?
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