lemon soda to: unhinged

i think it might be better for you to have a direct conversation with this guy, i'm not sure that other people especially strangers really give that much of a shit about your broken heart.
no reason ouch.

i completely disagree. even if you're able to have a direct conversation with whomever you're referencing, that should in no way mean talking about your feelings and experiences here or elsewhere should be off-limits. it's a healthy thing to do, and is occasionally necessary to maintain some sort of sanity. besides, isn't this supposed to be an uncensored website?

it's also good for other people who are going through similar situations to read this stuff and realize they're not alone.

i say write on, unhinged. i, for one, give a shit.
no reason and that was supposed to be "you're" in the general sense 100824
grendel i'm with no_reason on this one...

this was always a place where i felt i could say whatever i could not always say out loud, things where i could not always find the right time or place to say out in the_really_real_world

i know it's ten years later and i'm a lot more sane and whole than i was back in the early years, but still, if anyone found my musings, complaints, etc. tiresome...

well, you know what?

just remember this


i like to think we've all learned a fair bit about each other through the scars we've compared and the wounds we've held open for collective probing and examination and as a result, i think we're all a little better for it.
LEMON SODA RESPONDING I'm not surprised Lemon_Soda is a cocksucker 100824
lostgirl we all write for different reasons...

i am relatively new around here, but i must say, for all the heartbreak and emotion i have spilled into the blather pages, no one has been more supportive than you, unhinged.... and believe me, it does not go unappreciated to have a kindred spirit out there.

and for the record, perhaps these people who have been so blatantly rude have not read enough to discover what a truly talented writer you are.

so, girl, write_on....your thoughts and feelings are ALWAYS worth putting into words.
jane it's just a troll, darling. they come in and start_fires and leave. i know you are feeling especially vulnerable to the general populace right now, but don't let some weirdo get under your skin. 100825
Doar that impersonation was very uncalled for.

bring your own identity to the wall and answer for it.

such a hiding you have portrayed.

a coward in your words.

unhinged um

that doesn't sound like something lemon soda would say. so either it wasn't him, or he was having a bad day or something.

and in this particular case the person in question doesn't really give a shit about my broken heart either. so *shrugs*

thanks no_reason , grendel, lostgirl, jane. i've said it numerous times before but my blather_friends are actually some of my best friends in the world. you guys know all my secrets and feelings; things i generally don't share in my day to day life.

ps. i'm going to be in the phoenix area in october cause my parents live near there now. maybe we can have a minicon or something.
unhinged oops

thanks doar
daxle I often find myself reading your words and wishing that I had the magic words to hand to you that would end your cycles of suffering. Probably, I should focus on compassion instead. Next time I'm dishing out the metta, I'll throw some your way, for whatever it's worth. 100830
n o m you_are_loved 100830
unhinged thanks daxle. i'm definitely stuck on the wheel, but if i've learned anything in the past year, it is that i would rather give my heart away than hold on to it. i want to give. it is ingrained in me. when i close myself off, hold onto my anger, i am definitely more miserable. but, i'll take metta from whoever wants to throw it at me ;-)

thanks nom. it's easy to forget people love you when the one person you want more than anything just wants to keep you in their back pocket for a rainy day.
birdmad if and when you do pass thru PHX i'll see if i can't burn a couple of vacation days to knock around town for a bit 100901
unhinged it is not so much if, as exactly when. my parents live in eloy (?) about 40 min north. they moved there in may to a retirement community. i have mixed feelings about that; my parents are only 56.

but i will be near and around phoenix the weekend before my birthday, october 11th. my mother has been harassing the shit out of me to come visit ever since they moved, but being of the fair_skinned northern persuasion i told my mom there was no way i was coming to visit in the summer. this summer didn't seem to make that much of a difference. 95 degrees 80% humidity here, 110 degrees 20% humidity there. i wilt with steam. maybe i would have faired better in the desert this year.
lg my parents live in a retirement community in SC....i'm with you on the age thing, i tell them it's like overnight camp for old people....and they agree. but there is this: my favorite aunt and uncle live in a similar community in the phoenix area....perhaps a visit is in order? i know i can't do october, but perhaps another time there may be some randomish blather_karmic reason to be there? 100901
karltheweed unhinged you are an inspiration and an amazing writer and i wish that i had a fraction of the talent that you have
and don't be modest and act like you're not a genius cause you kick ass and i'm sure you don't deserve any of the shit life hands you... i really mean it every time i come here your writing is scattered throughout the site and it makes me want to drop everything in my life and start writing more terrible poetry in an effort to someday be able to write like you do! 3 3 3 please don't_ever_ever_ever_stop!
unhinged karl (thank you for those super nice and encouraging words)

you fucking lurker. come back and write with me.

(writing was the first thing i wanted to do with my life. then i heard someone play the violin. that was twenty years ago. damn i'm old)
unhinged hey_lg

talk to me in february. i'm sure i'll be ready for another trip to the desert around then. i have a horrible feeling it's going to be ass_crack_cold here in wisconsin this winter
birdmad Eloy...


eep. I have no wheels (nor a currently valid license. i got severely jammed up a number of years ago for being broke and under-employed and have not particularly felt like coughing up the remaining half of the fines i racked up...made me feel like Capone must have felt...committed all sorts of crimes i got away with for years, finally get jammed up for a series of traffic offenses)

any part of that trip bringing you through Phoenix at all?
past i slipped away, hit an entropy in life, which kind of continues, but isn't a bad thing. life picked me up and grounded me in my placefulness. i walked, ran, cycled my city. put seed and plant into ground and ate the produce. i recentred my life exactly where i wanted to, and make only small turns each day. i'm happy but remember your letters and know i never responded and am sorry. 100902
a SECRET ADMIRER unhinged... you need some romancing! 100908
unhinged bird - well, i am flying in and out of phoenix. other than that, not sure if i will be spending time there. i also will be without a vehicle. (i've never driven a car in my life) hhhmmmm

past - holy shit. i have contemplated writing you again to see how you are. my life disintegrated into a shitstorm since the last we talked. i'm finally getting somewhat back to normal.

SA - romance is kinda played out for me these days, but i am a hopeless romantic, a sucker if you will.
harglaglarglar harglaglarglar 101104
fghio fghio 101116
what's it to you?
who go