unhinged i figure email is off limits these days but if you haven't noticed, my life is kinda overwhelming these days.

sorry i'm a little stalled out on our story. my life beats any fiction right now.

and i actually kinda hate drama in real_life. it hurts me. literally. my stomach gets all upset and shit.
lg no worries regarding the story. it is writing itself actually...we can put it into words whenever...the cave is not going to get lost. i may jump in with some material that presented itself during the weekend if time permits:)

as for real life drama...

i get that too. believe me. and i don't do well with it either. i can't seem to eat when drama enters the scope of daily life. perhaps a change of season and a change of scenery will help...i'm continuously amazed at the seemingly never ending rabbit hole i've managed to dig for myself.

i'm reading 'the places that scare you' and having some remarkable epiphanies about all that's gone on in my world(s) in the past year. taking little steps one_by_one...

hang in there...
unhinged sorry i've been slack on our story. ex_boyfriend s on valium and friends_with_benefits have been making my life hellishly complicated recently.

but i've been pushed over the edge and got down with the cut_and_run in parts or all of some of those situations.

and i did some very 'interesting' research for our story last week.

hope your life is a little less complicated than mine right now.
lostgirl hey my blather_friend

no worries, i was just whining like i do. my life is a merry_go_round as well...i wish and long for stillness and quiet, but alas, not just yet.

can't wait to see what your research produces...something 'spicy' perhaps?
unhinged I tried to make some stillness in my life today and I got tears instead.

My research was very spicy indeed. But I finally have to get my taxes in order and I'm babysitting a former student and his siblings tomorrow night. I will try soon.

We make our own stillness
unhinged check out :


her newest entries were like a comforter
unhinged you don't have to miss me you know...unless you do; you know what i mean

i went past the graffiti lion i sent you a pic of over the winter when he was covered in snow and thought of you. i almost texted you but thought maybe i shouldn't.

you have no idea how much 'research' i've done for our story. i've been kinda mia around here cause i started dating a boy almost two months ago that i met at the wine bar. in many many ways, he is the best boy i've ever had a relationship with. so i've been too busy being in love to be writing here much. but leaving milwaukee is totally gonna suck now *sigh*
lostgirl i do know what you mean
and i don't
(have to)

but i will make the choice to.

(alas, the present minefield i traverse daily still threatens)


i've been a slacker on our story as well for no reasons other than i've been working my ass off and dealing with a shit_storm that seems to want to linger indefinitely.

but ya know something? i can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and even with all the craziness that is currently afoot, i am truly content and settled. if that makes any sense at all.

so.....don't_lose_my_number just yet....

for now, blather_is_golden. we should get pandora's into present time somehow....it was just winter, and now its ninety friggin' degrees.

how did that happen?

great on you that you found a special guy. even if he will be missed significantly when you make your unhinged_in_seattle move, he will have impacted your life for reasons known and unknown....you know this, of course, because you've given me similar encouragement.

hang in there sister....the best is yet to come.
unhinged just listen to some brother_ali : he inspired me to 'stay calm in a shit_storm ' and the beats were just infectious enough to get my ass moving which is generally a great concrete way for me to chase away stress

his words are pretty awesome inspiration to be true under any circumstances too; the lyrics of walking_away were my anthem to move on from the relationship i had to keep boxed_up for way too long. that and the_loser_wins by atmosphere fell into my lap at around the same time as my shambhala_training was urging me to be courageous but gentle so it was like the universe came together in one singular point of encouragement.

me and the new special boy are going to try to keep it going when i move. we are both weary of it but i think we are both also old_enough to realize the value of what we have found with each_other; that finding someone to share your life with in a way where you can sit on the couch together on a weekend morning drinking coffee reading books and magazines with the cat curled up between has an unspeakable value to it. so we are going to try the long_distance_love although we have both acknowledged that it is not as satisfying on the physical front.

i have been going through all my shit all morning making 'keep' and 'discard' piles because a friend is coming over to pick through stuff i don't want anymore this afternoon. i finally feel as if i am making headway with all this shit. i used to be able to fit all my possessions into a couple suitcases. those were the days. what the hell happened?

new_ink is headed my way this friday and it's going to be sweet. the artist was excited about the design concept so that's always a plus.

not sure how much time i will have in the next two weeks to contribute to our story, but i do have a 44 hour amtrak trip coming up starting on the 29th ;-) i will get the ideas rolling back around in my brainpan
what's it to you?
who go