daxle rips you a new one for free
do you really think you're going to make any of us turn to religion with blind threats? what are you, a baptist? let he who is without sin cast the first stone, right? are you without sin? I didn't think so. sure, jesus_saves you're just another human, though, and one who is currently disobeying the principles put forth by the bible. stick that in your fucking pipe.
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GOD HATERS! CHRIST HATERS CHRIST O PHOBES ALL or most yea They're right.. You ought to be afraid God's got your tails
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yay daxle!
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oh yea Carrie says youre a big mouth But ,its ok, we forgive you
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and you have no love
daxles on his way to Hell he is just a jangly bell kling klack yaccity yack moving mouth headed south Hells real warm and you have no love 1Cor13 dax, jane etc.
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Theres only One God and we'll all have to answer to Him someday Could be today Are you ready?
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daxle (SHE)
doom, doom, DOOOOM says ms.bitters
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she wasnt bitter she was beautiful i could see her through her words and i miss her alot more sweet than you know bet
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I'm just not sure that any of those opening points were original enough to really "rip" anyone a "new one." I mean c'mon, Christianity's critics have been using the "Judge not lest ye be judged" tact forever. Like centuries. I'm not Christian, but I really didn't feel the burn there. I don't think any Christian would have either. It's just a pretty stale angle.
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Holy Shit. I have been here about a week, and already I can see this is the shit some people were discontented about, and at the time, I thought 'Why be so misaligned - people can write whatever they want to here, for any reason, right?' I understand how discussions can emerge here and there, because I've read some really interesting thoughts and ideas, and either felt compelled to expand on them, or even ask about them, but this is just bullshit. If everyone's leaving their comments like this is a forum, fine, here's mine: With freedom comes responsibility. Everyone can come here and is free to express themselves in any way the feel fit. There is no purpose though, to going out of your way (and you are, bible thumper - sitting at your computer, taking time out of your life, or lack of one, shows a motivated effort) to get on other people's nerves, simply because you know you will. I'm not saying you can't; You can do whatever you feel compelled to, and if people disagree with you pandering your religion here, they can and deserve no attack when you attacked EVERYONE in the first place. I'm going to choose to ignore you "God", regardless of your efforts. And I'm sure this will earn me some type of backlash - This does not concern me. It may never even go away, but who cares? If you're going to be hostile enough to provoke a response from people who you don't even know, and didn't do anything to deserve your abuse, then you deserve to be segregated. Daxle: You make a valid point, and I appreciate the fact that you called this shit out of the box. But I see also that you're hardly getting a response worth taking seriously. It's unfortunate. Crap like this makes me need a cigarette, which I'm sure the next blathe here will indicate I'll be going straight to hell for. I'll continue reading, but I refuse to speak of this again. Thanks for listening.
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tom waits
don't you know there ain't no devil? there's just god when he's drunk
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the anus is made up of very thin tissue
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satan satan satan
Sheeeit! Y'all don't want me comin' out there and busting my pitchfork upside everyone's ass, now. (ghetto stylee)
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and God said Let us be real.. Joda your words your entire tone is simply evocative of the sprinkling of Anti-Christian sentiment all over this forum Your words are bigoted, ignorant,(sorry,of us,and what Christans have said here,yes it's un enlightened ..as we've "attacked" no one.. ) God forbid we would though then, thye want us to be 'Christ' Himself. If you Joda use the same words Joda wrote above and apply them to YOURSELVES then look back at your words, and your words to Christians you may see a thing you can't face- or just don't care about.. Part of that reality is You guys don't really want Christians here.. If you do, and they speak on God or their faith or relationship with Him you term it a 'personal ' 'attack' or 'affront' No.. you don't really want Christians here Don't talk about ''freedom'' in places like this.Simply not true It's bogus and a one way street , 'yours'.. Ask any Christian whos stayed here and left..or changed their name and significantly watered down their words heart or sentiment You want us to lie? And say you guys have been warm to us? Kind? Obliging? friendly? decent? You haven't A large clump of you have been significantly (not) hiding A thinly veiled hate (or contempt) towards Christians..Most of us see it quite clearly. Or in getting attacked, mocked, pre judged and spured here..will.. So, let_us_be_real blather.newdream doesn't want Christians here.Or at least its current participants don't.. And unless we see a substantial amount of them or others here volleying in on our behalf why we 'should' stay here (or want to) We won't Joda..it's because (sorry) of people like you and some others who have done nothing but offer up..what we'd call 'mindless rhetoric'about us (Christians) and other such attacks on US (look around..and tell yourself the truth)- that we go and we walk away hurt sad many im sure teary eyed dissappointed some maybe deeply angered or annoyed All feeling rejected, here, in this place. Why? Because we (Christians) have feelings as you all do But you all wax on about 'tolerance' For some and this is what we've seen on blather, 'tolerence' is just a veiled term for mis trust surely hostility, or, as I said ,contempt Keep it up and you can pass out big hats and cigars and make yourselves an 'old boys' club Special handshakes It's not just you.. Alot of secular groups and online enterprises are this.. Most Christians again will walk away from this place because someone droning on about who/what they don't know will feel right ''brave'' in attacking Christians.. and scared to defend them or speak on behalf of any of them (us) When we hear of some supposed Christians (here) saying "Oh, I'M a Christian but I 'hate' Christians.." How dumb is that? They brag about hating and they think they are Christians?! So WHY would we want to share our thoughts our hurts our feelings much less poems with anyone here? Unless it lines up with how ''you'' think(pretty much FACT here..) And because Christ is THAT much a part of our lives that He's going to come out in our words of hope and encouragement and some times sadness or displeasure..or dismay..or happiness or poems or prayers..or scriptures.. So, again let_us_be_real There's nothing gutsy or unique or special about ragging on Christians in a place like this..(A secular form with mostly non Christians or weak ones in hiding)Few real sincere ones who can speak freely or with comfort.. Why don't you all admit the sad (for you) truth? You really don't want any of us around or will try your best to see that hope come true How sad and lost and ignorant of all the truths-are such ones Now go spew forth..more 'tolerant' secular humanist rhetoric about why you 'cant stand Christians'blahblahblah We don't much appreciate hypocrits either..(sorry,again,but true) And all of the above is why "I" left.. And am somewhat turned off being here. It's a shame.. We can't be who we are here I highly doubt we can.. In any full way.. You guys can though.. So. let_us_be_real
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e-mail me for a copy of the manual.
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if only I had God's email address. I'd probably send him some funny jokes, even if he's already heard them.
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shall we take ourselves seriously?
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no maybe
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I sort of resented being lumped into the group that wants the Christians to leave simply because I am one of the "current participants." I'm pantheist, and for the record I like Christians, Jews, Moslems, Hindus and Atheists the same. Religion's just fine with me. (see also: psalm_of_wonder )I'd just rather not see you bitching at one another about it. You are capable of and deserving of better.
what's it to you?