i'd sneak in and leave notes i'd drive by i'd call and hang up i was simply a girl in love little girls simply fall in love
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NONsense. I stalk. my friend winter claims she "observes" *cough*stalker!*cough*
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watching him from far way observing the way the sun glinted in his well-spiked hair the tiny nervous flicks of his wrist with the long fingers, swollen joints, that sat on top the slant of his eyes always made me wonder the secrets locked in his genetic mystery i taped the foil to the inside of my assignment book he told me i wasn't stupid that i had just had a bad day and i couldn't help but think how much better my day had become blushed i sat and watched him from far away mailed him letters still think about him every once and again
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i am your number one primo stalker.
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i wish someone would stalk me
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hehe *meow* target at twelve o clock, girls!
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constance briefly
it's not stalking if they're gonna marry you
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yes, yes they do...
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ok, there was this girl 2 years ago, in 7'th grade, her name was mariam, it was scary, in pe she just walked up and started talking to me and she was like "ok, ooh, wow, you're really cool (heeheehee!) and um, so uh, are you going out with anybody?" i said no then she said...... "GOOD! BECAUSE YOU'RE MINE!" at that point i became a little frightened the next week she died her hair black and dressed all gothy because apparently, she wanted to be just like me or something, *note* i was not a goth. may i just interrupt myself here and say, she was crazy ok, over the next week or so she went around questioning all my friends (i have no idea how she found out who all of them were) saying, do you like alex? no? GOOD! BECAUSE HE'S MINE! needless to say, when i heard this, i became very frightened indeed! then about a week after, every time she looked at my, she burst into tears and ran away, then one day she came up behind me and just hit me on the back of the head for no apparent reason and was all like "you shouldn't play with people emotions like that! i loved you! and then i found out about miss slutty slut!" at this point, i was very confused, as i was in no way related to any "miss slutty slut" she continued on about how i somehow ruined her life and she was so depressed and she would yell after me "bastard!" and i would turn around and she would start crying and i was like "uhhh, ok, this is a little weird, i don't even KNOW YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then my favorite part of this story, we were doing a dance unit in PE, and OF COURSE we had to get partners and OF COURSE i got partnered up with her, she looked at me, i looked back, can you guess what happened next? SHE BURST INTO TEARS! i was like, "get a grip!" she ran out screaming "NO! DON'T MAKE ME TOUCH HIM! NO! I WON'T DO IT! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" it was very strange especially when everybody in the gym turned around and looked at me, she got homeschooled after that, she came back to the school to visit for the day or whatever and i guess she got over me.... oh yeah, except for whenever she noticed that i was looking at her! oh man, she was one crazy *%*&^($& and by the way silentbob, you do NOT want a stalker.
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The woman i based the Zoe character in my B_T_E chapters could have qualified as a stalker, except that i generally didn't mind
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i've stalked before. someone famous. i told his agent that i went to high school with him and the hotel number i was staying at and he called me there later and was like, "i went to high school with you?" ummm...no....
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Whether girls stalk or not is debateable. Guys are shallow. They like to lead girls on to feel wanted, to feel "manly". Usually, they will end up either being with the obsessed girl forever or ignoring her just out of spite. To hurt her and make her feel pain, possibly for the rest of her life. Does he still love her? Not even he may know. But it's quite obvious how she feels.
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not important
A pretty tenor in the ninth grade. It was bad.
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red headed boys are my weakness. i was just devoted to him.
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oh yes they do not an enjoyable experience no matter how fine she may be ...
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i wish someone would stalk me someone who i really wanted anyway instead they just laugh i hate that
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Not true. Absolutely not true. There was this girl at the starting of the year, and she saw me playing in the jazz band at the pep rally, and she was like "who's that guy?" And then she writes me this note. Some of my other buddies who knew her from junior high said "no way, avoid her dude!" And they were right. Bradon pointed her out to me in a crowd of people in the hallway, and I was like "okay, I see what you mean now." She forgot about me after about 2 weeks, and then she started stalking this other guy, who I also know! Jeez, what a loser! Now she's in my fucking CALM class, and she sits right in front of me. She is fucking annoying! I wish I had never been stalked!...
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hee hee ferret dat was a funny story... *bursts into tears and runs off screaming* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! hahahahahahhahah
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Oh, and I also read your story, Ferret. That is friggin' creepy, man.
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Lila Pause
Never seen play_misty_for_me ?
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we dont stalk... we just pay very close attention
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yeah, poor Ferret! gawd. some people, like that stalker girl, have a more vivid fantasy life and have to bring that over to other people's reality. I've been stalked twice. Creepy. Not bad if its a small person that at least you can pick up and throw aside if push comes to way too close but.. yeeeuch. some people who are really really desperately lonely "do nothing" and say nothing out of line exactly but can send a creep out message like sonar. They look too long, stand a micron too close, too long, laugh and talk a wee bit too loud, try too hard to impress, to pump you for information, divulge too much too fast unreciprocated, give gifts, give attention without giving the other time to catch their breath not to mention their drift. force it, in other words. care too much. care happens slowly. can't be rushed as much as you want reciprocation now. I've been so lovesick that it's taken a lot of energy not just to swing to catch a glimpse, pinch teh boundaries of personal space. I've held off tho. But offtopic, a man in my neighbourhood got charged for sexual assault because he kept saying hello and not backing off, then tried giving chocolates and flowers to this stranger saying I like you. He's retired, cruised the neighbourhood on his bike for people he knew, tended to request hugs of familiar faces. he's a stone wall of a man but maybe not stacked as firmly on the top. Lastly, he pushed her over the edge (into fully freaked), said (apparently) "breasts, nice" and kissed her on the lips in the elevator. Then she got her boyfriend to stalk *him*, found out where he lived and had the police waiting at his door when he next came home. The man is not violent, wouldn't have forced her in any way he considered serious. He's just really poor at reading body language of disinterest, reads too much into casual poltiteness. Has too much wishful thinking or fantasy. has Asperger's maybe. a little slow thinking maybe. but now he's up on charges. is he teachable? this isn't the way to stave off loneliness. he's got to join a club or something. Or convince his wife to talk with him. don't know what his solution is.
what's it to you?