Toxic_Kisses I hope today turns out better than you ever imagined! 011014
DannyH Many Happy Returns. I got you a present. Its a gun that shoots alternating bullets of fog and fire. 011014
kingsuperspecial wow. they still let you have birthdays? I didn't get you anything, but I promise to think nice things about you. 011014
yummyC so very many libras...
have a fun day
unhinged too very many libras if you ask me ;)

hope you didn't do the same stupid stuff for your birthday i did a few days ago. hehe
nocturnal HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAFFY!!!!!

looks like it's about time to start looking at a few brochures for "resting" homes. I hope your family sets you up in a real nice one.
Dafremen Well I thank the three of you very much. I spent my bithday in exactly the way I had I hoped I would.

It started with my inviting my daighter's boyfriend to come down for a visit, then his Dad and I went out and we deicded WTF? So we blew 20 bucks on racing and shooting games then grabbed a couple of Garcia's Pizzas and took em back to feed the family.

Then that same night, we took the two of them to the movies and dropped them off there. Then when we came to pick them up, the missus and I decided WE wanted to see Corky Romano too, I'm a sucker for terrible jokes. So the two of them went to see Iron Monkey while we saw Corky Romano. The little woman enjoyed the evening and that of course made me very happy, seeing my daughter and her boyfriend happy made the evening for me too. It was worth the 60 bux worth of my B-Day funny money to see them spend some time together again. (He lives about 280 miles away.) They're both great people. Soze the wife. They all deserved a great day. Then I took some more of my B-Day Spendin Cash and bought a gold pendant for my oldest that sez Daddy's Little Girl. (She jeeps telling her mom that she's always wanted one.) THis time I paid like 10 bucks too much for it..and I let it slide...cuz I figured that what the hey...let the guy make a little cash of the never-sucker just one day a year, he looks like he could use a sandwich at Steak Escape.

Then of course I had to be fair, so I bought a silver necklace for the my middle one that the word ANGEL in raised letters on a smooth italian design. I liked it...so did she.

For my youngest, something gawdy and glittery with a touch of pink sparklies and the faux silver finish, which she likes just as much as the real deal, and since the real deal doesn't come with sparkley pink n rain bow glitteries....this one's better. Or so it seemed when I put it around her neck.

The missus? Of course, she got a silver necklace and the traditional "gift from the clo0less" (a small silver shovel that sez "I really dig you baby.") Gotta love a gift with no class given with a lot of love. Tells a lot about the receiver how it's accepted. She adored it, is it any wonder that I adore her as much as I do?

Then I spent the night doing exactly what I've anted to do for four weeks now:
Teach this Australian no0bie guy how to play Q2. So I was up from 3AM to 8AM on my birthday, teaching him Quake2 Kung Fu.

I enjoyed that very much. Another birthday wish come true. I took 150 dollars of my birthday nest-egg o' selfindulgence and set it aside for my boy and I to go to the mall. He knew what he wanted, a ten dollar used N64 game. I was gunna maybe take him to the arcade and wherever and maybe have enough left over for 2 or 3 CDs to cap off a perfect Birthday...Day : )

We got to the store and he found a game with voice recognition called "Hey You Pikachu!" and it was 39.99.

So after we decided between the 39.99 Pikachu and the 39.99 Spiderman game(Pikachu...close contest though) we stopped at Sam Goody's and I picked up ONE cd. (It was TOUGH to choose to. I wanted Vital Idol and Tracy Chapman and Alanis Morisette and a New FYC album and you know...I just ended up finally adding Cypress Hill's Black Sunday back into the collection.

THat made me pretty damned happy too. I took the rest of my funny money and gave it to the missus and told her to go spend it any way she liked...but to spend it on HER. Because THAT is what I want for my birthday.

I'm drinking a beer, (just one...or two) haven't been to sleep yet, don't want to...don't wanna wake up and go to my cubicle again. Wanna stay up and enjoy the happy people with their pendants, Popcorn, Pikachus, Palas, Preposterous Prices, Peter Parkers, Pissed Posses of Pochi Putos Preachin Pot N Pistols, Padres, Pheromonally Possessed Post Pubescent Parental Patience Pushers, People and Puters...no go sleep...no sleep...no zzzzzzz..must proofre..zzzz
Norm Happy birthday dude. you get my respect and admiration wrapped in a pretty bow. 011014
lost yeah happy b-day. thanks for all the advice. 011014
Dafremen Thanks Noc. I hope you end up with a career in nursing care just so you can clean my bedppans and change my colostomy bag.

Thanks to you all. It was the best birthday I've had in 33 years.
Dafremen Update...today is Spiderman day. My son changed his mind. (WooHoo!!!!) I still can't stand my job...anyone got a position available that doesn't involve sex? (No Clinton-esque definitions for what DOESN'T involve sex pleEz pEeple!) 011017
Aimee Daffy!!!!! I am soooooooo sorry I missed your birthday... I was unable to get to a computer! I am so sorry sweetie!!! but anywho Happy Birthday!!! *hugs 'n' kisses* 011017
kss cripes - did our little blue rock do another lap around the sun? you'd think it would get tired, but suppose I should be thinking of the billion year picture, and not be concerned.

Anyway, good to see you're still as obnoxios/poignant as ever. Here's wishing you another 365 good ones.
Dafremen Heheh thanks do0d. You're just as entertaining as ever. I'm so glad you decided to stick around. Things would be boring without you. You're the master weed gardener and THAT, as I think you know, is a complient.

Feel free to tear apart my birthday song. It's just brimming over with corny positivity. : )

see also:
unhinged it WAS boring around here without him

happy birthday daf. i just hit the big 2-1 a few days ago and have been taking direct advantage of doing 'legal' drugs ever since. blah. i feel like it's time for some yearly introspection, but too many things are still in my face. i hope your change of scenery is doing you well.
Dafremen Oh..I've been doing some introspection of my own, do0d. (Let me put it this way, I'm back baaaabey. Let the no0bz beware.) : )
See also:
Happy birthday though do0d, sorry I missed it. As you know my internet connect has been a cybercafe and my visits have been infrequent until lately. I'll make it up to you with some scathing sh*t for a change, K? Hope you get all the beer your belly hopes for and more. You deserve a little peace and tranquility in your life. I've been doobage free (of my own free will no less) for a month now. I can finally pass a piss test for the first time since I got out of the military. Yee Haw!

DT - Naww...I've been disappointing lately and I know it. (Yea the philosophy stuff was deep, but was it entertaining?) I promise to do better this year. Justa like-a Mama use-ta write. Thanks for the birthday wishes..I'll try to be worthy of them this year. (A little old-style sarcasm is just what the doctor ordered...dontcha think?)
dafremen see also:

Doar Happy B-Day you shameless_self_promoter

epitome of incomprehensibility Happy Birthday Daf!

I felt like I was snooping, but I read your 011014 entry and thought it was cool you got other people gifts on your birthday.

I was in grade 4 or so when Nintendo 64 was NEW and therefore TOTALLY AWESOME (yay 90s). But I'm glad I didn't get into gaming if the prices were $40 for used games in '01. Yeesh. Although I've played some nostalgic MarioKart with friends, etc.
what's it to you?
who go