introspection comes when the sun begins to set and the world descends to slumber 980819
futility Introspection is my crutch. I use it as a way to escape from reality, as justification for the things I want or don't want to do, and a way to interpret things that I ought to leave alone. 010519
god my car wouldn't pass introspection 030529
l introspection is the curse to any and all relationships. so go to the sea... 041023
bob the noun derived from verb introspect 041023
BnB It's one of the greatest abilities that we have. The ability to view our thoughts and feelings while they are still forming. I tend to do it a lot. 090214
u24 there's a lot more demons down here than there used to be. I wonder if they're sleeping as soundly as I hope. 200529
unhinged mahamudra

can see every tear
there she is
born from them
to hold the suffering
and take us beyond fear

i supplicate her
Reinhart Working the mind, walking the empty streets, listening to the rain, fighting the aching loneliness that sometimes comes with solitary travel to distant lands. 220523
what's it to you?
who go