Happy birthday to me I've passed thirty three I've met younger monkeys That looked just like me It's my birthday my love My sweet turtle-dove They've all been much sweeter With the stuff your made of It's my birthday dear kids Do you see what I did? I've pulled one more year from The box where they're hid It's my birthday, my friends Time to add one again I haven't subtracted Since I don't know when Happy birthday it's true No time to be blue If I hadn't a penny I'd be happy too Happy birthday to me Goodbye thirty-three Hello thirty-four You're coming with me.
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happy birthday, daffy dear your thoughts make me cheer. I wish I was nearby, so I could buy you a beer.
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happy bday redundant guy! 2 maybe 3 out of 100 things you say are really stimulating, even enlightening. go daf! (not a song. sing it!)
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All my love
happy birthday daffy-roo! I hope it's a good one.... Aimee
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Thanks for the birthday wishes all. I hope that there remain some of you out there who will continue to see through the games to this regular do0d with a big heart and a twisted sense of humor. My birthday was pretty uneventful, but it WAS a birthday and so I took it easy most of the day. Decided to change things up a bit, because I was starting to get stuck in a rut and since the main reason I come to blather is to keep the mental machinery oiled, all of the philosophizing was pretty much becoming..as paste so accurately put it...REDUNDANT. There is a time and a place for mind games and blather just happens to be both. Those of you who have figured me out know how much I enjoy a good intellectual fist fight for it's own sake, because of the ideas that they produce and the stimulation that they provide to the mind. The challenges when one appears to be painted into a corner, and the thrill when one gets out. It's more though. There is a certain thrill to having the mob at your back and the critics popping out of the woodwork, having finally been given their opportunity to point and say "see I told you so! That guys an asshole." There is a certain thrill to being faced by the blind hate of the mobs and I'm afraid 20 on 1 is a fight I have been too long missing. If any of you actually LIKED the change in my style over the past year, I apologize for the spectacle that I'm creating, but hey...this IS about our individual entertainments as far as I'm concerned, and I've gone too long without being REALLY entertained. Thanks for understanding, sorry if you don't. In either event, thanks for the birthday wishes. Best to you all. : )Daf
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stork daddy
if you like a fight so much. just fight. nothing worse than someone who qualifies it first. sure it's a tactic. but it's a weak one which diminishes the amount of mental acuity involved. and happy birthday.
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maybe a little late, but hey! happy birthday! i like your song and i like you
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No, stork daddy. It´s not that simple. You see, what I would REALLY like is a stimulating conversation. Got any to spare? I´m about to right a brief (heheh we're talking about me...how brief can it be?) description...for you. I don't know a truly intelligent individual who likes a flame war, unless it's the only engaging alternative. More at the scene of the grime..er crime. See you there. Thanks krimilda, it´s a rare treat to hear that and I thank you. : )
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stork daddy
there are easier ways to ask for a stimulating conversation. you never asked me. i guess people shouldn't think you're picking a fight. i guess i'll have to rewatch my westerns, but i don't recall the one where the guy says...dem's fightin words...and then another guy says...nah...he's just trying to rile you into a philosophical interchange symbolized by a gunfight in which one man blocks out the sun and another kicks up dust. so sorry if i took your picking fights as an example of you wanting to fight. whether it's because you find them interesting or not, it's still going to be the logical result you engender. and happy birthday again, in case i forget next year.
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fuckwad fuckwad fuckwad ass entropy calliope protagonist exascerbate protein planarian fuckwad exoskeleton eggnog enema
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Wow you really are harboring a deep resentment there, huh Lord? Or was that just Creation? Either way, thanks for the birthday wishes! : )
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Man On The Corner by Genesis Sadly this song made me think of you, I hope life is treating you well and that you've found what your looking for my friend.
what's it to you?