trentona Hey gues, I think that your whole relationship is beautiful.
The way it sarted seems so intersting to me!

I mean - photophobe not admitting he liked you for ages, and then finally giving in! I guess he must have been all messed up about josie or something.

s kinda difficultto tell -is there some way to tell what time/date these things were posted... becuase I'm not sure of what sorta times we're looking at...,

And you're crazy lust for him blown_cherry.

You ssem to be sex-crazed abot him, yeah?

So, like, whens the wedding?
blown cherry I'm not entirely sure whether you're taking the piss here or not trentona, but anyways...

the dates are written on the right they're just a bit warped yy/mm/dd

And just out of interest (my own at least) it's just over a year since the first kiss.

Happiness was a long time coming.
when you live in the dark for so long,
it makes the sunlight so much brighter.

And no, no wedding plans at the tender age of 23. Been there, done the whole 'engaged' thing, better off waiting til later. That's my godmothers advice anyway.

Ummm, and sex crazed??
Hmmm, errr, ahhhh, ssshhhhh, mmmmmm,
no comment ;)
(but of course there's more to it than just that, a whole fucking lot more)

Funny to see a blather about this,
but I guess blather is a funny place.
Perspective_Of_Soul Sitting there with thoughts of others must be a hectic thing.Sympathy can only get a person so far.Doubts about sanity mixing with the fiery headed demon that has been embraced sounds like living in a place that has bounderies, endless tall fences.
You find yourself in love, but now you cannot get out of it.Even tho it does not want you anymore.Perhaps it enjoys taking pleasure from you for a few minutes now and then.And you think it still wants you there?
Taking from others, whether it be time, dignity or whatever to make yourself feel better about your downfalls shall not work.
You find its creativity a joy.
You find its 'deep and meaningful' a component of the device you think wants you in return, to appreciate your similar thoughts and feelings.
But every now and then, you shall hit a reality so far behind what you now believe that your mind shall break due to the lies you tell.
You have been kicked around when you were young.You found a passion you could exploit since you cannot exist without the facades you have.
Your mask is on show, a different one for each occasion i am sure, but never shall you escape the one thing that remains the most true and dark of all.
Photofused ....ok?

I'm sorry, but I kinda missed that POS. Is that adressed at either of us, or was it just an aside? If it was adressed at us, could you clarify it a little?
Perspective_Of_Soul Am i not allowed to write what i want without having to explain it ?
It does not look that complicated to me.
But anyway, i am not writing about you Mr Photo.
Photophobe Burning I was just confused about your post, which is under my name as well as hers - if it was just to her, then why not post under blown_cherry?

I'm just a simple boy, and don't understand the complex delusions you seem to have about her.
blown cherry So one is left assuming that your words are aimed at me?
Or was this simply a random brain dump that just happened to occur by some strange cooincidence on a page aimed at your close friend's ex-beau and his new girlfirend?

Running with the theory that perhaps it was aimed at me, then my simple reply is the same as PhotoP's original response; please clarify.
It would be interesting to know what you can so easily assume about someone you've never met, 'knowledge' you must presumably be gathering either 3rd hand or else from this blue house of mirrors.
josie Leave me out of this. I have nothing to do with this Cheryl. Perspective_Of_Soul happens to be one of the finest souls i know outside this frail little blather world. You can leave me the fuck outta this. 020828
Perspective_Of_Soul Well, this is amusing.
Photo, do not say you are a 'simple boy' for it is obvious from your writings that you are indeed very far from that.You express a clarity that is more than likely far beyond my own.
Cherry, i like your writings too, i do not think there is a need to bring any '3rd' party into this, do you ? Your knowledge of who you think i am does not bother me, therefore why would my ramblings make you so curious ?
This is a place where writings take there own shape and form, where it takes us nobody should care for it is the journey that is important.
Freedom is expressed here with the freedom to do just that, writing about whatever you like, wherever you like is what it is all about.
If what i say is wrong, then so be it.Without all the wrong things in this world one could not possibly be right.
So, why don't you both just Blather.
blown cherry I didn't mean to implicate that you had any part or any agenda imbeded in POS's blathe above, and I'm sorry if you took it that way. And I'm not doubting POS's intelligence or depth, on the contrary, I find that many people on blather, yourself and POS included, are thoughful, and thought-provoking people with their own few words of value to add to this wilderness.
So I do apologise if I've angered you,
I truly didn't mean to, I think there's already enough weirdness going on between two people who haven't even met without adding to it with poorly written blathes.

I only want to know what some person I've never met and have some vague 4th degree connection with is trying to say about me, because I don't believe that he has adequate knowledge of me to be saying very much at all.
blown cherry POS:
Of course you may blather what and where you will, but if you continue to blather seemingly 'at' people and seemingly abou them, you're going to run into questions.
I really would like to know what you meant, but if you don't intend for me, or anyone for that matter, to fully understand your words, then that's your perogative, and I suppose my slight dissappointment.
Perspective_Of_Soul Do not try and appeal to any thoughts you may have that my disappointing you would disappoint me in the slightest.
I need not explain that which is in plain english to one who can obviously read and write it very well indeed.
Running into questions due to things i write is my downfall perhaps.I have a habit of writing for myself and need not have it understood by another in order to feel that what i have written has accomplished what i wanted it to.
To me, what i wrote was full of answers and not questions.The depth of a person cannot be written up by me and nor would i ever try to.For this, we should all be thankful.
blown cherry I said 'slight', I ain't weepin' no buckets here.

I hate it when blathes go off track.
This conversation may have had a better forum someplace else.
Whether trentona was being sincere up the top or not, I doubt this was the expected direction of this page.
Anyway, blather follows the will of no human, or being from a distant planet either.
Perspective_Of_Soul Blathes getting 'off track' as you said are not a bad thing at all.The intended path somebody wishes to make are almost always destined to become something else for we all follow the free will we have within.Creating your own path is the key to something unique and not something tied to the guidelines that may or may not lie before you.
But by all means, make a new topic.I shall be glad to Blather there.
light bulb perspective of soul= softly spoken= josie= fuckoveroncetoooften, ok? so without any further personas let's end this shit, please. 020903
josie well you wanna hear the truth?
i'm perspective of soul, blown cherry, josie and photophobe and cheryl and tildan and blake, blown cherry and blossum and fuck me up again so often and gelfling and jo-mamma.
you were right.
i'm one big fucking schizophrenic fuck.

Game over.
light bulb does this mean you shut up and leave now? 020903
Photophobe lightglobe please 020903
what's it to you?
who go