jennifer try to remember the kind of September
when life was slow and oh so mellow
try to remember the kind of September
when grass was green and grain was yellow
try to remember the kind of September
when you were a tender and callow fellow
try to remember and if you remember
then follow...

try to remember when life was so tender
that no one wept except the willow
try to remember when life was so tender
that dreams were kept beside your pillow
try to remember when life was so tender
that love was an ember about to billow
try to remember and if you remember
then follow...

Deep in December it's nice to remember
although you know the snow will follow
Deep in December it's nice to remember
without a hurt the heart is hollow
Deep in December it's nice to remember
the fire of September that made us mellow
Deep in December our heart's should remember
and follow.
silentbob aww man 000703
whirligirl ...
Brad my burf monf 000703
filia Inu-Yasha #7 sept 22 '00!!!! Ureshii~! 000907
kitten on drugs my birthday is in if anyone cares 001121
Barrett 14/1974, it was a Saturday. 001121
kitten on drugs 20/ was raining that day 001121
datura i was born on the first day of fall.
mabon. they call it in wicca.
i like that i have my own holiday.
when i was in the hospital there was another girl born in september. she called it her month too. our month really. we were roommates.
she was taken away the day i left.
sometimes i wonder what happened to her.
Rhin September 5, 1999
03:13:10 A.M.
kuuntakenta(whatever)goddammit I hate setember god dammit!!scool always stated then god dammit. Ejimication is for honkies 001202
honkey mofo yes, it's for me! 001202
iron sausage what happened then, rhin? 001202
Rhin Iron Sausage,
My husband (33 years young), lost his battle with Testicular Cancer.
sausage i'm very sorry to hear that. 001202
me its starting to look like i'll never enjoy the month of my birthday. Can I change it? 011102
CheapVodka my birthday is also in September...

I thought no one's was in September but mine for a while...
I guess I was wrong... it makes me feel all warm and tingly... like...

Fresh baked cookies from the oven or a warm mug of cocoa by the fire on a cold winter's day. Jack Frost nibbling at my nose..

wait...what was i talking about?

Oh..September.. My birthday is in that month, did I already say that?

miderspunkey feels like august. 011207
kitten on drugs i'm going to get married on my birthday...some september 20th, years down the road 020101
unhinged is my sex month

i only have sex in the month of september...wanted or unwanted...only in september
Qazual Wedged between an August and an October... what the f*ck is an August?
The fifth-teenth day of the ninteenth hundred and eighty-first year of our Lord...
tourist New Christie Minstrals
Right jennifer?
I'd Forgtten all about that song.
shadesofgrey my birthday is september 27th! 020721
Arwyn it's sneaking up on me so quickly and I don't know what to do for him. What should I get him? oh gracious, what to do! 020721
Sailor Jupiter My birthday is September 17th 1982. Funny kitten, it was raining that day too. =)
September is one of my favorite months.
Qazual Designed to be the best month... Virgo's designed to be the best people

Want to meet someone who shares the same - 0915
string september_shadows
painted marbles The Smell of September

As I stand outside and smell the sweet September air,
Hot tears stream down my face.
A harsh wind violently stabs at me,
Yet I dread to leave this place.
The memories of years ago begin to invade my head,
I feel regret, anger, and pain.
The wind blows stronger now,
I begin to feel the rain.
This rain is like a shower to wash away the sadness,
Yet the smell of September stays.
I feel I will never escape this sorrow,
It surrounds me in a haze...

But then October comes.
painted marbles september never stays this cold where i come from, and you know, im not one for complaining, but i love the way you roll excuses off the tip of your tongue as i'd slowly fall apart. this wont mean a thing come tomorrow, and thats exactly how ill make it seem. cuz im still not sleeping, thinking ive gone home from worse than this. so please, please, im running out of sympathy, i never said id take this, i never said id take this lying down. she says come on, come on, lets just get this overwith. she says come on come on, lets just get this always come close, but this never comes easy. i still know everything, i still know. i never said id take this lying down. if its not keeping you up nights, then whats the point? 030223
Angie my birthday is september 30. 030605
micky jo my brother died in september, the ninth actually, five years before september 11 was a day of national tradgey
i still mourn more on the ninth
pobodys nerfect Just seeing the word reminds me of kids returning to school,MacIntosh apples,
leaves turning those beautiful colours (and the wonderful crunch sound they make later on),the fresh-smelling slightly chilly air...such a nice time of the year. :)
september sweet september awaiting your embrace counting the hands of my soul tick tocking away until sweet sweet september 040221
andrew Means everything you thought was vanquished rises and fights again.
total bummer.
pete i love september. 050918
pete i didn't need reminding, but that i'm sitting here singing to song after song, shaking slightly all over and smiling really puts down that september is the best month ever.. with october as a close second!

as silly as it is, i look forward to talking to the various girls who i talk to at times like this, for the silly reasons that put me back in my teenage years, which i left mere days ago.
Piso Mojado crisp air and new beginnings 050925
concha the month of travellers and travelling, protected and watched over by hermes.

a small gift- preferably wine or sweets- left at your first crossroad is highly recommended.
past between the cool fall breezes and the warm late summer sun campus is full of the young and the excited. lying in the parks, leaning against trees, sitting snug on the sporadic benches, as the world prepares for another long winter they are enjoying her last glimmering days with a vigourous hope, offering snug promises of renewal as the leaves turn and fall. amid the awkward first-meetings and joyous autumnal reunions furtive glances and secreted smiles are exchanged; on days like today everyone is a stranger, but everyone is a possible friend, liaison, partner. even those long familiar with the rhythms and rules of this place seem to open up, allow the unfamiliar in to their life, if for only a moment. if nothing else, the first few weeks of school are marked by a welcoming of the new, and restored chances for the worn and old. 080918
unhinged when the sadness becomes unbearably oppressive
the time for new_ink
auburn past. This is my favourite thing you've ever written. At this point in time. 080921
niecespieces it seems each september something big happens without me realizing it.

somthing always ends
I always grow
in ways that I don't want to

I always feel this impending doom... that is definatly coming.
some horrific fear where I know things won't work out or be happy

thats why september is my favorite time of the year...
what's it to you?
who go